Home Base IIS Webinar: Building Your Item Bank Thursday, February 13, 2014 Presenter: Kayla Siler, DPI Policy and Planning Analyst
Agenda February 13 Welcome Assessment Admin Module in Schoolnet Access and Functionality What is in Item Central? Building Your Item Bank Overview of Item Creation using Multiple Item Types Saving and “Sharing” Items Submit for Review Questions
Assessment Admin
What is in Item Central? Classroom and Benchmark Items (Formerly in the ClassScape System) 3-8 ELA: 5453 English II: Math: Algebra I/Integrated I: Science: Science: 2297 Biology: 1635 Total: (development is ongoing) These items are split into a bank for teachers to use daily for classroom assessment purposes (Publisher = NCDPI_Classroom) and a bank that is secure at the district level for benchmark purposes (Publisher = NCDPI_Benchmark).
What else is in Item Central? Classroom (non-secure) Science and Social Studies Assessment Items [8,600+ items] NWEA Social Studies Items Grade 7: 43 Grade 8: 17 Global Geography: 131 World History: 524 American History I: 124 American History II: 517 Civics and Economics: 617 Total: 1973 NWEA Science Items Grade 3: 152 Grade 4: 633 Grade 5: 352 Grade 6: 1006 Grade 7: 880 Grade8: 659 Physical Science: 603 Biology: 1030 Chemistry: 596 Physics: 174 Earth and Environmental: 594 Science Total: 6679
How to expand Item Central More items in development to be added to NCDPI_Benchmark and NCDPI_Classroom spring of 2014 More items purchased to be added by July 2014 (almost 30,000 Math and ELA items in grades K-12) You can CREATE and ADD your own items to Item Central!
Building Your Item Bank
Item Types
Steps to Create Any Item
Demo of Creating Different Items
Submit to School
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