Tonino Filipović Principal Consultant Microsoft Corporation
Enterprise Pool or Standard Edition Centralized or Decentralized Edge or VPN for external access Firewall design SBA or gateway SIP trunk vs. existing PBX vs. gateway QoS vs. CAC
Business requirements Workloads (Voice/No voice) SLAs (HA vs. DR vs. Voice Resiliency) External Access? Acquisitions/Mergers Existing environment Network Topology # of users? Existing Lync/OCS environment? Existing PBX?
SLOs 99.9xx? dependencies? HA for all workloads or just for Voice? Example with over-architecting HA vs. DR vs. Voice Resiliency Workloads (Voice/No voice) Lync Online vs. On-premise vs. Hybrid External Access? Edge vs. VPN Acquisitions/Mergers Shared SIP domain not supported (except Lync Online)
Network Topology # of central locations, sites/branches centralized vs. decentralized Lync deployment WAN links – redundant/non-redundant SBA vs. SIP/PSTN gateway # of users > calls for Enterprise pool Existing PBX Gateway vs. Direct SIP Existing Lync/OCS environment Greenfield vs. Migration # of servers Migration plan
Source PortDestination Port TCP 50,000-59,999TCP 443 UDP 3478 AnyTCP 443 AnyUDP 3478 Source IPDestination IP A/V Edge service interfaceAny A/V Edge service interfaceAny A/V Edge service interface AnyA/V Edge service interface
At minimum backup: Lync Configuration Export-CsConfiguration Export-CsLisConfiguration Export-CsRgsConfiguration User data Export-CsUserData File Share Restore single user data: Import-CsUserData -PoolFqdn “" -FileName "C:\Backup\„ -UserFilter More information about Lync backup is available at
All users not enabled for Lync: Get-CsAdUser -Filter {Enabled -ne $True} | Enable- CsUser –RegistrarPool RegistrarFQDN –SipAddressType SAMAccountName –SipDomain All users with specific office location Get-CsUser –ldapfilter “l=Mostar” | Enable-CsUser – RegistrarPool RegistrarFQDN –SipAddressType SAMAccountName –SipDomain
All users belonging to particular OU Get-CsAdUser -OU "ou=Finance,dc=contoso,dc=com„ | Enable- CsUser -RegistrarPool “" - SipAddressType SamAccountName -SipDomain
-Number normalization through Dial Plans -Lync expects numbers in E.164 format -Outbound and Inbound -Special scenarios -E.g. Contact Center application -Number manipulation through Trunk translation rules -Your PBX or telco provider usually expects numbers in different format
Site or User scope Normalize outgoing numbers
PSTNGateway: Pool scope Normalize incoming numbers to E.164 format
Outgoing calls to PBX