ACS Lite EconolitePerspective
Outline Development Experience Implementation Outlook
ACS Lite - Development Experience Involved from outset of project – bleeding edge Initial effort focused on architecture and ACS Lite Object development –Preliminary concept of working through Master was not practical due to high development costs and risk. USE of NTCIP and ACS Lite Objects allowed develop teams (Siemens ITS, ITT and Econolite) to work fairly independent of each other –Teams worked well together and open and frequent communications kept developers in the loop. –Initial lab integration with CORSIM went fairly well after all interfaces were understood. No major surprises during field integration
ACS Lite - Implementation Field Test – Gahanna, Ohio –CORSIM lab simulations and Gahanna field tests implemented with ASC/2S controllers. –Modified version of ASC/2S NTCIP 1B software. Modifications implemented support and functionality of required ACS Lite MIB objects. –NTCIP 1202 ASC Objects used by ACS Lite application that were not supported by ASC/2S were handled using ASC/2S MIB objects via ACS Lite API. –Additional detection required for phase utilization data as test intersections were semi-actuated.
ACS Lite - Implementation Communication Architecture –Standard interface maintained for Master (ASC/2M) to Local communications. Allows full functionality of existing closed loop system (Aries). –Separate NTCIP communication path to Local controller for ACS Lite application. Uses ASC/2S Port 2 in test site application. –Separate data rates and interfaces supported on the two communications paths (Gahanna used twisted pair at 1200 & 9600 bps). –User could disable ACS Lite remotely via closed loop system if problems found.
ASC/2S Local Controllers ASC/2M Master Aries Central System ACS Lite Application Full Duplex ECPIP 9600bps/FSK Full Duplex NTCIP 1200 bps/FSK RS 232 PSTN Internet
ACS Lite - Outlook Promising cost effective adaptive control system solution for small systems Good alternate to traditional Traffic Response control in closed loop systems –Typically easier to implement. –May require additional detection for phase utilization and flow profile. –Comparison with well timed Traffic Responsive system needs to be evaluated. Next generation Field Masters will support NTCIP so integration will be simplified –ACS Lite algorithms should be able to run on the same field processor as the Master giving user option of TOD, TR or Adaptive control –Single communications channel to locals
ACS Lite - Outlook Next Steps –Become familiar with software and algorithms after formal handoff by research team. –Port ACS Lite MIB to ASC/3. –Find early adopter opportunities for further field testing/experience and evaluation.