Motion 1 To approve the establishment of an APAN Custody account in Singapore with joint signatories from APAN and SingAREN. Terms of reference for this joint account will be circulated to Council for adoption. Proposer: DY Kim (APAN Treasurer) Seconder: JP Wu
Motion 2 To form a Legal Entity Task Force to look into the formation of an APAN legal entity and to recommendation to Council suitable approach to take. Proposer: L Wong Seconder: Sures
Motion 3 To amend clause 6.3(c) from: The Coordinating Committee comprises the APAN Chair, APAN Vice-Chairs, and APAN Treasurer. To The Coordinating Committee comprises the APAN Chair, APAN Vice-Chairs, APAN Treasurer and Immediate Past APAN Chair. Proposer: L Wong Seconder: Mark Cordy