UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Session 10.8. Logistics in Emergencies UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training
Objectives of an Emergency Relief Logistics System “…to deliver the appropriate supplies in good condition, in the quantities required, to the right places, to the people who need them on time.” A B UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training
UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training The Flow of Transport & Goods Port of entry Terminal storage DISTRI- BUTION ORIGIN Primary warehouse Forward warehouse Handling Short haul Long haul The logistics chain UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training
UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Control/Responsibility To Extended Delivery Point ? To Distribution Agent ? ? To Beneficiaries UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training
UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training WFP/UNHCR MOU, MAR 97 KEY POINTS TENSION POINTS WFP responsible for food for all populations of concern over 5,000 Agreement on numbers Timing of stocktaking from EDP, reserve stocks WFP delivers to and manages Extended Delivery Points (EDPs) Agreement on numbers, accountability for food used UNHCR is responsible for delivery from EDPs and ultimate distribution UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training
UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Logistics: Linked Systems Operations Procurement Commodity clearance Storage & handling Transport control: scheduling, fleet management, driver control, fuel management Commodity control:scheduling, tracking,accounting Terminal distribution management Support: Administration: personnel, security,communications Finance Vehicle and equipment maintenance and repair UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training
UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Controlling & Monitoring “The level of control is a function of the value and importance of the goods.” UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training
UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training A few guidelines... Keep adequate buffer stocks Reduce the number of stops and transfers Consolidate facilities Unify the system Create redundancy in transport Define the area of operation Standardize the equipment Make small, manageable shipments UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training
UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Exercise - Logistica Nordia A Cap City Regional Warehouse B Portown C Eastia Logistica LEGEND Airport Border Mountains Seaport Road Bridge Warehouse Railroad River UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training
UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Making It Work Start with a detailed commodity management plan Review the plan with authorities; get agreement on procedures Clear “departmental” responsibilities, however small the operation Establish comprehensive personnel management procedures Keep on fine-tuning once the system is working UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training
UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Commodity Control Systems Track amounts, location of items at every point in the supply chain Assign responsibility for goods to individuals who are “held to account” Information for planning, scheduling, and statistical reporting Formal accounting reports to donors Where commodities are Who received them How much was lost UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training
Information System Functions Assisting assessment Tracking needs Tracking local resources Coordination Tracking international requests, pledges, and arrivals Others? UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training
UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Facilities & Equipment Logistics programs generally require: offices and administrative equipment warehousing fuel stores and workshops vehicle parks and checkpoints personal; vehicles for staff truck fleets and specialized moving & handling equipment communications equipment accommodations for field personnel UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training
UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Logistics & Security Support from national authorities Regular pay Clearly defined, and monitored responsibilities Centralization of key facilities Controlled access All incidents documented in detail UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training
UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training More on Security Use checkpoints to monitor movement and provide overnight security Give prior warning of all shipments by radio Accounting procedures followed for every shipment Regular radio contact/visits to remote sites UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training
Strengthening Local Infrastructure & Institutions Protect key resources from hazards Protect existing supply systems Ensure enough vehicles and staff are available Ensure capacity at ports and airports Make arrangements for cash management UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training
UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Transport Problems Lack of standard equipment, vehicle types Difficulties with spare parts and tires Inadequate on-board equipment Lack of driver discipline Dependence on local fuel sources UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training
UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Problem Areas Lack of authority Lack of strategy Lack of systems thinking Lack of information systems design Lack of political/environmental analysis Limited financial resources/control Insufficient/delayed equipment Insufficient/delayed staff UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training
International Involvement OCHA UNRWA CARE UNHCR/e-Centre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training