Monday 4/6 wk What are the 5 branches of Christianity that were studied for the spoke diagram posters? 2. What is one thing you learned about one of the branches of Christianity?
Biography Shield Project Due May 8 th 100 points
What do I do? Write two paragraphs. Write two paragraphs. Early life, Accomplishments Early life, Accomplishments Make a timeline of at least 5 events. Make a timeline of at least 5 events. Include a Map Include a Map Include two pictures Include two pictures Portrait, and one other illustration Portrait, and one other illustration
When is my Shield Project due? Friday May 8 th Friday May 8 th
Will there be class time provided to work on my Shield Project? Yes Yes You still might need to do some of it at home You still might need to do some of it at home
Do I have to use fancy poster board? No, you can use construction paper No, you can use construction paper You can buy it at Target, Wal-Mart, Office Depot, and Michael’s You can buy it at Target, Wal-Mart, Office Depot, and Michael’s
Do I have to include a Bibliography? Yes Yes 3 sources 3 sources Only 2 from internet Only 2 from internet Need help? See your English Teacher Need help? See your English Teacher
Can I print all of my pictures Nope Nope Only one can be printed from the computer Only one can be printed from the computer
How many points is the Shield Project worth? 100 points 100 points
How will the Shield Project be graded? You will be given a grade in both your English and your social studies class You will be given a grade in both your English and your social studies class See scoring guide for a rubric on how you will be graded in each class See scoring guide for a rubric on how you will be graded in each class
To earn an “A”… Information is accurate-information demonstrates student’s knowledge of subject Information is accurate-information demonstrates student’s knowledge of subject Detailed and thorough Detailed and thorough Neat and organized Neat and organized Written information is typed or in ink Written information is typed or in ink Grammatically correct, free of punctuation and spelling errors Grammatically correct, free of punctuation and spelling errors Colorful, creative illustrations that are related to the subject Colorful, creative illustrations that are related to the subject Bibliography in is included Bibliography in is included
To earn a “B”… Information is accurate-information demonstrates student’s knowledge of subject Detailed and thorough information Neat and organized Written information is typed or in ink Only a few minor grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors Colorful illustrations that are related to the subject Bibliography is included.
To earn a “C”… Information is accurate but contains a somewhat limited amount of information about the subject Information is accurate but contains a somewhat limited amount of information about the subject Some detailed information, but lacks thoroughness Some detailed information, but lacks thoroughness Neat Neat Information in ink or typed Information in ink or typed A few grammatical, punctuation or spelling errors A few grammatical, punctuation or spelling errors Illustrations related to the subject Illustrations related to the subject Bibliography is incomplete Bibliography is incomplete
To earn a “D”… Contains inaccurate or incomplete information Contains inaccurate or incomplete information Lacking organization and/or neatness Lacking organization and/or neatness Information written in pencil Information written in pencil Many errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation Many errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation Illustrations incomplete, sloppy or not related to the subject Illustrations incomplete, sloppy or not related to the subject Bibliography incomplete or missing Bibliography incomplete or missing
Biography Shield Project Major Figures of the Renaissance, Reformation and Scientific Revolution
Pieter Brueghel the Elder
Albrecht Dürer
Machiavelli “The Prince” “The Prince”
Cervantes “Don Quixote” “Don Quixote” Wrote in Spanish Wrote in Spanish
Dante Alighieri “Divine Comedy” “Divine Comedy” Journey through heaven, hell, and purgatory Journey through heaven, hell, and purgatory Wrote in Italian Wrote in Italian Visited during walking tour of Florence activity Visited during walking tour of Florence activity
Queen Elizabeth
Daughter of Henry the VIII and Ann Boleyn Daughter of Henry the VIII and Ann Boleyn Never married Never married State of Virginia named after her State of Virginia named after her “Elizabethan Age” “Elizabethan Age” Shakespeare wrote during her reign Shakespeare wrote during her reign
Catherine d’ Medici Married King Henry II of France Married King Henry II of France Ruled as regent for her three sons when her husband died Ruled as regent for her three sons when her husband died Patron of the arts Patron of the arts
Lorenzo Medici Grandson of Cosimo de Medici Grandson of Cosimo de Medici Ruled Florence during the early Renaissance Ruled Florence during the early Renaissance Also known as Lorenzo the Magnificent Also known as Lorenzo the Magnificent Patron to the arts Patron to the arts His death marked the end of the golden age of Florence His death marked the end of the golden age of Florence
King Henry VIII Started Church of England (Anglicanism) Started Church of England (Anglicanism) Married 6 times (and had numerous affairs!) Married 6 times (and had numerous affairs!) Catherine of Aragon, Ann Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard, Catherine Parr Catherine of Aragon, Ann Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard, Catherine Parr “Renaissance Man” “Renaissance Man” Talented musician, author, and poet and good at sports Talented musician, author, and poet and good at sports