Interactive Notebook AP Biology - Zeiher
What are Interactive Notebooks? Known as IANS A student note taking process to record information in a personal and meaningful way A thinking tool
The Payoff… It’s a way to organize work Teaches students how to process information (critical thinking skills) Helps to distinguish between what the student knows and what they still need to focus on
….And Encourages students to make their own meaningful connections Appeals to multiple learning needs Enables students to be creative, independent thinkers and writers (even when they don’t know it)
Interactive Notebooks… Can be in pencil, colored pencils, pen, markers…. Are personal and unique to each student Allows students to doodle or draw in their notebook and still be on task
In an Interactive Notebook, Key ideas are underlined in color or highlighted Arrows are used to show relationships between graphics and notes Diagrams, sketches, cartoons, charts, graphic organizer- can be included to help you remember
The Notebook Cover Should reflect who the student is At home take some time to decorate the cover that tells me something about you Student’s name should be on the back cover too Must be creative
Ian Set -Up Each IAN is set up the same Each IAN has a left side explanation sheet and a right side explanation sheet for the 1 st 2 pages. Then each IAN has a Table of Contents (First 6 pages) At the back of each IAN you will have a IAN Rubric and an IAN score sheet
Table of Contents Save 1 to 6 pages for TOC These are the organizing pages The TOC can be as detailed as you want It is an outline of the IAN and should be filled in as you go Your page will be divided in half-vertically (down). Number horizontally (across)
So What’s Next?! Teacher supplied notes will go on the right side include screencasts, reading notes, and student worksheets. Think about the right as TEACHER INPUT On the left side will be drawings, concept maps, cartoons, opinions, “what-if questions, reflections, data and graphs,vocabulary squares. Think about the left as STUDENT OUTPUT (How you are processing the info)
Page Organization Topic/Title at top of the Page Do not turn pages to continue notes The key to the IAN is one page per assignment Add pages to bottom of each page to extend the page and continue notes in sequence
Notebooks should be Neat and Organized Pages are never torn out Must be kept neat because they will serve as a study guide for the AP Test
Notes on Right Side from Screencast or Readings Use Cornell notes – why switch? Feared that students were not learning much by filling in the blanks Research shows that note taking helps students remember what is said Writing has been shown to be a great tool for learning
Cornell Note Format Topic: __________________________________ Date: _____/_____/______ Period: ______________ Questions/Main Ideas: __________________________________ __________________________________ Notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Topic Title Questions developed from notes Date Notes from screencast or reading
Questions created on Notes Three levels Level 1 – Gathering information Questions start with define, Identify, describe, list Level 2-Processing Questions start with compare, contrast, classify, analyze, distinguish, explain Level 3-Applying Questions start with predict, speculate, evaluate, hypothesize
Question should also reflect Info you don’t understand or want to discuss with your instructor Info you think would be a good on an essay test Gaps in your notes
Got It? All information that can be tested should be found in your IAN If the student misses an item on a test or a quiz, they can locate that info in their IAN and mark that page for review (or add info that was missing) The IAN should be the only study guide you will need in preparation for AP Test
How is the Notebook graded? IANS will graded weekly on Friday Evaluation- teacher and student IANS primarily peer graded The notebooks will be randomly distributed for peer grading Instructor will spot check
IAN Assignment-Sept 11 Watch Thermodynamics screencast and create Cornell notes on the screencast Due Friday Sept 13