WebRTC Multimedia in www Ján Murányi, Ivan Kotuliak
WebRTC What is it? –Protocol suite and API for use in realtime communication on the Web It is based on –JavaScript –CSS –WebSocket –HTML5
WebRTC Real Time Communication brought to browsers –Signaling is independent of the implementation –Media are handled by browsers Standardized by IETF and W3C
WebRTC trapezoid
WebRTC ShowCase Proof of concept platform –Build to demonstrate the possibilities of WebRTC Built on –Node.JS Socket.IO Express –Asterisk –JSSIP
WebRTC ShowCase - Architecture
WebRTC ShowCase Implementation challenges –SRTP Mandatory to implement –ICE Mandatory to implement TURN servers –Websockets Own signaling protocol SIP over Websockets –Interconnection to PSTN Asterisk
WebRTC ShowCase Use cases –Anonymous calls to user –User to user calls –User to PSTN calls –PSTN to user calls Endpoints –Google Chrome stable 23+ PC OS X Linux –Google Chrome beta for Android
WebRTC ShowCase
Show time … Ján Murányi, STU Bratislava