Library at the Lake Mr. Zuke Week #2 Reading for Pleasure and Insight
Alignments to National Standards (AASL) Seek information for personal learning in a variety of formats and genres. 4.a Use readers’ advisory technologies and awards to find reading materials. Assessment Limit 4.b Choose materials independently.
Learning Targets *I can choose a book for recreational reading after hearing a series of book talks by the Pratt librarian. *I can use the school’s online catalog.
Social Intelligence S ECURITY When you’re in, you stay in. When you leave—you leave. Avoid all body contact. E TIQUETTE Persons with social intelligence: 1. Do not eat, drink, or chew in libraries 2. Push in their chairs. 3. Dispose of trash appropriately. 4. Refrain from the use of all personal electronics A CCEPTABLE USE 1. Sign an Acceptable Use agreement before using technoolgy. 2. Refrain from games, music, videos, blocked sites, and social networking sites. 3. Refrain from changing any wiring or settings.
How are you getting around socially?
Bookit! For ten minutes, we are going to become more socially intelligent by learning about popular young adult titles at the public library. Book Talks
Then we’re going to plug in to cyberspace and review how to use the online catalog for this library so we can put our hands on these literary gems. library.bcpss. org 10 minutes
Finally, we will have a silent time to browse for books and read quietly. 25 minutes 25
So let’s roll up our sleeves and get started!
Bookit! Debbie Taylor, Enoch Pratt Free Library
Let me show what to do if Debbie Taylor’s not here.
Online Book Talks /ya.htm /ya.htm ary/booktalks/booktalksteens.htm includes podcasts—use your earphones ary/booktalks/booktalksteens.htm
Now you try it when you don’t know what to read.
Cyberspace: 10 minutes NO www’s!
Let me show you how.
Scroll down and click on DORIS M. JOHN- SON
(Outdated, but it works)
Conduct a title search.. Type in the title. Click GO.
Skim here to be sure our school has the book. Click the title IF our school has the book.
Find our school in the listing. Here’s where the book will be on the shelf. Ask the librarian if you need help.
FIC DUN I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER NOTE: This will probably not be the only book with this label, so look at the title as well as the call number label. Title Call number
Now you try it when you’re looking for books today.
Optional Reading Station: The Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
The Library of Congress is the nation’s library. It contains two copies of most books that have ever been printed, and is the largest library in the world. This is where we get Library of Congress cataloging from. Remember last week? Although you’ll probably never check a book out of the Library of Congress—most people aren’t allowed to—you should check out their extensive online holdings of digitized books, pictures, and music.
This is new to you, so a few tips are in order. Listen up for a minute!
Go to Lots to see and do! Click around!
Especially try this link.
Search for Baltimore.
Read and click!
This monument is still downtown, but look in the background. The court house and the post office surround this monument today. When the picture was taken in 1846, there were only houses nearby.
Now you try it! Try searching for more pictures of old Baltimore.
SHHHHH……………………………………. 25 minutes 25
Y’All come back, now!