2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S Friday, August 8th
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S Handling Objections – Panel Discussion (Barry & Doug) Price – I do not have room in the budget Marketing Director promises to set a meeting with the Executive Director to talk about L2BH Our Wellness Director and/or trainer lead an exercise class
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S Social Media – Facebook/Twitter Set-Up Presented by: Kelly Nygard Walk through Facebook set-up Walk through Twitter set up Walk through setting you up to connect directly to L2BH-provided social media content for Facebook and Twitter
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S BREAK (15 min)
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S New/Revised Streamline Testing Presenter – Cory Czepa Goal 1 person, 1 hour, 20 individuals Beta Test - Curt Bergsholm, Doug Jepsen and Chris Pipkin Revised Testing for Seniors Balance – 1 minute Upper Body – IGrip (4 seconds) Squats – 30 seconds Flexibility – 2 seconds Staff Same as above plus Step Test (No changes to Step Test) New Testing Dates – January, May and September
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S Balance Balance (6o seconds) Purpose: To assess the ability to balance. Equipment Required: Flat, non-slip surface, L2BH Testing Mat, stopwatch. Scoring: The total time in seconds is recorded. Level 1 Procedure: Lift the non-supporting foot off of the floor. The stopwatch is started as the foot is raised from the floor. The stopwatch is stopped when the raised foot touches the floor. Level 2 Procedure: Height above 5’10”, feet have to be 24” apart (from back toes to front heel and the feet have to be directly in front of each other). Both feet should be pointed forward. On the forward facing foot, heel should be placed on heel section of the foot icon of the mat. On the back foot, the toes should be placed on the toe section of the foot icon on the back of the mat. Back heel has to be in the air. Height 5’10” or below, feet have to be 18” apart (from back toes to front heel and the feet have to be directly in front of each other). Both feet should be pointed forward. On the forward facing foot, heel should be placed on heel section of the foot icon of the mat. On the back foot, the toes should be placed on the toe section of the foot icon on the back of the mat. Back heel has to be in the air.
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S Balance Level 4 Procedure: Stand tall without holding anything with feet shoulder width apart. Level 3 Procedure: Height above 5’10”, feet have to be 24” apart (from back toes to front heel in a diagonal position). Both feet should be pointed forward. Back heel has to be in the air. On the forward facing foot, heel should be placed on heel section of the foot icon of the mat. On the back foot, the toes should be placed on the toe section of the foot icon on the back of the mat. Height 5’10” or below, feet have to be 18” apart (from back toes to front heel in a diagonal position). Back heel has to be in the air. Level 5 Procedure: Sit tall with feet shoulder width apart without using a backrest of a chair, with arms crossed or on legs.
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S Balance Scoring
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S New/Revised Streamline Testing Presenter – Cory Czepa Goal 1 person, 1 hour, 20 individuals Beta Test - Curt Bergsholm, Doug Jepsen and Chris Pipkin Revised Testing for Seniors Balance – 1 minute Upper Body – IGrip (4 seconds Upper Body – IGrip (4 seconds) Squats – 30 seconds Flexibility – 2 seconds Staff Same as above plus Step Test (No changes to Step Test) New Testing Dates – January, May and September
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S Upper Body Strength - IGrip Upper Body Strength IGrip (Push for 4 seconds) Purpose: To assess the upper body strength Equipment Required: IGrip Scoring: The total poundage is recorded Procedure: The participant holds onto the IGrip with both hands. The participant then pushes in on the IGrip for 4 seconds.
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S New/Revised Streamline Testing Presenter – Cory Czepa Goal 1 person, 1 hour, 20 individuals Beta Test - Curt Bergsholm, Doug Jepsen and Chris Pipkin Revised Testing for Seniors Balance – 1 minute Upper Body – IGrip (4 seconds) Squats – 30 seconds Flexibility – 2 seconds Staff Same as above plus Step Test (No changes to Step Test) New Testing Dates – January, May and September
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S Lower Body Strength - Squats Lower Body Strength Squats (30 seconds) Purpose: This test assesses leg strength and endurance. Equipment required: a straight back or folding chair (preferably about 17 inches/44 cm high), stopwatch. Scoring: the score is the number of completed chair stands in 30 seconds. Level 1 Procedure: Lift the non-supporting foot off of the floor. The stopwatch is started as the foot is raised from the floor. The stopwatch is stopped when the raised foot touches the floor. Level 2 Procedure: Height above 5’10”, feet have to be 24” apart (from back toes to front heel and the feet have to be directly in front of each other). Both feet should be pointed forward. On the forward facing foot, heel should be placed on heel section of the foot icon of the mat. On the back foot, the toes should be placed on the toe section of the foot icon on the back of the mat. Back heel has to be in the air. Height 5’10” or below, feet have to be 18” apart (from back toes to front heel and the feet have to be directly in front of each other). Both feet should be pointed forward. On the forward facing foot, heel should be placed on heel section of the foot icon of the mat. On the back foot, the toes should be placed on the toe section of the foot icon on the back of the mat. Back heel has to be in the air.
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S Lower Body Strength - Squats Level 3 Procedure: Place the chair against a wall, or otherwise stabilize it for safety. The participant sits in the middle of the seat, with their feet shoulder width apart, flat on the floor. Cross arms in front of chest. From the sitting position, the participant stands completely up, then completely back down, and this is repeated for 30 seconds. Count the total number of complete chair stands (up and down equals one stand). If the participant has completed a full stand from the sitting position when the time is elapsed, the final stand is counted in the total. Level 4 Procedure: Place the chair against a wall, or otherwise stabilize it for safety. The participant sits in the middle of the seat, with their feet shoulder width apart, flat on the floor. From the sitting position, place hands on the arm rest of the chair and push down on the arm rests to lift up from the chair. Stand tall and then use the arm rests to sit back down into the chair without using backrest, and this is repeated for 30 seconds. Count the total number of complete chair stands (up and down equals one stand). If the participant has completed a full stand from the sitting position when the time is elapsed, the final stand is counted in the total.
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S Lower Body Strength – Squats Scoring
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S New/Revised Streamline Testing Presenter – Cory Czepa Goal 1 person, 1 hour, 20 individuals Beta Test - Curt Bergsholm, Doug Jepsen and Chris Pipkin Revised Testing for Seniors Balance – 1 minute Upper Body – IGrip (4 seconds) Squats – 30 seconds Flexibility – 2 seconds Staff Same as above plus Step Test (No changes to Step Test) New Testing Dates – January, May and September
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S Flexibility Procedure: The participant sits on the edge a chair (placed against a wall for safety). One foot must remain flat on the floor. The other leg is extended forward with the knee straight, heel on the floor, and ankle bent at 90°. Place one hand on top of the other with tips of the middle fingers even. Instruct the participant to Inhale, and then as they exhale, reach forward toward the toes by bending at the hip. Keep the back straight and head up. Avoid bouncing or quick movements, and never stretch to the point of pain. Keep the knee straight, and hold the reach for 2 seconds. The distance is measured between the tip of the fingertips and the toes. If the fingertips touch the toes then the score is zero. If they do not touch, measure the distance between the fingers and the toes (a negative score), if they overlap, measure by how much (a positive score). Perform two trials. Lower Body Flexibility — Sit & Reach (Hold for 2 seconds) Purpose: This test measures lower body flexibility. Equipment required: ruler, straight back or folding chair (preferably about 17 inches/44 cm high) Scoring: The score is recorded to the nearest 1/2 inch or 1 cm as the distance reached, either a negative or positive score.
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S Flexibility - Scoring
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S LUNCH
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S Community Management System (CMS) Presented by: Bryan Schreifels Goal Streamline – user friendly Feedback regional owners This is Phase 1 Review our new CMS – resources > manage/grow my region > Community Relations Management Important to enter all data o 2,780 unique participant entries o 4,322 total sessions o 55,391 total participation o Today we do not know exactly how we will use the data in 5 years o Down the road, data will help support our goal of being an evidence-based company
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S BREAK (15 min)
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S Announce Contest Winners Presented by: Cory Czepa What do they win? 3 rd Place – New Polo Shirt 2 nd Place – New Polo Shirt & 5 Yellow Bands and 5 Yellow Loops 1 st Place – New Polo Shirt & 10 Yellow Bands and 10 Yellow Loops It’s important to do things right, but it’s critical to do the right things!
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S Announce Contest Winners Presented by: Cory Czepa What do they win? 3 rd Place – New Polo Shirt 2 nd Place – New Polo Shirt & 5 Yellow Bands and 5 Yellow Loops 1 st Place – New Polo Shirt & 10 Yellow Bands and 10 Yellow Loops 3 rd Place – Mike and Laurel Pap 2 nd Place – Doug Jepsen 1 st Place – Chris and Tina Pipkin It’s important to do things right, but it’s critical to do the right things!
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S 2015 Vision Presented by: Cory Czepa Add classes: SilverSneakers, Non traditional, Staff fitness, Other L2BH logo and name Finalize Database 2-3 Phases Hopefuls for 2015 Insurance reimbursement companies Trainer Site Participation Recorder from mobile device Online Catalog for marketing pieces, equipment, apparel, promotional, etc. Add another franchise owners by next conference Brand communities and families recognize and know Success is a Journey – Not a Destination
2014 Live 2 B Healthy® Conference treamline 4 Success S Wrap Up Day Good-byes are not forever. Good-byes are not the end. They simply mean we’ll miss you, Until we meet again. Safe travels!