HOW? Using the speed bounce mat, stand sideways and jump from 2 feet to 2 feet. TIME LIMIT – 30 seconds SCORING 1 point each time you jump to other side of mat BRONZE 20 SILVER 32 GOLD 44 EQUIPMENT speed bounce mat KS1 – mat without any barrier KS2 – mat and barrier of mini disc cones stopwatch
HOW? Throw a beanbag in the air and: - 1 st go – clap once 2 nd go – clap twice 3 rd go – clap 3 times etc You MUST catch the bean bag after throwing it TIME LIMIT – 30 seconds SCORING Count the most number of claps between the throw and catch. KS1 KS2 1 BRONZE 2 2 SILVER 4 3 GOLD 6+ EQUIPMENT beanbag stopwatch
HOW? Sidestep from mini cone 1>2>3>4>5>6*(>7>8). Touch each mini cone with your hand, then run back to the start. Do NOT cross your feet TIME LIMIT – 30 seconds SCORING 1 point scored each time you reach cone 6*/8. BRONZE 2 SILVER 3 GOLD 4 EQUIPMENT stopwatch 6/8 mini cones KS metres between 1 > 7 (and 2 > 8) and 2 metre between 1 > 2 etc KS1 – set up as for KS2, but only use 6* mini cones.
HOW? You have 5 beanbags. Throw one at a time at the “bulls eye target” mat. You can use each beanbag once. KS1 – stand 2 metres away from target KS2 – stand 2.5 metres away from target TIME LIMIT – 30 seconds SCORING Add up the total score. If the beanbag lands in 2 areas, you score the points that the majority of the beanbag lands in. BRONZE 25 SILVER 75 GOLD 125 EQUIPMENT Target mat 5 beanbags line tape measure stopwatch
HOW? Stand on one foot on the agility disc or the balance beam. Keep your “free foot” away from the grounded one. TIME LIMIT – 30 seconds SCORING Count how many times the free foot touches the floor. BRONZE touches floor/disc/beam 2 or more times SILVER touches floor/disc/beam once GOLDnever touches floor/disc/beam EQUIPMENT agility disc / balance beam stopwatch
HOW? Start at cone 1 with beanbag on head walk around cone 2 and back to cone 1. If you drop the beanbag, you must go back to the previous cone. TIME LIMIT – 30 seconds SCORING 1 point each time you get back to the 1 st cone KS1KS2 1BRONZE 3 2SILVER 4 3GOLD5 START & FINISH EQUIPMENT 2 cones, tape measure, beanbag, stopwatch Distance between cones = 6metres
HOW ? You have 8 beanbags and 4 hoops. Aim to throw 2 beanbags into each hoop. If 3 beanbags land in one hoop, only 2 will score. TIME LIMIT – 30 seconds SCORING 1 point for each beanbag in a hoop, or touching the floor inside the hoop. BRONZE 2 SILVER 4 GOLD 6 EQUIPMENT 4 hoops, 8 beanbags, line, tape measure. KS1 – larger hoops (76/94cm) KS2 – smaller hoops (48cm) Edge of 1 st hoop is 2 metre from start, Edge of 4 th hoop is 5 metres from start stopwatch
HOW ? KS1 start 4 metres away from bench KS2 start 5 metres away from bench Roll or kick a ball against a bench TIME LIMIT – 30 seconds SCORING 3 points for yellow area 2 points for red area 1 point for blue area BRONZE 15 SILVER 20 GOLD 25 EQUIPMENT Bench, ball, line, tape measure, stopwatch
HOW? Run in a zigzag pattern between the poles then run straight back to the start TIME LIMIT – 30 seconds SCORING 1 point for each complete slalom run. BRONZE 3 SILVER 4 GOLD 5 EQUIPMENT 4 / 5 poles & bases, tape measure KS2 - 5 metres between poles 1 > 5 KS1 – as for KS2, but only a 4 pole slalom stopwatch
HOW? Two footed jumps from spot to spot. Jump from 1 st to last spot, then run back to start. TIME LIMIT – 30 seconds SCORING 1 point each time they jump from 1 st to last spot. BRONZE 4 SILVER5 GOLD 6 KS1 START KS2 START EQUIPMENT KS1 – 5 throw down spots, 30cms apart KS2 – 10 throw down spots, 30cms apart Tape measure, stopwatch
HOW? Stand on a spot and pass the ball around your waist TIME LIMIT – 30 seconds SCORING 1 point for each time the ball goes around your body. If you drop the ball, you have to start again at 0 KS1KS2 3BRONZE 5 7SILVER 9 10GOLD 14 EQUIPMENT KS1 – mini play ball, size cm KS2 – size cm (size 3) stopwatch
HOW? Take one beanbag at a time from the hoop in the middle and place it on the same coloured spot. TIME LIMIT – 30 seconds SCORING BRONZEless than 9 beanbags on spots SILVER9+ beanbags on spots GOLD12 beanbags on spots EQUIPMENT Hoop, stopwatch. 12 beanbags in a hoop, 12 spots set out in circle around the hoop. KS1 – spots 2m from centre. KS2 – spots 2.5m from centre.