Activity Report and Asia Telemedicine Symposium Chairman of Medical Working Group Asia-Pacific Advanced Network (APAN) Department of Endoscopic Diagnostics and Therapeutics, Kyushu University Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan Shuji Shimizu, MD, PhD APAN-HW
Live Demonstration at APAN-Xian Tokyo, JP Singapore, SN Manila, PH Bordeaux, FR Xian, CN Sydney, AU Seoul, KR
10.12 Yonsei Gastric Cancer Symposium 2007 New connection: First to Yonsei for robotic surgery
Participants KUH: 200, OUH: 150 The First time connection with Oita Univ. Official lecture for Both hospital Lecture meeting with Oita University Domestic expansion by DVTS
NW Quality: very good GARR staff: very skilful, have enough equipments (AV part) IRCCS Conference "Health Science Community (KUH, Rome: GARR) First to Italy
Expansion to Asia-Pacific
More multiple-station connected Multi-station events are increasing dramatically.
Cairnes Sapporo Beijing Tokyo Bangkok Shanghai Singapore Kuala Lumper Adelaide Done Planned NUS Flinders Hosp Asia Medical Project Asia Medical Project Christ- church Manila Philippine U BandungITB Iwate Yokohama Taichung Hyderabad New Dehli SirGanga Ram Hospital Chernobyl Fukuoka HaLong Hong Kong Taipei Mumbai Tata MH Seoul Jilin Jakarta, UI Hanoi MelbourneSydney Auckland Canberra ANU California Stanford Hawaii Ho Chi Min Cho Rai Hosp
MA Number of Events Connected Countries Connected Institutes
New members JP: Tokyo Med Dent U, Oita U, Fukuoka U, Kyoto Red Cross Hosp, Kyushu International Nursing College, Okinawa Hosp KR: Korea U, Yonsei U VN: BackMai Hosp GR: University Hospital Eppendorf FR: University of Bordeaux2 After last APAN-Xian AU: Concord Hosp IT: University of Rome3 US: UC Irvine Under discussion JP: Kyoto U, Fujita Health U, Kamakura Shonan Hosp KR: Soon Chun Hyang U Hosp, Asan U CN: Beihua U, Army#301 AU: Royal Brisbane Hosp NZ: U of Auckland US: Seattle Science F. IT: U Rome2, NE: AMC
Major Event Plans ahead : APAN-Hawaii, joint with Internet2 VPN 2.25: 2nd Early gastric conference (Mahidol) 3.16 (Sun): Thoracoscopic surgery symposium at NUS (W-F): HK endoscopy OMED VPN 4.19 (Sat): Kanto LADG: Tokyo MDU and SNU 4.25? (Fri): India hepatectomy live demo VPN 5.6-8: Immersive Medical Telepresence (Michigan) 5.20: TERENA: Belgium-Rome-NUS-Kyushu
(KUH, SNUBH, NUS, Flinders ) 12.7 Asia Telemedicine Symposium
Live healthcare demonstration today Melbourne Fukuoka Beijing Cheongju Stanford, CA Wisconsin