IRRB meeting, IRRB – International Railway Research Board Outline for the future of IRRB Imrich Korpanec Deputy Director Technology/System Department
IRRB meeting, UIC as platform for cooperation At present – world level WCRR – World Congress on Railway Research Joint research projects Technology and Research Forum Bilateral and EC contacts with UIC support TRB – Transport Research Board (N. America) IRRB – what more and better…???
IRRB meeting, WCRR Unique event gathering the top researchers, railway experts and practitioners from all continents Presentations on the latest achievements of research worldwide and its contribution to the rail business Cross-fertilisation from the exchange of the information on the research achievements and its implementation in leading companies both for freight and passenger operators and infrastructure managers Milestone in evaluation of progress worldwide made due to the research and development by all parties involved – academia, researchers, supply industry and operators but essentially information exchange on topical research
IRRB meeting, Technology and Research Forum Technical information/exchange platform for UIC working groups and coordination of UIC activities in the field of technical harmonisation and research Support for the TSI work, technological innovation and migration strategies towards TSI and international standards Relation to the standardisation bodies as well as to industry for transfer the UIC knowledge embedded in the UIC leaflets into the European standards and world standards Coordination of UIC activities in the fields of environment and safety UIC Research programme, management of research projects, relation to EC and other associations, WCRR and involvement in world research activities, etc…
IRRB meeting, Why IRRB ? UIC mission: Technology empowerment - worldwide Need to have at the UIC level a body which would involve all major stakeholders in the world research to create a platform of exchange on transport research themes such as e.g. safety, security and cost reduction To explore better the research potential worldwide for benefiting from synergies in executing research, improving cooperation, bridging a knowledge gap between continents, etc. To explore opportunities on research resources/funding at global level as i.e. FP7 in Europe, Japan? USA?, etc. To establish the joint world research agenda with full commitments of all stakeholders
IRRB meeting, IRBB - Opportunities Some examples/ideas: Joint research projects (follow up of JRPs, next JRP-3) participation at EC initiatives within the scope of the next FP7 collaboration with standardisation bodies joint development of high-speed and urban transit technology with emerging world markets dedicated technology and operational research for freight transcontinental corridors specialists exchange for working at UIC, EC and other national projects and many others….
IRRB meeting, IRRB next actions Terms of reference - common objectives, mission, membership, operation, etc. World Research Agenda - joint strategy for world research - priorities, programmes, key technologies, etc. Joint research programmes and initiatives - approval, funding, supervision, deliverables, follow up implementation, etc