UC MERCED SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Service Learning Program Merced County Office of Education
Get S.E.T. Get Science, Engineering, and Technology Our Client: M.C.O.E. Merced County Office of Education Our Mission: Design curricular materials for K-12 students to teach Physics, Chemistry, and Biology principles in engineering context.
Our Goal Our goal is to increase students’ interest in science and math through interacting games and hands-on experiments. Inspiring students to become college bound in a science, math, or engineering field. We look forward to helping teachers improve students’ knowledge in scientific areas.
Organization Project Teams –BioE –“Current” Affairs –Electric Car –K-8 –Web Administrative Teams –Newsletter –Documentation –Recorder/Secretary
Team BIOE Started last semester originally named “fourth team” and designed for 5 th – 8 th graders. Now for 5th – 12th grade students.
BIOE Goal To give students a basic understanding of a relatively new Engineering field (Bioengineering).
What students will gain from BIOE projects Cultivate their creative thinking Understand how Biology is used in Engineering and vice versa
BIOE Last Semester Client: Mr. Thompson and his 5th and 6th GATE students at Elmer wood elementary. Project: Dissection (hearts, eyes, kidneys, and brains) 50 students participated
BIOE This Semester Mimicking animal walking motion (mini model and large one) Build simple MRI machine Construct Filter straw Creating fuel from left overs (bacteria batteries ….maybe)
“Current” Affairs Goals Design and create a fun and creative physics lab which demonstrates circuits Teach students about different elements of circuits Have a lab ready for a classroom by the beginning of the spring semester
“Current” Affairs’ Lab Teach students how to use a breadboard Teach students about parallel and series circuits Teach students about capacitors, resistors, and batteries Teach students Ohm’s law and Kirchoff loop
Electric Car Team To teach students in Merced county engineering concepts by building, with them, a fast and cool looking electric car. Objective What our idea is Order a kit car and build it with the automotive classes in Merced county. Take that car and put an electric motor in it showing students how to engineer different parts to solve specific problems.
Topics covered with Electric Car project Teach how to engineer a project from beginning to end Show how engineers go about problem solving Designing different parts for specific applications using engineering concepts Topics covered beyond building the car Get K-12 students excited about alternative fuels as these students are the future Change students views about what a clean fueled car is Lab on how to extract hydrogen and how it works in a car Lab on how electricity works and how it impacts our lives everyday Electric Car Team
K-8 Team
K-8 Goals Develop classroom relationships with teachers and students Collaborate with teachers to improve overall science curriculum experience Offer a different point of view on how to approach science and engineering Mentor students Inspire students to learn more about science, engineering, math, and technology
K-8 Possible Projects Chem-Rover Make Your Own Ice Cream Crush-A-Can Rejected Waves Molecular Motion Rubber-Band Cars Point Pictures And Anything That Suits Your Needs
Burbank Elementary School
Web Team Last Year’s Accomplishments Built a machine and tuned it up Purchased software This Year’s Objectives Learn to use Adobe’s Flash Make our website more interactive
Automotive Physics Specific Goal Show physical representation of acceleration for high school physics students Teach difficult concepts with a fresh and engaging method
Automotive Physics Content of lab: A video presentation of cars accelerating and decelerating Present problems and aid students in solving problems Split students into groups; each group uses a remote control car to study acceleration After completing all of the above the class will compare acceleration numbers from the real car and a remote control car.
Trebuchet Purpose Use the completed metal trebuchet in conjunction with interactive worksheets and classroom presentations to help students understand physics principles and motivate them to pursue a degree in the fields of Science, Engineering, and Technology.
Trebuchet Resources Metal Trebuchet –Schools with lots of open space and High School presentations Miniature Trebuchets –Schools with space constraints or younger students Worksheets –Aid students in understanding physics principles
Mini-Trebuchet Kits Simple materials such as styrofoam, wooden dowels, binder clips, and craft sticks. Easy to assemble with a variable counterweight and throwing arm length for multiple trials.
Thank you for coming. We look forward to working with you.
Manuel Aquino