Microsoft Excel Part 2 Kin 260 Adapted from Daniel Frankl, Ph.D. Revised by Jackie Kiwata 10/07
Review oArguments oFunctions Graphs oPie Charts oScatter Plots Overview
Review - Numeric Data
Review - Excel Functions The many hundreds of Excel functions may be activated by typing the sign “=“ in the “Fx” window followed by the function NAME and one or more ARGUMENTS. The function named “SUM” instructs Excel to perform the “Argument” of adding all values in cells B2 through B12. all values in cells B2 through B12.
Review - Nameless Function per Cell =B3/C3^2 The above argument instructs Excel to divide the value in cell B3 by the value in cell C3 squared. The result is displayed in cell D3
Nameless Functions, con’t. =B3/C3^2 Is the formula for D3 BMI = Weight/(Height*Height) Is the general formula for Column D
Function Dialog Box Once a function is selected, Excel displays the Function Dialog Box thus prompting the user to either enter or select the appropriate argument.
As with functions, there are many different types of graphs and charts to choose from in Excel We will focus on the graphs you may most commonly use as a Kin major –Pie Charts –Scatter Plots Graphs
Pie Charts Summarizes a set of categorical data or percentage distribution Usually represented as a circle divided into segments
Step 1 – Select Data Select data on worksheet Click on Chart Wizard
Step 2 – Choose Type
Step 3 – Data Range Includes header titles, row labels and data Range is given in terms of cell numbers
Step 4 – Series Name = Series name. Necessary if graphing multiple data series Values = Data values (%) [B3:B11] Category labels = Row Titles [A3:A11]
Step 5 – Display Changes the display of labels on graph
Step 6 – Location Choose where to place chart –New worksheet –Inside current worksheet
Scatter Plots A scatter plot is a visual description of a correlation. –Each subject’s scores are plotted on both the x and y axis. * * * * * * * * Best Fit Line Body Mass Triple Jump Adapted from Dr. Lee, Kin 503 Ch. 7
Review - Correlation Correlation indicates the extent to which two variables are related. –The technique used to measure this is Pearson’s correlation coefficient, r The coefficient (or number) that represents the correlation will always be between and –Positive correlation (education and income) –Negative correlation (long jump and running) –The closer r is to 1, the stronger the relationship Adapted from Dr. Lee, Kin 503 Ch. 7
Evaluating the Correlation Coefficient Absolute r values can tell us the strength of the relationship between two variables Used for predictive purposes.9 or greater strong.8 -.9moderately strong moderate low <.5no relationship Adapted from Dr. Lee, Kin 503 Ch. 7
When to use correlation? The research question is often phrased: Is X a predictor for Y? Does X predict Y? Can Y be predicted from X? where X is the independent variable, and Y is the dependent variable Examples Is body mass a predictor for sprint time? Can power be predicted from sprint time?
Creating Scatter Plots Similar to creating pie charts Biggest difference: have X and Y data
Step 1 – Select Data Select data on worksheet Click on Chart Wizard
Step 2 – Choose Type
Step 3 – Data Range Includes header titles, row labels and data Range is given in terms of cell numbers
Step 4 – Series X Values: Independent variable, e.g. Height Y Values: Dependent variable, e.g. Vertical Jump Name: Series name. Necessary if graphing multiple series on one graph.
Step 5 – Display Options
Titles: Changes title of graph and X, Y labels Axes: Turn X, Y axes on and off Gridlines: Turn X, Y major and minor gridlines on and off Legend: Show or change placement of legend box Data labels: Show labels next to data points Display Options con’t.
Select area on graph you wish to edit, and right click Can edit anything encountered in the Chart Wizard, plus: –Chart Area: edit border and fill –Plot Area: edit border and fill –Axes: edit scale, tick marks and font Editing an Existing Graph
Change the scale of the graph to zoom in or out Can also –Change font –Display/remove tick marks –Change type of number (i.e. scientific to accounting) Formatting Axes
1.Click on any data point on the graph 2.Right click and choose Add Trendline 3.Choose Linear type of trendline Adding Trendlines
4. Check the Display R- squared value on chart box Adding Trendlines, con’t.
But r 2 is not Pearson’s correlation coefficient –Need to take square root √r 2 –Change the text box to display r value Also, we commonly list the n value (total number of subjects) on graph The title should be stated: X data vs. Y data Finishing Touches