WHY DO WE MARKET OUR CLUBS? -You want to market your club as much as possible to get the most attendance and support for your games -To find new and talented members -To be recognized for what your club trying accomplish.
THE ORACLE -The Oracle is the school’s newspaper that is printed out weekly -The Oracle can advertise your games -Can write a story about your team and future games (free advertisement)
THE EDGE 88.7 FM -The New Paltz radio station can help advertise for your games and events -Broadcasted throughout New Paltz, Poughkeepsie, and surrounding towns -Can help with advertising home games to the New Paltz community as well as students th floor of Student Union Building
TV STATION -Can have flyers for games and advertisements put on the tv channel -Can also advertise on their TV station website -TV message board Message board: The message board airs 24-hours a day, 7-days a week on campus TV channel 3. It is also shown in the town of New Paltz on Time Warner Cable channel 8 when no other programming is scheduled for that channel.
FACEBOOK AND TWITTER - Make Facebook events advertising games and events -Can send the event link to Athletics, Wellness & Recreation and they can advertise on the Wellness & Recreation Facebook page and twitter page
FLYERS -Make flyers about your home games -Get them stamped by Student Activities Office so you can put them anywhere on campus and in the residence halls -Include team name, time, location,with Club Sport logo !
TABLING - To get more students to the games print out flyers and hand them out at downstairs of Hasbrouck dining hall and/or the SUB advertising the game. - This will get people to see the actual players and by talking to them you can encourage them to stop by your games!
CLUB SPORT BLOGS These blogs are specifically designed to let you talk about your club. - General Interest Meetings (Dates, Times, Locations) - Upcoming Games (Home or Away) - Game Recaps (You are at the games. You know what happened in the game. Who scored. Who played well.) - This is your place to boast and brag about your club. Club Sports Blogs:
PICTURES & VIDEOS At games and events take pictures &/or videos of your club in action. Students will relate more to your club if they see that you are active. Students will be more likely to either a) join your club if they have interest in your sport or b) come out and support your club at your next home event. Pictures & Videos can be posted on the clubs Facebook page. If they are sent to the Wellness & Recreation Department we can post them on our Facebook page as well as under the Club Sport & Recreation sections. Pictures & Videos can be posted on the TV in the Lobby of the AWC. The more pictures & videos you have the better.
CLUB APPAREL To generate awareness of your club within the campus community a club needs to be seen. Club members that wear sweatshirts or t-shirts on campus will make other students on campus aware of your club. Many students will not search out and try to find clubs however if they do become aware of a club they might be interested in joining. By having club members wear club apparel you become walking advertisements for your club.
FINAL NOTES Thanksgiving Food Drive begins next week. Top preference on scheduling for Spring 2012 of any Club to the group who brings in the most food. Turkey Trot 5K Run: Saturday, November 19 1pm. Any club who has at least 50% of their club participate with receive 5 point towards their total that determines facility scheduling preference.
NEXT MEETING: The last meeting of the semester will be held on Tuesday December 6 th at 8pm in the Elting Student Athlete Lounge.