International Cross- Border Use Cases Regarding SOA in Tax & Revenue
Client name2 Business starting point: Multi Annual Strategic Plan (MASP) Risk Management Framework (RMF) Automated Import System (AIS) Import Control System (ICS) Export Control System (ECS) Single Electronic Access Point (SEAP) Common Customs Information Portal (CCIP) Automated Export System (AES) Exchange of Risk Information (RIF) Authorised Economic Operator Interoperability is a major challenge – Interoperability between central systems that have an impact on customs procedures accessibility. Interoperability between customs administrations and other administrations or agencies involved in customs transactions within the same Member State. Excise Monitoring Control System (EMCS) Single Window and One-Stop Shop (SWIN) New Computerized Transit System (NCTS) INTERNATIONAL = EU Regulated CROSS BORDER = 28 Member states USE CASES REVENUE = Customs
Client name3 Interoperability Exchange of information between: - National Customs Administration Systems and Traders - National Customs Administration Systems and Logistics Providers - National Customs Administration Systems and NCAS of other countries - National Customs Administration Systems and the EU Pain points - Wide variety of technologies adopted - Different message standards adopted: EU has defined a set of Information Exchange (IE) messages with proprietary taxonomy for customs Trade uses EDIFACT e.g. CUSCAR/CUSDEC Logistics Providers use CARGOIMP Some parties are looking at WCO standard model - International Traders forced to handle exchange of information with multiple NCAS - Different implementations in each country for the same set of processes requires duplicate development & testing effort There is clearly a need for an holistic approach based on industry standards, services and reusable components – in other words, an approach based on SOA
Client name4 IBM’s approach is to develop SOA based light weight assets for MASP Assets integrate through open standard Web Services Supported by a rich middleware platform Build once, reuse everywhere (28 member states) => example EMCS EU Processes run in BPEL Compliant BPM Engine Assets: - ECS - ICS - EMCS - NCTS - AEO
Client name55 Assets are developed using an eCustoms integration framework. Service Bus Process Engine (BPEL) Connect Facility Collaboration broker Tariff Management Risk Management Goods Accounting EMCS Declaration Management Declaration Management Guarantee Management Guarantee Management ECS ICS Inspection & Control Inspection & Control NCAS BE Composite business services NCTS OASIS XML WCO XML Taxud EDIFACT SEAP NCAS NL NCAS Croatia …
Client name6 Key success factors There is a need to stick to 1 global eCustoms standard: - Transport e.g. through Web Services - Strictly XML only to facilitate and accelerate implementation in a multi country, multi trader environment Communication with Common domain (DG Taxud) is very well specified and standardized Communication protocols between NCAS & the industry varies from country to country There is also a need to communicate with non-EU Traders & Logistic Providers - 1 single Taxonomy conforming with Security Amendment 1870 with Annex 30 bis Taxud Specifications Industry Specifications e.g LLoydsnumber etc.. WCO model (due to global communications) EORI deployed on a European level - Single source of truth for economic operator identification - Every country uses the same EO identification - Link needed with global identification of Traders => issue
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