1 10 th Anniversary Conference Budapest – May 10, 2011 Impact of for the development of the eEHIC – opportunity and value Dr. Christopher Hermann Deputy CEO, AOK Baden-Württemberg AOK Baden-Württemberg, Heilbronner Str. 184, D Stuttgart
2 Cross-border health care with AOK Baden-Württemberg Dr. Christopher Hermann, Deputy CEO, AOK Baden-Württemberg 3.8 m. insurants Market share 42 % 11,5 bn. EUR annual turnover (health insurance and long term care insurance) Increasing quantity of insurants (2010: ) More than 250 AOK- Service-Centres Interstate billing: Own accounting centre 40 m. EUR turnover Borders to France, Switzerland and Austria Enterprises with high reputation (Daimler AG, Porsche, SAP,...) Interest groups for cross- border commuters High mobility (labour and private)
3 Dr. Christopher Hermann, Deputy CEO, AOK Baden-Württemberg for eEHIC – Opportunity for the European Health Care System Communication without errors Electronically captured insurant data means: Patient Health care provider Health insurances Liaison offices Benefit for all participants
4 – first step to the eEHIC Dr. Christopher Hermann, Deputy CEO, AOK Baden-Württemberg
5 for eEHIC – Value for AOK Baden-Württemberg Efficiency improvement: I Integration in infrastructures of national health insurance systems (e.g. EESSI) hospital information systems Dr. Christopher Hermann, Deputy CEO, AOK Baden-Württemberg
6 for eEHIC – Value for AOK Baden-Württemberg Reduction of fraud and cost containment: Online entitlement verification stands for reimbursement of medical treatment abroad only in case of a valid insurance strengthening of cross-border health care by EU regulation no private tariffs for foreign patients holding a valid insurance Dr. Christopher Hermann, Deputy CEO, AOK Baden-Württemberg II
7 for eEHIC – Value for AOK Baden-Württemberg Quality improvement III Dr. Christopher Hermann, Deputy CEO, AOK Baden-Württemberg of data secure reimbursement use for EESSI of service provided to the EU citizens
8 for eEHIC – Value for AOK Baden-Württemberg Reduction of costs IV domestic health insurance cards can replace EHICs EUR p.a. up to 6 m. EUR cost reduction for all German health insurances estimated Dr. Christopher Hermann, Deputy CEO, AOK Baden-Württemberg benefits abroad only in case of a valid insurance EUR p.a. up to 12 m. EUR cost reduction for all German health insurances estimated
9 for eEHIC – Value for AOK Baden-Württemberg Dr. Christopher Hermann, Deputy CEO, AOK Baden-Württemberg Reduction of personal resources V less research less manual data capturing
10 Dr. Christopher Hermann, Deputy CEO, AOK Baden-Württemberg Political Requirements electronically readable technology General acceptance of national health insurance cards (smart cards) Health care provider Health insurance Solutions for electronic EHIC data exchange: Completion of the EESSI data exchange between social security institutions by EHIC data set.
11 Dr. Christopher Hermann, Deputy CEO, AOK Baden-Württemberg Conclusion End of EU-funded project period: AOK Baden-Württemberg will proceed with the use of electronically captured EHIC´s data set.
12 Dr. Christopher Hermann, Deputy CEO, AOK Baden-Württemberg Thank you for attention