1 Overview of EPINAV SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE Prepared by: Directorate of Research and Postgraduate studies
2 Presentation outline Conceptual framework of EPINAV Programme Strategy Programme goal Purpose Programme components Programme Outputs Programme activities SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
3 Presentation outline Programme components (3) Programme Outputs (15).....OVIs Programme activities(......)..... Results Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Programme co-ordination and administration Programme budget SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
5 Addressing challenge of upscaling and outscaling of agricultural innovations Success stories from PANTIL and previous SUA researches are visible in project villages and sites Limited evidence of upscaling of best practices and proven technologies to entire villages and districts SUA cannot achieve upscaling working alone Partnerships required Change in approaches required SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
9/14/20156 The Agricultural innovation system Is made up of three main components: The knowledge and education domain The Business and enterprise domain The Bridging institutions that facilitate the transfer of knowledge between the two domains (Arnold & Bell, 2001) SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
9/14/20157 The Agricultural innovation system … Governing the three domains are social economic institutions that influence innovation processes Regulatory functions, rules (both formal and informal) and practices that influence how individuals and organizations within each domain behave and interact as competitors or allies SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
9/14/20158 The Agricultural innovations system … It is in this complex realm that research works to influence uptake of innovations by various value chain role players including innovative policies by policy makers SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
9 VULNERABILITY CONTEXT Shocks Climate change induced - Drought - Pests and Diseases Trends - Food prices increases - Fuel price increases Seasonality - Unpredictable weather changes -Pests and diseases Innovation LIVELIHOOD CAPITAL ASSETS -Human -Natural -Physical -Social -Financial Inputs Land Market services Information Research and Development Financial services Policies Standards Regulations Values Codes of Practice Agricultural value chain CORE FUNCTIONS SUPPORT FUNCTIONS REGULATORY FUNCTIONS Culture Improved: -Crop farming and livestock husbandry practices -Environmental and natural resources management -Capital accumulation and saving -Non farm income generation activities Non-timber forestry products LIVELIHOOD STRATEGIES LIVELIHOOD OUTCOMES -More Income -Improved food security -Reduced vulnerability -Improved social wellbeing -Environmen tal sustainability Extension services Livelihood, Innovation systems and value chain approaches under EPINAV
10 Programme Goal (Development Objective) Increased contribution of SUA to the national goal of poverty reduction and improved social well being through promotion of innovation in the Agricultural and Natural resources sectors SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
11 Programme Purpose (Immediate Objective); Enhanced productivity, livelihood security and human capacity of target groups to utilise pro-poor and climate change adapted innovations in agricultural and natural resources value chains. SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
12 Programme Components Component 1: Strategic Research and Interventions (SRI) Innovation systems research thrust Farmer empowerment and market linkages thrust Research Communication and Dissemination thrust Impact Assessment thrust SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
13 Programme components... Capacity Building and Institutional Collaboration (CBIC) Human Resources capacity improvement thrust Selected infrastructure thrust Gender focus thrust Institutional collaboration thrust SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
14 Programme components... Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E) Monitoring and Evaluation (subcomponent) Impact assessment (subcomponent) SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
15 Programme Outputs (Under SRI component)... Output I: Innovation Systems Research in Agriculture and Natural Resources undertaken. Output II: Research on Climate Change Adaptation for Agriculture and Natural resources undertaken Output III: Research on Policy, Analysis and Good Governance undertaken SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
16 Programme Outputs ( Six Under SRI component)... Output IV: Farmer empowerment, market and credit linkages strengthened Output V: Innovative communication and knowledge dissemination pathways improved Output VI: Impact assessment carried out SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
17 Programme Outputs (Under CBIC component)... Output VII: Human Resource Capacity Improved Output VIII: Selected infrastructure improved Output IX: Institutional collaboration strengthened SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
18 Programme Outputs (Under CBIC component)... Output X: SUA’s institutional capacity in management of cross cutting issues strengthened Output XI: Community advisory and development services in agriculture and natural resources undertaken SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
19 Programme Outputs (Under CBIC component)... Output XII: Learning centres for transfer of best practices/technologies/innovations established Output XIII: Private sector partnership fund put in place to address value chain constraints through research SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
20 Programme Outputs ( Eight Under CBIC component)... Output XIV: Entrepreneurship capacity of SUA graduates improved Output XV: Monitoring and Evaluation conducted (under PM&E Component) SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
21 Programme Outputs ( under PM&E Component )... Output XV: Monitoring and Evaluation conducted Output XVI: Impact assessment conducted SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
22 PROGRAMME RESEARCH THEMES Theme 1: Innovation systems research to address key knowledge gaps and upscale proven technologies to wider audience and to the national level Theme 2: Pathways for adaptation of agriculture and natural resources to Climate change Theme 3: Policy research and analysis Theme 4:Innovative communication pathways for promoting knowledge dissemination and market linkages of smallholder farmers SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
23 Theme 1:Innovations systems research Category I: Participatory action research involving smallholder farmers, commercial farmers, industrialists and other actors as co-researchers (30% of research effort) Category II: Applied on- farm research for validation of new knowledge and development of new products and processes (20% of research effort) SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
24 Theme 1:Innovations systems research (contd).. Category III: Basic research critical for generation of new knowledge on key aspects of Tanzania’s agriculture such as application of modern tools for genetic improvement, manipulation and conservation (10% of research effort?) Innovation challenge fund under category I research Postgraduate Student research fund under category II & III SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
25 Theme 2: Adaptation of agriculture and natural resources to Climate change 20% of the research effort Evaluation and testing crops and plants for drought and disease resistance Crop livestock interactions Watershed management Rainwater harvesting and irrigation techniques suitable for conserving water Use of renewable energy sources SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
28 Theme 3: Policy research and Analysis 10% of research effort Land policy and land use systems Domestic Crop and Livestock marketing policies Regional and international trade policies and impacts Extension services policies and practices Informing policy formulation processes through research evidence SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
29 Theme 4: Innovative communication pathways for promoting knowledge dissemination and market linkages Communication and knowledge sharing strategy Use of ICT ( internet, radio, tv, mobile phones, sms multimedia, drama, digital pen?) Print media Streamlining use of agricultural information systems in regional, zonal and national innovations systems; ward resource centres under KILIMO KWANZA? SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
31 Farmer Empowerment focus Strengthening farmers’ organisations and institutions and participation in innovation systems clusters Promote market and credit linkages Strategic interventions for demonstration of best practices based on sound criteria: Economic relevance and potential for poverty reduction SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
32 Farmer Empowerment focus… Competence of SUA researchers and their partners Strong partnerships especially with private sector (critical for sustainability and scaling up) Multidisciplinary Norwegian competence and interest SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
33 Demonstration centres for best practices Demonstration centers/ best practice centers at SUA Demonstration/best practice centers on farmers’ fields SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
34 Market opportunities and credit linkages Identifying sustainable market outlets Farmer and other stakeholder organisation strengthening Strengthening of savings and credit organisations and partnerships SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
36 Capacity building and institutional collaboration (CBIC) Enhancement of SUA’s capacity to generate and disseminate new knowledge in Agriculture and Natural Resources Human resources capacity building Infrastructure for teaching and research, Gender mainstreaming HIV/AIDS prevention and care Institutional collaboration SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
37 Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Develop Programme implementation manual Develop M&E System Develop gender sensitive M&E indicators and tools Develop M&E plan Develop programme communication strategy and plan Conduct annual programme review and planning workshops Conduct semi-annual programme monitoring and evaluation SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
38 Impact assessment Carry out : Ex-ante baseline studies on target communities and innovation cluster mapping Mid term impact studies and outcome mapping of target communities Ex-post impact study SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE
39 SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE Programme paradigm shifts Innovation systems approach Market/value chain approaches Building partnerships and innovation clusters of various value chain actors, service providers and R & D institutions (NARs) Graduate entrepreneurship challenge fund Innovation partnership fund (for advisory services & short term research) Postgraduate research fund
40 Programme co-ordination and Admin. SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE