3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Presented by Tim Foresman International Center for Remote Sensing Education 3 July 2004 – Cairns, Australia 3-D Geobrowsers – Gateway to a Digital Earth Results of Geobrowser 2 Workshop - UCSB
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July 2004 Gods Geobrowser
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July 2004 Landsat and UNEP Launched: 1972 Earthwatch network, Global satellites Earthwatch network, Global satellites
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July 2004 Earthwatch network, Global satellites Citizen access to computers Citizen access to computers Personal Computers, UNEPs GRID: 1982
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July 2004 Earthwatch network, Global satellites Citizen access to computers Vision documented, Earth Charter Vision documented, Earth Charter Rio World Summit-Agenda 21: 1992
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July : New Vision Shown for WSSD Earthwatch network, Global Satellites Citizen access to computers Vision documented, Earth Charter Global network demonstrated for decision makers and citizens Global network demonstrated for decision makers and citizens
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July 2004 Quick Review of 3-D Geobrowsers Human-machine interface R&D 1960s Bucky Fullers EarthScope vision NASA satellite visualization R&D 1970s DOD/ARPA R&D 1970s Al Gore Digital Earth vision, Los Angeles, CA 1998
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July 2004 Quick Review of 3-D Geobrowsers-continued IDEWG Commercial Meeting, Reston, VA March 2000 Africa 5 th GIS Workshop, Nairobi, Kenya Nov 2001 Ministers of Environment Forum, Cartagena, Columbia Feb 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg, S.Africa Sep 2002 Geobrowser 1 Workshop, Beijing, China Dec 2002
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July 2004 Quick Review of 3-D Geobrowsers - Future Geobrowser 2 Santa Barbara March 2003 Geobrowser Report, 3 rd International Digital Earth Symposium, Brno, Czech Republic Sep 2003 Geobrowser community expands…
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July D Geobrowsers: A Vision 3-D Geobrowsers: A Vision For authoritative and timely news I go to CNN Analogously, For authoritative global scientific environmental information/data I go to Geobrowsers Network
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July 2004 UN Centres and National Focal Points will be Highly Interdependent and Interoperable My Server Your Server His Server Her Server Web Viewer Immersive 3D Viewer Wall-Sized Museum Viewer Desktop GIS UN Global Information Network Catalog Common Protocols NSDI-GSDI
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July 2004 Node Example: UNEP.Net and Arctic Portal
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July 2004 Global Vision Influences Agenda 21 – global framework for environmental action Unconnected information systems and many role players Aarhus Convention – free access of data Earthwatch – Mechanism for leadership for information integration.
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July 2004 Global Strategy for Content and Connections Human Ecosystem Model Methods Harmonization Early Warning and State of the Environment (SOE) Reports REGIONAL NATIONAL UNEP.Net SocialEconomic Ecological Indicators HDI Indicators GNP Indicators HEI Indicators UNEP.Net Indicators Assessment Methods Science Framework for Agenda 21 Global Satellite Coverage and Observation Global Satellite Coverage and Observation MA GIWA GEO IPCC Regional Seas Treaties Etc. Conventions GIWA – Global International Water Assessment MA – Millenium Ecosystem Assessment HEI – Human Environment Index HDI – Human Development Index GNP – Global National Product IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change NATIONS GOVERNMENTS CITIZENS NGOs INDUSTRIES NATIONS GOVERNMENTS CITIZENS NGOs INDUSTRIES UNEP.Org Data and Information Landsat UNEP.Net UNEP.Org 13/6/01-mm Science Based Decision Support on Global Assessment and Early Warning Science Based Decision Support on Global Assessment and Early Warning UN Coordination - EarthWatch UNEP.Net
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July 2004 UNEPs Global Environmental Information Network GEO INFOTERRA GRID
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July 2004 UN Agencies Linking Information
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July 2004
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July 2004 A Global Network User Scenarios: The World Watches Mozambique Floods Floodings effects on social and ecological areas School Children Class Studying -- A Disaster Team Planning-- Evacuation areas, rescue team needs A Farmer Evaluating -- The Impact to planting cycle Scientists Studying - Related Atmospheric Moisture Models Earth Science data Life Science Data Cultural data Social data Economic data Historic data Humanities data Governance data
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July 2004 Web Mapping & Earthwatch Web Tools for National Focal Points & SOEs Convention and Treaty Services Early Warning GIS & Spatial Queries Citizens Access Clearinghouses via Internet Remote Access The Future is Now!
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July 2004 Cascading Benefits from 3-D Geobrowser Global Information Network Education Transportation City Planning Natural Resources For all Nations: Solve practical problems Contribute to informed decision making Communicate with citizens Cities Air Pollution, Water Quality and Waste Handling Student and Teacher Training Biodiverstiy and Forest Management Agriculture Food Security and Precision Farming Infrastructure and Road Siting Hurricane Landfall Forecasting Disaster Management Global Connections Governments National Focal points Scientists NGOs Citizens Infoterra Centres
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July 2004 Geobrowser 2 Series Workshops Objective – Collaboration for development of 3-D visualization for user-interface systems as gateways to an evolving Digital Earth global network. Goal – Establish benchmark for functional user requirements. Benefits – Enhanced knowledge of design approaches (exchange) Enhanced influence with data providers (NASA/CEOS) Development leveraging of resources (sharing)
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July 2004 Geobrowser 2 Goals Refine technical matrix Improve document outline & content Recommend follow-on activities
3-D Visualization for a Digital Earth Foresman 3 July 2004 Gateway to a Digital Earth ¡Time to act...with Partners! Global Expansion of Geobrowsers