Cross-border Cooperation in European Union 3 Cross-border and transnational co-operation – one of the key priorities for the European Union’s funds: n Important to help public authorities and other institutions on either side of a border to work together n European Union has been supporting such co-operation on internal EU borders for many years (from 1989 with INTERREG programmes) n Cross-border cooperation between European and Russian border areas on external EU borders has been supported from 1997 (with Tacis CBC programme)
History of European Neighbourhood Policy 4 In 2003 the European Union launched its New European Neighbourhood Policy. Aimed at working with neighbouring countries towards improving: (a) conditions for the free movement of goods, services, capital and persons, (b) developing a zone of prosperity and friendly neighbourhood. That includes strengthening relations and cooperation with all neighbouring countries including Russia.
European Neighbourhood Policy 5 What is Neighbourhood? n In its wider sense, the European Union and its neighbours working together n More specifically, it concerns co-operation across the external border of the EU – cross-border and transnational co- operation It helps to avoid drawing new dividing lines in Europe and to promote stability and prosperity within and beyond new EU borders
Cross-border Cooperation Programmes within ENPI 6 New stage of cooperation – EU Member States and Partner Countries Adopted 13 Programmes out of planned 15 Programmes (9 land borders, 3 sea crossings and 3 sea basin programmes) The programmes involving Russian Federation "Kolarctic-Russia" (Sweden, Finland, Norway, Russia) "Karelia-Russia" (Finland, Russia) "South East Finland-Russia" (Finland, Russia) "Estonia-Latvia-Russia” "Lithuania-Poland-Russia" (the Kaliningrad programme)
Overview of ENPI CBC legal framework EC Guidance notes Financing Agreement JMC/PSC rules
Main features of the ENPI programmes European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument – promoting stability and prosperity on and beyond the borders of the European Union Countries participating in the implementation of the Programme are involved into Programme implementation and decision making on the equal basis 8
ENPI CBC Land border, Sea Crossing and Sea Basin Programmes 2007 – Programmes with landborderProgrammes with oversea border
Aim of the Programme and Priorities The strategic objective of the Programme is to promote joint development activities for the improvement of the region’s competitiveness by utilising its potential and beneficial location on the cross roads between the EU and Russian Federation Priorities : 1.Socio-economic development 2.Common challenges 3.Promotion of people to people cooperation 10
Priorities of the Programme (1) Priority 1 Socio-economic development Fostering of socio-economic development and encouraging business and entrepreneurship Transport, logistics and communication solutions Tourism development 11
Priorities of the Programme ( 2 ) Priority 2 Common challenges Joint actions aimed at protection of environment and natural resources Preservation and promotion of cultural and historical heritage and support of local traditional skills Improvement of energy efficiency 12
Priorities of the Programme ( 3 ) Priority 3 Promotion of people to people cooperation Development of local initiative, increasing administrative capacities of local and regional authorities Cooperation in spheres of culture, sport, education, social and healthcare 13
Programme area Estonia Kirde-Eesti, Lõuna- Eesti, Kesk-Eesti; adjoining: Põhja- Eesti Latvia Latgale, Vidzeme; adjoining: Riga City and Pieriga Russia Leningrad Region, Pskov Region and Saint Petersburg 14
Summary budget of the Programme Additional financing made available from Estonian State budget for large scale cross-border projects involving partners from Estonia and Russia is EUR
Implementation period of the Programme Grant Contracts for projects have to be signed before 31 December 2013 Implementation of projects has to be finalized before 31 December
Programme implementation structure xxx 17 European Commission Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) National Authorities Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Estonia Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation Joint Managing Authority (JMA) Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of Republic of Latvia Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) JTS office in RigaBranch Offices in EstoniaBranch Offices in Russia Project Applicants from three Programme’s participating countries
Tasks of implementation bodies 18 National sub- committees General support Ideas forum Joint Monitoring Committee Monitoring of the Programme Approval of the projects Joint Managing Authority Programme management and implementation Contracting authority Joint Technical Secretariat Daily management of the Programme Implementation tool for JMC and JMA
Programme territory and location of JTS and Branch Offices 19 JTS BO St.Petersburg Russia JTS BO Johvi, Estonia JTS BO Tartu, Estonia JTS BO Pskov, Russia JTS Riga, Latvia JTS Main Office: Riga, Latvia Branch Offices: Estonia: Tartu Johvi Russia: St.Petersburg Pskov
20 JTS at work
21 1 st Open Call for Proposals
1 st Call in figures (1) 2225 projects awarded Quality Assessment 133 applications Eligibility Verification 190 applications Opening Session and Administrative Check 204 applications 226 applications submitted
Focus on Support to Applicants Over 1000 consultations provided More than 1000 people consulted Over 100 answers to FAQs published on Programme website 23 1 st Open Call for Proposals (1) Launched:Submission deadline: 23 August November 2010
24 Seminar in Valmiera, Latvia 1 st Open Call for Proposals (2) Application packs in JTS, Riga
25 Submitted applications per country 1 st Call in figures (2) Submitted applications by Programme Priorities
26 Financing (1) Available Programme financing EUR Approved Total amount of Programme Grant EUR Grant Contracts with all 25 projects have been signed before mid-April 2012
1st Open Call for Proposals Programme grants per Measure 27 Financing (2) Awarded Grants by Programme Measures Payments to awarded projects 2001ca. EUR 1,5 million JAN – JUN 2012 ca. EUR 4,5 million
Partnerships 28 Project Partners per country Amount of partners in the projects Number of projects
29 Support to projects Beneficiary seminars
Example of Project – Priority 1 Exploring the history of narrow gauge railway EHNGR Enhance the historical research of railway history in Estonia and Russia and increase accessibility of tourism information Total project budget: EUR Duration: 18 months Project partners (2): Turi Rural Municipality (EST) Non-profit organization “Imperatorski Voksal” (RUS) 30
Example of Project – Priority 2 Tartu, Rezekne, Pskov: Green Management for Urban Development & Planning in EE-LV-RU Border Capitals GreenMan Promotion of effective green management policies, practices and innovations, and learning opportunities in green management for students; increase of greenery and attractiveness of the cities in Estonia-Latvia-Russia border area for their residents and visitors. Total project budget: EUR Duration: 24 months Project partners (10): NGO “Lake Peipsi Project, Pskov” (RUS) 9 partners in EST, LAT and RUS 31
Example of Project – Priority 3 Improving availability of medical information and counselling MEDINF Increasing the availability of medical counselling services via telephone, internet and other means by using ICT solutions (algorithm-based counselling software and Counselling Centre) in the border areas of Estonia and Russia Total project budget: EUR Duration: 27 months Project partners (): Estonian Advice Centres (North-East Estonia) 4 partners in EST, LAT and RUS 32
33 2 nd Restricted Call for Proposals
Timeline 34 Concept Note Evaluation Stage 10 January 2012Launch of the 2 nd Call for Proposals 27 February 2012Deadline for submission of Concept Notes 29 June 2012 JMC decision on Shortlisted Projects Support of applicants: info seminars, consultation days, FAQ section on the website Full Application Form Evaluation Stage 12 September 2012 Deadline for submission of Full Application Forms December 2012Decision on award of the Grant January 2013Minor changes and clarification stage January - February 2013Signing of Grant Contracts 34
Concept Note Evaluation Stage 35
36 Priority% Priority I40,32 Priority II47,83 Priority III11,32 NA0,53 Requested grant funding by Programme Measures (%) 36 Concept Note Evaluation Stage
37 2 nd Call: Interim Results ?Awarddecision 38 applications shortlisted Quality Assessment 278 applications 333 applications submitted
38 2 nd Call Financial Envelope Total requested financing by the Shortlisted applications EUR ,63 Total amount of Programme Grant available for this Call for Proposals EUR ,00
39 Focus on Support to potential applicants and partners Seminar in Valka, Latvia Open Day in Riga, Latvia Seminar in Rakvere, Estonia Open Day in Pskov, Russia
40 Large Scale Projects
41 30% of the Programme financing has been allocated to the LSPs, in addition Estonian co-financing of ca. EUR 9,0 million has been allocated to the LSPs; 6 proposals have been selected and approved by the Joint Monitoring Committee, and by the European Commission; 5 Applications have received final approval from EC; 2 Grant Contracts are signed in July Large scale cross-border projects (LSPs) are strategic investment projects contributing to socio-economic development of the whole cross-border area and having a strong political support at the national level.
Main topics of the LSPs 42 Improvement of the border crossing infrastructure on the borders between Estonia - Russian Federation and Latvia –Russian Federation Development of Narva–Ivangorod fortress ensemble Renovation of wastewater treatment plants around Lake Peipsi
Improvement of traffic and border crossing possibilities in Varska-Pechory monastery road SAFE ROAD Total project budget: EUR ,20 Grant Contract: Signed in July 2012 Project partners (4): Estonian Road Administration (EST) Administration of Pechory District (RUS) Municipal Culture Institution “Pechory Culture Centre” (RUS) General partnership “Shans&Co” (RUS) 43
Complex reconstruction border crossing points in Invangorod and in Narva Total project budget: EUR Grant Contract: Expected to be signed in September 2012 Project partners (4): Estonian Ministry of the Interior (EST) The Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border Facilities of the Russian Federation (Rosgranitsa) (RUS) State Real Estate Ltd. (EST) Federal State Budget institution Rosgranstroy (RUS) 44
Economically and environmentally sustainable Lake Peipsi area Total project budget: EUR Grant Contract: Expected to be signed in September 2012 Project partners (11): Estonian Ministry of the Interior (EST) Tartu City Government (EST) Mustvee City Government (EST) Kallaste City Government (EST) Rapina Rural Municipality Government (EST) State Committee on Natural Management and Protection of the Environment in Pskov Region (RUS) Administration of Gdovsky Area (RUS) Administration of Pskovsky Area (RUS) Administration of Pechorsky Area (RUS) State Institution of Social Service “Pervomaysky Psycho-neurologic Dispensary” (RUS) Municipal enterprise of the Pskov city “Gorvodokanal” (RUS) 45
Reconstruction of border checkpoint “Vientuli” (LAT) and arrangement of border checkpoint “Brunishevo” (RUS) Total project budget: EUR Grant Contract: Expected to be signed in September 2012 Project partners (3): State JSC “State Real Estate” (LAT) Federal Agency for Development of the State Border Facilities of Russian Federation (Rosgranitsa) (RUS) Federal State Budget institution Rosgranstroy (RUS) 46
47 Information and Visibility of the Programme
Key Events September VIII Annual International Conference “Cross-border Cooperation: The Russian Federation, The European Union And Norway” (Pskov, Russia) 21 September European Cooperation Day 2012 – 20 Local Events in Estonia, Latvia and Russia September Conference “Russian-European Cross Border Cooperation – A Tool To Promote Innovation”, and Exhibition during V St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum (St. Petersburg, Russia) 31 October Annual Programme Event “Cross Border Cooperation. Advancing Partnership. Bridging Together” (Narva, Estonia) 48
Programme webpage on-line registration system for events project search tool news in 4 languages projects can publish their news subscription to programme news 49
Programme participation in European Cooperation Day ● at least 25 Projects of the Programme (including 2 LSPs) are participating ● about 20 different activities (out of ca. 150 Europe wide) for local communities in 32 local places in the Programme area ● 6 Promotional Projects ● media 50