eShare: A Capacitor-Driven Energy Storage and Sharing Network for Long-Term Operation(Sensys 2010) Ting Zhu, Yu Gu, Tian He, Zhi-Li Zhang Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Presenter: Junction Date: /10/28 1
Outline Motivation System Overview Evaluation Conclusion & Contribution 2010/10/28 2
Outline Motivation System Overview Evaluation Conclusion & Contribution 2010/10/28 3
Motivation Energy sharing locally consumed ▫Allow energy to efficiently and quantitatively flow back and forth among multiple energy storage systems Application: ▫Greenhouse Application (ClimateMinder’s GrowFlex Technology) ▫Wearable Computing Application (UbiComp 2008) Battery/solar-powered (backup Bettery 6-8months) Environmental conditions: Soil moisture Leafwetness Ambient temperature Irrigation/vents control Harvesting power from 6 body locations Locations ? Wrist: 115 ±106 mW Arm: 1.01 ±0.46 mW wired 2010/10/28 4
Batteries v.s. Capacitors Requirements of energy sharing ▫Fast ▫Highly efficient ▫Quantitatively controllable Limitation of batteries ▫Low charge efficiency (6%) ▫Limited charge current ▫Inaccurate remaining energy prediction Capacitors ▫High charge efficiency (90%) ▫Have more than 1 million recharge cycles ( > 10 years) ▫Can be charged very quickly 2010/10/28 5
Ultra-Capacitors Leakage ▫Physical size and remaining energy ↑, The leakage power ↑ 3000F capacitor: first 48hrs 29% of total energy leaked away 2010/10/28 6
Outline Motivation System Overview ▫Hardware Layer ▫Control Layer ▫Energy Sharing Layer Evaluation Conclusion & Contribution 2010/10/28 7
System Overview 1.Remaining energy inside ultra-capacitors 2. Samples the harvesting power 1. calculate the energy leakage rate 2. Forward leakage info, remaining/harvest pw Leakage model & energy supply/demand => control discharge/charge state Decide the most efficient routes for energy distribution Control energy exchange between neighboring nodes 2010/10/28 8
Outline Motivation System Overview ▫Hardware Layer ▫Control Layer ▫Energy Sharing Layer Evaluation Conclusion & Contribution 2010/10/28 9
Hardware Layer Single v.s. capacitor array ▫Slow boot-up time ▫High remaining energy ▫Inflexibility in fine-grained control (A/D converter) Requirements ▫Generality ▫Simplicity ▫Stability 2010/10/28 10
Outline Motivation System Overview ▫Hardware Layer ▫Control Layer ▫Energy Sharing Layer Evaluation Conclusion & Contribution 2010/10/28 11
Control Layer Charging & discharging ▫Minimize leakage -> improve efficiency Energy Leakage Model ▫ 2010/10/28 12
Charging Basic Alternative Charging Control Adaptive Charging Control ▫Based on the charge current 2010/10/28 13
Discharging Serial connected capacitors ▫different voltage combination -> different remaining energy levels The less energy remain, the more energy share ▫Adaptively discharged: higher leakage power first ▫Until voltage value reaches the calculated min voltage ▫Excluded from discharging 2010/10/28 14
Outline Motivation System Overview ▫Hardware Layer ▫Control Layer ▫Energy Sharing Layer Energy Access Protocol Energy Network Protocol Evaluation Conclusion & Contribution 2010/10/28 15
Outline Motivation System Overview ▫Hardware Layer ▫Control Layer ▫Energy Sharing Layer Energy Access Protocol Energy Network Protocol Evaluation Conclusion & Contribution 2010/10/28 16
Energy Access Protocol Directly connect through power cord ▫Not through DC/DC converter ▫Consumes large amount of power Protocol ▫Receiver-initiated ▫Both receiver and sender can terminate transmission monitormonitor 2010/10/28 17
Outline Motivation System Overview ▫Hardware Layer ▫Control Layer ▫Energy Sharing Layer Energy Access Protocol Energy Network Protocol Evaluation Conclusion & Contribution 2010/10/28 18
Finding the minimum energy loss path ▫Transfer Efficiency (e ij ) ▫Energy Sharing Efficiency (ESE ij ) Energy optimal sharing among devices Energy Network Protocol For node a: E = 100J ESEac = 0.9, ESEad = 0.81, ESEab = 0.72 c -> a 80J => 80 * 0.9 = 72, E = 100 – 72 = 28J d -> a ? => 28/0.81 = 34.6J E = 28 – 28 = /10/28 19
Outline Motivation System Overview Evaluation ▫Evaluation of Efficient Control ▫Evaluation of Energy Sharing Conclusion & Contribution 2010/10/28 20
Outline Motivation System Overview Evaluation ▫Evaluation of Efficient Control ▫Evaluation of Energy Sharing Conclusion & Contribution 2010/10/28 21
Evaluation of Effective Control Baseline & metrics ▫No Efficient Control (NEC) ▫Remaining energy & Voltage Implementation ▫MICAz node (TinyOS & NesC) ▫ (a) indoor 56 hours 2 Ultra-Capacitors 100F & 400F NEC / EC 48.7J Charging control selects the lowest leakage power to store energy -> low energy leaked away 48.7J = MICAz 1% duty cycle more than 16hrs 2010/10/28 22
Evaluation of Effective Control Implementation ▫(b) Mobile Phone Discharging ▫(c) Outdoor Energy Harvesting EC: 19 hrs (17.3% service time of the NEC) 872.8J (14.4% more) 2010/10/28 23
Outline Motivation System Overview Evaluation ▫Evaluation of Efficient Control ▫Evaluation of Energy Sharing Conclusion & Contribution 2010/10/28 24
Evaluation of Energy Sharing Evaluation of Energy Access Protocol ▫One-to-One Many-to-One 2.5V1.6V 1.2V 0.4V Energy sharing: 1 ~ 3.1(s) 2.37V 2.35V 1.71V 0.64V 113J => MICAz 1% duty cycle 38hrs Energy sharing: 1 ~ 2.3(s) 2.378V 2.35V 2010/10/28 25
Evaluation of Energy Sharing Evaluation of Energy Network Protocol ▫oil pipeline monitoring ▫climate monitoring and control in greenhouses NES (No Energy Sharing) LES (Local Energy Sharing): with direct connected neighbors (baseline) GES (Global Energy Sharing) Network Lifetime Wasted Energy Energy leaked away inside the capacitor array Energy consumption of the energy sharing control and communication Energy loss when energy flows from on device to the other 2010/10/28 26
Experiments 46m 21m 2 days (48hrs) Collected energy pattern -> for simulation input Randomly generated working pattern Mean duty cycle = 5% 2010/10/28 27
Performance Analysis Simulation Results LES Control: 0.406J GES Control: J A/D converter Negative > Positive 2010/10/28 28
Outline Motivation System Overview Evaluation Conclusion & Contribution 2010/10/28 29
Conclusion & Contribution First Ultra-capacitor based energy router for sharing energy among embedded sensor devices By energy sharing the network lifetime is extended ▫Efficient Control (Charge & Discharge) Using an array of capacitors to minimize leakage based on leakage model ▫Energy Sharing (Supply & Demand) Collaboration between data networks and energy networks for efficient energy management Energy access protocol -> share energy among neighboring devices Energy network protocol -> optimally distribute energy among network Quantitatively control the amount of energy transferred No experiments with real system deployment 2010/10/28 30