In New Digital World for better future
CYBERJAYA become as a new digital city in our country E-Access
We can access the internet anytime anywhere Therefore, various advantages can be obtained either GOOD or BAD because…. E-Access
Each new technology will be faced with the huge problem of ethical behavior while surfing the internet. Ethical behavior refer to the honesty, fairness and equity in interpersonal, professional activities in our life. It also respects the diversity,dignity and rights of individuals and groups of people. E-Access
1. Internet Banking Fraud 2. Harassment 3. Intellectual Property Infringement 4. Intrusion 5. Offenses E-Rule
1. Software piracy 2. Movie & MP3 illegal downloading 3. Freeware & Shareware 4. End User License Agreement (EULA) E-Rule
Various form of attacks Can create illusion that stranger are actually ‘friends’ Can damage you reputation & characters 1. Identify Theft 2. Phishing s 3. Hacker & cracker 4. Cyber Stalking 5. Cyber Bullying 6. Internet Predator E-Safety
Don’t use social network for wrong reason Using parental control & block pornography websites Don’t plagiarism Write Blog for the good community information Don’t text while driving Turn off electronic gadget on planes E-Interaction & collaboration
Share the true information with community As a social network to make networking with all people Use the right language Treat people the same as if in person Don’t encourage a fight when you spot one. Respect the sensitivities of other races E-Interaction & collaboration
Just buy an original, say no to piracy…!!! Respect each other if you want to be respect too Don’t give your personal information to the stranger people. Use all digital communication provided to unity and for good cause that can benefit at all users.
To Create great future generation
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By Mohammad Nasrul Hafiz Bin Shah Room