Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology Grid Working Group Meeting Aug. 27 th, 2003 Tokyo Institute of Technology Kento Aida
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology Agenda Review of WG charter Review of the past WG activities partnership with PRAGMA Report on sessions in Busan Meeting AG workshop Joint session with NR AOB
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology Review of WG Charter
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology Grid WG initial objectives (1998) setting up a computational grid across the Pacific facilitating research in metacomputing and enabling other user communities to apply high performance computational tools for their specific disciplines linking up APAN member organizations with participants for collaborative high performance computational projects, Globus, Ninf, Netsolve, etc.
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology WG Charter new working group charter to update the role of the Grid WG discussion starting discussionAug the first draftSep the second draftDec the final versionJan participants APAN Grid WG, APAN NR ApGrid, PRAGMA, APEC-TEL Data Grid
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology WG Charter (contd) to be a neutral interface between APAN and grid communities in AP (ApGrid, PRAGMA, APEC-TEL) To provide an interface between APAN and the grid communities, such as ApGrid, PRAGMA, APEC TEL To collect and summarize requirements of networking technology and infrastructure from grid and other related communities for APAN technology area. To collect and identify requirements of grid technology from APAN user community. To introduce the updated grid middleware technology to APAN user community and natural resource areas.
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology Review of the past WG activities
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology Past Activities Fukuoka Meeting (2003 Jan.) 1 st NR/Grid-WG Joint session Collaboration for the PRAGMA workshop Drafting MoU for the partnership between APAN and PRAGMA
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology Partnership with PRAGMA APAN and PRAGMA will sign MoU for close cooperation. (APAN Monthly Update, Aug 2003 ) PRAGMA: Pacific Rim Applications and Grid Middleware Assembly Grid WG worked for drafting the MoU with the APAN committee and PRAGMA.
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology PRAGMA Goals Establish sustained collaborations and advance the use of the grid technologies for applications among a community of investigators working with leading institutions around the Pacific Rim Working closely with established activities that promote grid activities or the underlying infrastructure, both in the Pacific Rim and globally
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology PRAGMA Activities Encourage and conduct joint (multilaterial) projects that promote development of grid facilities and technologies Share resources to ensure project success Conduct multi-site training Exchange researchers Meet and communicate regularly Collaborate with and participate in major regional and international activities such as APAN, APGrid, APECTel, GGF Disseminate and promote knowledge of using the grid among domain experts and scientists Disseminate proceedings and summaries of events Provide resource for PRAGMA members to raise level of awareness and funding for grid activities
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology MoU proposal by PRAGMA (Mar 2003) 1 st draft approval by the APAN Grid WG (May 2003) 2 nd draft approval by the area director and the members of APAN (May 2003) approval by APAN (Jun 2003) approved by PRAGMA (Jul 2003) 3 rd draft signed by APAN and PRAGMA (Aug. 2003)
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology MoU: Benefits of Partnership PRAGMA wishes to advance the use of grid technologies in applications among a community of investigators working with leading institutions around the Pacific Rim, and has a stated objective to collaborate with and participate in major regional and international activities sponsored by such organizations as APAN, ApGrid, APECTel, and APAN; APAN wishes to collect requirements of networking technology from grid and other related activities, and to introduce advanced grid technology to APAN member countries, and has a stated objective to collaborate with and participate in major regional and international activities sponsored by such organizations as PRAGMA, ApGrid, and APECTel.
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology MoU: PRAGMA will … Endorse and promote APAN mission and goals by Identifying PRAGMA as an Affiliate member of APAN (on the PRAGMA Web site) Encouraging participation in APAN meetings, and working groups Participating, as appropriate, in APAN leadership and advisory committees as appropriate Disseminating to PRAGMA members information and news about APAN Sending representatives to APAN meetings, and providing updates as appropriate Providing link on PRAGMA website to APAN activities
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology MoU: PRAGMA will … (contd) Involve APAN in PRAGMA activities by Listing APAN as an Organizational Affiliate, with all the rights of an Affiliate Member Providing APAN with PRAGMA Annual Reports Work jointly with APAN to facilitate and support the creation of computational grids in and among the Pacific Rim institutions by Provide APAN with regional input via PRAGMA members Hosting joint workshops and meetings in the Pacific Rim Developing and promoting joint-training programs
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology MoU: APAN will … Endorse and promote PRAGMA mission and activities by: Endorsing the principles, operating procedures and activity of PRAGMA Encouraging appropriate participation in PRAGMA activities Sending representatives to PRAGMA meetings, and providing updates as appropriate Listing PRAGMA as an APAN Affiliate Member on the APAN web site. Identifying APAN as an Organizational Affiliate member of PRAGMA on the APAN web site. Disseminating to APAN members information and news about PRAGMA, and promoting knowledge gained from PRAGMA of using the grid among domain experts and scientists globally
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology MoU: APAN will … (contd) Involve PRAGMA members in APAN activities by: Encouraging active participation by PRAGMA members Inviting PRAGMA representatives to participate in APAN. Work jointly with PRAGMA to facilitate and support the creation of computational grids in and among the Pacific Rim institutions by Coordinating joint meetings between APAN and PRAGMA
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology Report on sessions in Busan Meeting
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology Access Grid Workshop Aug 26th (full day) Organized by APAN Busan Meeting AG Training WS Committee Tutorial on AG and update on AG 2.0 Mini-AG setup and deployment with hands-on experience Status report and Panel discussion Korea, Japan, Thailand, Australia, China, Taiwan, Malaysia
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology 2 nd Joint Session with NR August 27(Wed) Organized by K. Aida (TITECH) and S. Ninomiya Ninf-G: Grid RPC System -- K. Aida (TITECH, Japan) Grid Project in Korea -- Jongsuk Ruth Lee (KISTI, KOREA) Collaborative VR grid in Meteorology --M. Joh (KOREA) Data Centric framework for Meteorology --H. Choo (KOREA) Present Status of Ag-Grid in Japan -- M. Laurenson and S.Ninomiya (NARC)
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology AOB
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology Discussion Closer relationship between APAN and Grid communities How does the APAN create closer relationship with Grid communities globally? kick-off meeting (Aug. 28 th )
Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology Demo on SC2003 AIST, TITECH, Univ. Tsukuba, Tokyo Denki Univ. Grid middleware and applications ApGrid Testbed Grid Datafarm (BW Challenge) Osaka University BioGrid HDTV data transfer NCHC KISTI KU SCglobal AIST, KU