ETRI Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute One-to-Many Video Delivery using Relayed Multicast Scheme Shin-Gak Kang, Juyoung Park Electronics & Telecommunications Research Institute January 28, th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop
2 Contents Background IP Multicast vs. Overlay Multicast RMCP General RMCP Components RMCP Mechanism RMCP Standardization RMCP Implementation RMCP Testing Demonstration One-to-Many Delivery of Realtime AV-contents using RMCP Summary
3 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop Background Is Multicast needed ? Although the Network BW is increased enormously, Multicast Function is still required for the Applications such as Internet Live Broadcasting, Network Game, and File Distribution for Large number of Users (Receivers) Solutions for Multicast Service IP Multicast is a good solution for many Applications, but it is not applicable to some Applications Various End-to-end Multicast Protocols over IP Multicast are developed, which are providing - Realtime Data Transport Services - Reliable Data Transport Services
4 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop Background Are the current Internet Environments ready to provide Multicast Service ? Most of Public Internets dont provide Multicast Services All Network Routers are not ready to provide IP Multicast Alternative Solutions for Multicast Service Overlay Multicast Scheme is developed for providing Multicast Service over the Public Internet Environment that doesnt support IP Multicast within network Overlay Multicast is called as an Application Multicast Overlay Multicast Service is provided in general by combination of Unicast Tunneling and IP Multicast There are no Standardized Overlay Multicast Protocols yet.
5 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop IP Multicast Router replicates incoming packets and forwards them to other multicast routers Most effective way in network bandwidth aspects
6 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop Overlay Multicast Constructs Overlay Multicast Data Delivery Tree among Group Members Intermediate Receiver can act as a Multicast Forwarder Data is delivered by Unicast Tunneling Mechanisms, hop-by-hop basis
7 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop RMCP General RMCP(Relayed MultiCast Protocol) is a proposed Solution for Overlay Multicast Functions of RMCP Provide Multicast Service over current Internet which doesnt provide IP Multicast Interconnect Multicast-enabled Networks and Unicast Networks Data Delivery Characteristics - Realtime data Transfer - Reliable data Transfer Multicast Service Types - One-to-Many Data Delivery - Many-to-Many Data Delivery
8 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop RMCP General RMCP is Multi-Party Specification RMCP-2 RMCP-3 RMCP-1 : Framework
9 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop RMCP General RMCP-1 : Framework Describe General Concept and Terminologies for Relayed Multicast Protocol Describe RMCP Scenarios for Various Applications Describe Overall structure of RMCP RMCP-2 : RMCP for One-to-Many Applications 1:N Tree Configuration and Management Mechanism Define Types and Formats of Control Messages Data Transport Mechanisms for 1:N Realtime Applications Data Transport Mechanisms for 1:N Reliable Applications RMCP-3 : RMCP for Many-to-Many Applications N:N Tree Configuration and Management Mechanism Define Types and Formats of Control Messages Data Transport Mechanisms for N:N Realtime Applications Data Transport Mechanisms for N:N Reliable Applications
10 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop RMCP Components Sender Source of Multicast Data Delivery Media Server will be a Sender for Contents Delivery Applications Receiver Destination of Multicast Data Media Player will be required in Receiver for Playing Contents delivered from the Sender Session Manager (SM) Manage overall RMCP Operations Multicast Agent (MA) Intermediate Data Transport Entity for Relaying Multicast Data Packets SMA : Sender side MA, which becomes Top Node of Overlay Multicast Tree
11 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop RMCP Components Applying RMCP to deliver Live AV-Contents Media Server Media Player Multicast Domain MA (Multicast Agent) Multicast Domain Unicast Domain Session Manager
12 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop Overall Mechanism of RMCP Session Information Media Server(MS) and Session Manager(SM) should share Session Information such as Session ID Out of Scope of RMCP Control Messages Exchanging Control Messages between MAs and SM to construct Relayed Multicast Tree media server media player Multicast Domain Unicast Domain session manager Multicast Domain MA (Multicast Agent)
13 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop Overall Mechanism of RMCP Control Messages of RMCP Should be exchanged in reliable manner - TCP, T/TCP - Extended UDP for providing Reliable Transport Type of Control Messages MessagesRMCP operationsFromTo Join Request (JR) Session Join MASession Manager Join Confirm (JC)Session ManagerMA Relay Request (RR) Data Channel Control Downstream MAUpstream MA Relay Confirm (RC)Upstream MADownstream MA Status Report (SR) Session Monitoring MASession Manager Status Confirm(SC)Session ManagerMA
14 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop Overall Mechanism of RMCP Data Delivering Multicast Transport over Subnets that supports IP Multicast Unicast Transport using Tunneling Mechanism over Internet that doesnt support IP Multicast media Sender media player IP unicast Tunneling IP multicast Relaying systems IP multicast MA (Multicast Agent) IP multicast
15 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop General Topology of RMCP
16 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop RMCP Standardization History and Current Status : New Work Item Approval in ITU-T SG : New Work Item Proposal (NP) Approval in JTC1/SC6 RMCP-1: Framework : Draft Recommendation in ITU-T SG : FCD ballot in JTC1/SC : Publish as International Standard RMCP-2 : RMCP for One-to-Many Applications : Working Draft : FCD Ballot is expected RMCP-3 : RMCP for Many-to-Many Applications : Initial Working Draft is expected
17 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop RMCP Implementation Implementation Status Partial Functions of RMCP-2 are implemented - Session Manager and Multicast Agent for One-to-Many Realtime Applications - Extended UDP mechanism is implemented to exchange Control Messages between MAs and Session Manager in Reliable manner Data Delivery Mechanisms - IP-IP Tunneling Mechanism is implemented Implementation Environments - RedHat 8.0, C, Gtk+
18 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop RMCP Implementation
19 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop RMCP Testbed
20 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop RMCP Testing Applying RMCP to Multicast Delivery Application for Realtime AV-Contents over APAN Further Testing over APAN is planned in 2004 among interested Participants ETRI, CNU in Korea, Kyushu Univ. in Japan and Nanyang Tech. Univ. in Singapore
21 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop Demonstration Multicast Delivery of Realtime AV-Content using RMCP Environment Sender - MS Windows Media Server (Win2K Server) Receiver - MS Windows Media Player (WinXP, Win 2K) - Proper CODEC must be installed to play MS Windows Video Format - CODEC can be downloaded from the site, AV-Contents : A TV drama series, Friends - Encoded as *.asf (Advanced Streaming Format) Format - Required BW : 300kbps
22 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop Demonstration
23 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop Demonstration Scenario Media Server is now running in CNU, Korea - Realtime AV-Contents are being Multicast into Group Address of :19090 (Class D IPv4-Address) Overlay Multicast Tree has been constructed among SMA and MAs using RMCP - SMA MA1(ETRI, Korea) MA3(Room B, Hawaii) - MA2(ETRI, Korea) AV-Contents are being multicast into Subnet of Room B by MA3 (Linux Implementation) If you want to receive AV-Contents on your PC, Access to RMCP Test Web site Click the link named Video stream Using RMCP Media Player will be started automatically and AV-contents will be Played on your PC as one of Multicast Receiver
24 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop Demonstration Hold the MA3 Operation to see the status of Data Delivery - Media Player will not playing any more because there is no Multicast Data from Sender When resume the operation of MA3, AV-contents will be played again
25 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop Summary Contributions of this work RMCP can be one of the Solution to deploy Multicast Service over Internet even if IP Multicast doesnt supported RMCP may provide Scalability for Multicast Service because Relaying Functions are distributed to MAs Future Works Performance Measurement of RMCP Implementation Apply RMCP to deliver HD-Video Protocol Enhancement - Effective Tree Management Mechanism for RMCP –Tree Construction, Tree Reconfiguration - 1:N Reliable Data Transport Mechanism - N:N Data Transport Mechanism for Realtime and Reliable Applications