Assessment of 2003 ADRC Grantee Progress (Year 1 Planning Process) 2004 GSA Meetings November 22, 2004
2 Data Sources u Quarterly grantee calls with AoA/CMS Project Officers u Semi-Annual Reports submitted by grantees u Technical Assistance Requests
3 Assessing Progress: ADRC Core Domains and Program Components u ADRC Core Domains: fundamental ADRC features that remain constant throughout program implementation and operation Stakeholder Partnerships & Input Business Operations Streamlined Eligibility IT/MIS Critical Pathways Program Components: elements within domains that act as indicators of progress toward program goals; components vary by state (reflecting state-specific needs and goals).
4 Assessing Progress: ADRC Core Domains & Program Components Cont. u Domain: Stakeholder Partnerships & Input Components include: State Agency Coordination (Aging/Disability Networks, Medicaid) State/Local Coordination Definition of Roles Consumer Involvement (Advisory Boards) Communication (e.g., SUA, Medicaid, Disability Agencies, other key stakeholders)
5 Assessing Progress: ADRC Core Domains & Program Components Cont. u Domain: Business Operations Components include: Staffing level sufficient to carry out ADRC functions Recruitment/Training/Retention Provision of Information, Assistance and Referral to comprehensive LT support options (including private pay options) Marketing and Outreach
6 Assessing Progress: ADRC Core Domains & Program Components Cont. u Domain: Streamlined Eligibility Components include: Seamless system for consumers (integration/coordination) Minimal duplication (intake/assessment/screening/application for services) Standardization of instruments across systems Shorten eligibility determination process
7 Assessing Progress: ADRC Core Domains & Program Components Cont. u Domain: IT/MIS Technology Investment in IT/MIS that supports all ADRC functions (client tracking, needs assessment, care plans, case management, utilization and costs) Comprehensive Resource Database to ensure consumers from all target populations understand their options for long-term support
8 Assessing Progress: ADRC Core Domains & Program Components Cont. u Domain: Critical Pathways Components include: Linkages to hospital discharge and other critical pathways to institutional care Serving the Private Pay Sector
Preliminary Findings
10 Progress: Stakeholder Partnerships & Input
11 Progress: Business Operations
12 Progress: Streamlined Eligibility
13 Progress: IT / MIS
14 Progress: Critical Pathways
15 Implementation Barriers & Facilitators Barriers u Sustaining State level support/buy-in u Staff recruitment and retention u Fiscal restraints/budget challenges u Communication across stakeholders Facilitators u Strong partner collaborations—shared vision u Supportive Governor—program seen as a priority u Marketing/Outreach to diverse populations and organizations u Clear delineation of roles/responsibilities (state/local)
16 ADRC Specific Barriers & Facilitators: Medicaid Agency Involvement Barriers u Lack of engagement/support from Medicaid Agency u Linking Medicaid enrollment & eligibility processes with ADRC Facilitators u State Medicaid staff playing early and active role in state/local ADRC planning process u Co-location of Medicaid eligibility workers at ADRC
17 ADRC Specific Barriers & Facilitators: Integration of Different Public/Private Services/Systems Barriers u Agencies agreeing to collaborate but not willing to change from “business as usual” (e.g., IT systems, databases, and intake processes) u Feasibility of integrating I&A, case management, benefits screening and resource directory into one system with limited funding Facilitators u Establish Inter-Departmental team w/representatives from various state depts. to facilitate coordination u Designate “Integrated Intake Team” to assess various instruments that could be used across settings
18 ADRC Specific Barriers & Facilitators: Bridging Aging & Disability Systems/Cultures Barriers u Gaining cooperation of Disability community when ADRC is housed in Aging office u Board composition—establishing sufficient balance among consumers and other stakeholders Facilitators u Cross training staff on disability issues & cultural competency u Connect Aging/Disability networks through IT systems
19 ADRC Specific Barriers & Facilitators: Leveraging ADRC with Other System Reforms Barriers u Sustaining consistent support at state level amidst competing priorities u Turf Issues—state agencies feel threatened by ADRC Facilitators u Building workgroups that cross over various grant/waiver programs u Solid coordination w/Systems Change grants and health promotion campaigns
20 ADRC Specific Barriers & Facilitators: Involving Providers Along Critical Pathways Barriers u Resistance from hospital discharge planners to change normal procedures u Concern that sharing information about potential ADRC clients would violate consumer privacy Facilitators u Ascertain when/where consumers initiate their search for LTC support information u Bring NF representatives to the table for discussion— assure them of role in LTC continuum of care