MCCH Mission MCCH provides solutions to end homelessness in Montgomery County. We accomplish this by: Meeting the urgent needs of people experiencing homelessness by providing short-term emergency shelter along with the supportive services needed to return people to stable housing as quickly as possible. Connecting people who are experiencing homelessness to stable, permanent housing along with the services and supports they need to maintain their housing. Increasing the supply of affordable housing in order to provide stable, permanent homes for people exiting homelessness. Advocating for the creation of a comprehensive and rapid response system to prevent and end homelessness in Montgomery County. 1
MCCH Organizational Goals 1.End chronic homelessness in Montgomery County by Prevent and end homelessness among Veterans in Montgomery County by Prevent and end homelessness for families, youth, and children in Montgomery County by Set a path to ending all types of homelessness in Montgomery County by
MCCH Program and Service Priorities Dedicating all MCCH/CH housing openings for Veterans the chronically homeless Accepting all referrals from our CoC Housing Prioritization Committee Prioritizing our emergency shelter clients with the longest shelter stays for placement into permanent housing using our housing locator services 3
MCCH Program and Service Priorities Ensuring fidelity to the core principal of Housing First Staff development training on best practices to serve our most vulnerable clients including trauma informed care and harm reduction Piloting the evidence-based Vulnerability Index & Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool to assess client needs and appropriate housing placements with a goal of its adoption system-wide to allocate resources in a logical targeted way 4
MCCH Permanent Supportive Housing Projects Seneca Heights Apartments 5
Seneca Heights Apartments Renovated Econo Lodge in Gaithersburg, Maryland 40 PSH Units – Single Adults 17 PSH Units - Families Tenant Council On site case management and property management Cavanaugh Hagan Pierson & MintzMCCH STRATEGIC PLANNING 6
MCCH Permanent Supportive Housing Projects Cordell Place Cavanaugh Hagan Pierson & MintzMCCH STRATEGIC PLANNING 7
Cordell Place Renovated Office Building in Downtown Bethesda, Maryland 32 PSH Personal Living Quarter “PLQ” Units– Single Adults Tenant Council On site case management and property management Cavanaugh Hagan Pierson & MintzMCCH STRATEGIC PLANNING 8