1 Taking the Next Steps: Facilitating MEA Implementation with Cleaner Production Status and Potential for Future Activities
2 Session Overview n Why is CP needed for MEA implementation? n Current status n Future vision n Bridging the gaps n Priorities for MEA implementation and where NCPC activities overlap - What are the Opportunities? n Determining specific NCPC priorities
3 CP for MEA implementation - Why? n “fragmentation, duplication and overlap,” “compliance rates are at best patchy” – (Geo 3. UNEP, 2002) n “apparent conflict” between conventions – (Kuijpers, Lambert. UNEP Technology and Economic Assessment Panel under Montreal Protocol and IPCC author, 2000)
4 Marrying CP with MEAs - key benefits n Issue linkage n Ground for synergies n Efficient use of financial resources n Positive incentives for compliance n Flexibility
5 Where are we now? Current status n CP experiences and expertise are readily available but widespread awareness about CP is lacking n Links starting between MEA implementation and CP related bodies, tools, methodologies - but more needed n Implementation focus on regulation, end-of- pipe
6 What should it be? n Vision: – CP is widely used in MEA implementation strategy – Multi-stakeholder partnerships including MEA/CP bodies – Effective implementation of MEAs through prevention leads to sustainable development
7 What gaps need to be bridged? n Catalytic actors and activities needed n Awareness of CP by MEA-related bodies n Awareness of MEAs by CP-related bodies n More joint efforts/coordination
8 Building on the commonalities: CP vs. MEAs n Goal is sustainable development (i.e. triple bottom line benefits) n Deal with current and future environmental issues n Coordinated approach yields maximum benefits (i.e. synergistic effects) n MEAs can lead to greater CP implementation and vice-versa
9 Does this require a major change? n Do NCPCs need: – to develop different expertise? – to change their work profile? – additional resources? No...
10 Next step? n Difference is the scope and stakeholders n NCPCs require: – additional expertise focussed on MEAs – enlarge the package of services offered – enlarge the stakeholder base – increased coordination and cooperation with national MEA implementation bodies
11 CP Centres/ MEA Implementation: Cross-cutting Activities Awareness raising Information exchange Commitment/partnership building Demonstration projects Education & Training Technical assistance Policy advice/development
12 Awareness raising n Bringing CP to national MEA implementation bodies n Bringing MEAs to CP practitioners n Bringing both CP & MEAs to all stakeholders (e.g. relevant government ministries, industry, etc.)
13 Information exchange n Information dissemination n Information centers n Experience exchange / dialogue facilitation
14 Commitment/Partnership building n Securing the commitment to using CP n Securing commitment to implementing MEAs n Building strategic partnerships for coordination and cooperation in implementation n Building on stakeholder trust
15 Demonstration projects n Design and implementation n Selecting partners n Disseminating the results
16 Education and Training n Developing/modifying training packages/programmes n Delivering training in cooperation with MEA bodies
17 Technical assistance n Technical assistance projects n Adapting or developing sector-specific guidelines n Facilitating technical assistance
18 Policy Advice n Involving stakeholders n National Implementation Plans – Compilation of baseline data – Indicators – Developing standards/targets and identifying alternatives n Policy assessment, development and modification
19 Kyoto Opportunities - recent agreements n Agreement on comprehensive framework for capacity-building in developing countries n Agreement on concrete mechanisms for the transfer of technology to developing countries n Agreement on the establishment of three new funds for the developing countries
20 Determining priorities n What are the country’s obligations under the various MEAs? n What are the priority sectors/waste streams? n Where are the Centre’s strengths - what has already been done? n What are the Centre’s needs to move forward? n How can your needs be met?