MSD 1 WEEK 6 SYSTEM DESIGN REVIEW Team Rochester Institute of Technology College of Engineering P /2/2014 1
AGENDA Background (10 minutes) Problem Statement Customer Needs Engineering Requirements Week 3 action item review P /2/ System Analysis Functional Decomposition Areas of Design Solution Brainstorming Selection Criteria Concept Generation Pugh Chart Final System Selection Concept Feasibility Updated Project Plan System Architecture Risk Assessment
PROBLEM STATEMENT The goal of this project is to design, build, and reliably test an unpowered, human-controlled tethered glider specifically for use as an Airborne Wind Turbine system (AWT). 250m 100m 250m P /2/2014 3
CUSTOMER NEEDS Customer Need #ImportanceDescription CN19Tethered glider system (with electric prop assist for launching) that demonstrates at least 3 minutes of continuous circular flight path with taunt tether. CN21Clean appearance CN39Human controlled plane CN43No special flight skill required CN59Use existing base station design CN69Tether tension is measured and recorded during flights CN79Tether direction is measured and recorded during flights CN89Videos with accompanying data files of all flight tests (even ones that don’t work) CN99Able to survive crashes with minor repairs (short downtime) CN109Replaceable Parts CN113Maintenance Guide CN129Design a robust glider which meets the above repair requirements and can be piloted in the cyclical path. P /2/2014 4
ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS P /2/ Rqmt. #ImportanceTypeSource Engr. Requirement (metric)Unit of Measure Marginal Value Ideal ValueComments/StatusTest (Verification) S19AeroCN1Drag Coefficient Calculation & XLFR5 S29AeroCN1Lift Coefficient Calculation & XLFR5 S33AeroCN1Wingspanft3.33Customer ConstraintTape Measure S43AeroCN4Cooper-Harper Rating--31 Subjective S53AeroCN3Flight StabilityBinaryMarginalCompleteStatic Stability Criteria Calulation & Flight Testing S63AeroCN11Profile of Surface for Airfoil Manufacturingin GD&TASTM Standard S79AeroCN1Efficiency of Wing Calculation S81AeroCN1Fixed Angle of Attackdeg03 Protractor S99ElectricalCN7Horizontal Potentiometer RecordingBinaryMarginalCompleteCapability Exists (P14462)LabVIEW S109ElectricalCN7Vertical Potentiometer RecordingBinaryMarginalCompleteCapability Exists (P14462)LabVIEW S119ElectricalCN1Electronics Weightlbs Motor not includedScale S129FinancialCN1Initial Cost$ BOM S133FinancialCN10Repair Cost$10050 BOM S149MechanicalCN6Tether Tensionlbs523Capability Exists (P14462)LabVIEW S159MechanicalCN1Mechanical Weightlbs43 Scale S169MechanicalCN1Service Ceilingft75100FAA RegulationLabVIEW S173MechanicalCN1Flight Path Diameterft2550 LabVIEW S189MechanicalCN1Maximum Glider Speedmph3045 LabVIEW S193MechanicalCN1Fuselage Cross Sectional Areain Caliper S209MechanicalCN9Fuselage Material Tensile Strengthpsi CF is ideal materialMatWeb Lookup S219MechanicalCN9Wing Material Tensile Strengthpsi Foam Mat'l ComparisonMatWeb Lookup S223TimeCN9Repair Downtimehour241 Stopwatch S233TimeCN8Time Between Flightsmin305 Stopwatch S243TimeCN4Training Flight Hourshour121Training DocumetationStopwatch
ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS ADDITIONS P /2/ Rqmt. #ImportanceTypeSource Engr. Requirement (metric)Unit of MeasureMarginal ValueIdeal ValueComments/StatusTest (Verification) S79AeroCN1Efficiency of Wing Calculation S81AeroCN1Fixed Angle of Attackdeg03 Protractor S119ElectricalCN1Electronics Weightlbs Motor not includedScale S129FinancialCN1Initial Cost$ BOM S159MechanicalCN1Mechanical Weightlbs43 Scale S193MechanicalCN1Fuselage Cross Sectional Areain Caliper S209MechanicalCN9Fuselage Material Tensile Strengthpsi CF is ideal materialMatWeb Lookup S219MechanicalCN9Wing Material Tensile Strengthpsi Foam Mat'l Comparison MatWeb Lookup S223TimeCN9Repair Downtimehour241 Stopwatch S233TimeCN8Time Between Flightsmin305 Stopwatch S243TimeCN4Training Flight Hourshour121Training DocumetationStopwatch
GLIDER PURCHASE UMX Radian BNF For use as Practice Tethered Glider Onboard Electronics Included Folding Prop Purchased from E-Flite via Amazon $ ship Radio from P14462 (Professor Kolodziej) Futaba 6EX-PCM Shipping ETA 10/1/ /2/2014P
GLIDER PURCHASE P /2/ Wingspan:28.7 in (730mm) Overall Length:16.5 in (418mm) Flying Weight:1.50 oz (43 g) Motor Size:8.5mm coreless brushed motor Radio:4+ channel transmitter required CG (center of gravity): 1.22 in (31mm) back from the leading edge of wing at wing root Recommended Battery:1S 3.7V 150mAh 25C LiPo Flaps:No Approx. Flying Duration:8-10 minutes Charger:1S 300mA LiPo USB Charger Assembly Time:Less than 1 Hour Assembly Required:Yes
AGENDA Background Problem Statement Customer Needs Engineering Requirements Week 3 action item review P /2/ System Analysis Functional Decomposition (5 min) Areas of Design (3 min) Solution Brainstorming Selection Criteria Concept Generation Pugh Chart Final System Selection Concept Feasibility Updated Project Plan System Architecture Risk Assessment
FUNCTIONAL DECOMPOSITION 10/2/2014P Reach Desired Altitude Take-Off MethodEngage Tether
FUNCTIONAL DECOMPOSITION 10/2/2014P Sustain Tethered Flight Flight Path Maintain Peak AltitudeCyclical Path Regulate Tension
FUNCTIONAL DECOMPOSITION 10/2/2014P Repeatable Flight Provide Soft LandingEasily Replaceable Parts
FUNCTIONAL DECOMPOSITION 10/2/2014P Record Data Respond to on Board Feedback Integrate with Base Station DAQ Capture Video Record AngleRecord TensionRecord length
FUNCTIONAL DECOMPOSITION VS. AREAS OF DESIGN 10/2/2014P Areas of Design Take Off Method Engage Tether Maintain Peak Altitude Maintain Cyclical Path Regulate Tension Soft Landing Easily Replaceable Parts Respond to feedback Record Angle Record Length Record Tension Capture Video Fuselage xx xx Wings xx xx Horizantal Tail xx Fuselage Material xx Wing & Tail Material xx On-Board Electronics (Control Feedback) xx x Take-Off Methodx Tether-to-Plane Connection xxxx x Propeller Locationx Non-Destructively Achieve Tether Tensionxx x Flight Path xx Non-Destructive Landing x Base Station Data Collection Program* xxxx
AGENDA Background Problem Statement Customer Needs Engineering Requirements Week 3 action item review P /2/ System Analysis Function Decomposition Areas of Design Solution Brainstorming (2 min) Selection Criteria (2 min) Concept Generation (2 min) Pugh Chart (5 min) Final System Selection Concept Feasibility Updated Project Plan System Architecture Risk Assessment
BENCHMARKING Benchmarking TableAmpyx Wing DesignPositive dihedral, semi elliptical wing, high fixed angle of attack, flaps Tail Design Large primary T-shaped rudder with small elevators Fuselage Design Mildly Aerodynamic/Box Fuselage with Protruding Pitot Tube Takeoff Mechanical-Electrical winch system Landing Lands on underside of fuselage and wings Maintaining Tension Constant reeling in and out of figure 8 pattern Tether Length (m) meters Average Kw Creation 15kW P /2/ *Image from Ampyx Power
SOLUTION BRAINSTORMING (PT.1) 10/2/2014P FuselageWings Horizontal TailFuselage MaterialWing/Tail MaterialOn-Board ElectronicsTake-Off Method Flying WingSwept Back CanardEPP Wireless TransmissionRocket Engine Rod TypeSwept Forward Rear TailROHACELL Foam In-Flight Data RecorderCompressed Air Cylinders Football ShapedHigh Dihedral H-shape"Other" Foam With SoftwareWinch Cylindrical ShapeLow Dihedral V-ShapeCarbon Fiber Without SoftwareHydraulic Cylinders Tear-Drop ShapeOblique Sweep Inverted V- Shape Plastic Coating Spring Loaded Box Frame "Typical"Blended Wing "Typical" ShapeMonocoat Throw Glider Lifting Body Other Coating Balloon Launch Linear Chord Variation Fiberglass Kite-Run Launch Elliptical Chord Variation Aluminum Tow with Truck Winglets Plastic VTOL Bi-Wing Wood Tow with RC plane assistance X-Wing Titanium Drop from Tall Tower Mid Placement Magnetic Rail Gun High Placement Propeller Low Placement Powered Wheels Dragon Scales Bottle Rockets Helicopter Propeller Bend Tree and Slingshot Catapult/ Trebuchet Hot Air Balloon Diet Coke and Mentos Zip-line System
SOLUTION BRAINSTORMING (PT.2) Tether-to-Plane Connection Propeller Location Non-Destructively Achieve Tether Tension Flight Path Non-Destructive Landing Method 3-Point BridleFrontHand SpoolHorizontal CircleParachute 2-Point BridleMiddleAutomated SpoolOffset Vertical CircleLanding Wheels 1-Point Fixed BridleBackOn Board SpoolFigure 8Smooth Bottom 1-Point SliderAbove CenterlineSpring DecelleratorMobius StripSeparate Tethered Balloon Ball-in-SocketBelow CenterlineConstant Force SpringTwo Tether EllipseReverse Rockets Set Screw Nothing (Jerk at Tension)KiteGen Flight PathTripod 3-Point Chuck Spring on Base StationRoller Coaster Rail TrackInflatable Stunt Pad 1 Tether per Control Surface Lasso Flight Path Corn Field Feedback Triggered Rocket Decellerator Skis Kill Propeller Power Gas Inflated Balloon Open Cargo Bay and Drop Line at Altitude Air Bags/ Mars Rover Tether is a Constant Force Spring Quadcopter with Drag Net Velcro End of Tether to Release at Tension Porous Net Raised Above Ground Two Tethers Which Trade Off Slack Reverse Zipline 10/2/2014P
SELECTION CRITERIA P /2/ Simplicity & Effectiveness of Wing Design Initial Cost Replacement Part Cost Weight Durability Ease of Manufacturing Safe Landing Development Time Simplicity of Take-Off Method Tether Stress on Plane Tether Impulse Mitigation
CONCEPT GENERATION Area of DesignDevinMaginnKennedyZebertCarl Fuselage DesignFootball ShapeTear ShapeCylindrical ShapeCylindricalBox type with nose cone Wing Design Mid, High Dihedral, linear taper Elliptical Wing/ low mount, Asymmetrical Dihedral Linear Taper/Low Dihedral/Flaps Flush transition from fuselage to wing/ winglets High dihedral/ linear taper Horizontal Tail DesignH shapeLow, Asymmetrical DihedralRear Tail/Normal ShapeRear TailRear Tail/ Normal Fuselage MaterialWoodFoam/ Integrate with FuseOther Foam/MonocoatEPP with CF rod supportCarbon-Fibre Wing/Tail MaterialFoamFoam with MonocoatOther Foam/MonocoatEPP or better with MonocoatFoam On-Board ElectronicsYes In-Flight Data Recorder with Software Yes Plane Take-Off MethodMan-powered winchPropeller with hand launchProp with hand launchProp with winch launchPropeller hand launch Plane-to-Tether ConnectionSpool on Plane/ One Point One Point/Ball and Socket Joint One Point Spool Prop Location2 Mid Wing Mounted PropsNoseMiddleMiddle (on top of fuselage)Middle Non-Destructively Achieve Tether Tension Spool on BoardSpring Behind Basehand spool On-Board Spool Flight PathInfinityOffset Vertical circleOffset vertical circleInfinity shapeOffset Vertical Circle Non-Destructive Landing Protruding Rod/ Smooth BottomParachute DeploymentSmooth Bottom Land on Airframe "Smooth" 10/2/2014P
PUGH CHART P /2/ Selection CriteriaMaginnZebertDevinKennedyCarlDatum (P14462 Bought Plane) Simplicity/Effectiveness of Wing Design+++++ Datum Initial Cost----- Replacement Part Cost+++++ Weight----- Durability++-++ Ease of Manufacturing----- Safe Landing+++++ Develop Time----- Repair Downtime+++++ Simplicity of Take-Off Methods--ss Tether Stress on Plane *sssss Tether Impulse Mitigation+s+s+ Sum +'s Sum -'s Sum s's Score 2012
PUGH CHART 10/2/2014P Selection CriteriaMaginnZebertDevinKennedyCarlDatum (P14462 Bought Plane) Simplicity/Effectiveness of Wing Design+--s Datum - Initial Cost+++++ Replacement Part Cost++++- Weight-+-++ Durability+---- Ease of Manufacturing-sss+ Safe Landing+s+s- Develop Time-s-++ Repair Downtime---+- Simplicity of Take-Off Methods--ss Tether Stress on Plane *--s-s Tether Impulse Mitigation--s-- Sum +'s Sum -'s Sum s's k
AGENDA Background Problem Statement Customer Needs Engineering Requirements Week 3 action item review P /2/ System Analysis Function Decomposition Areas of Design Solution Brainstorming Selection Criteria Concept Generation Pugh Chart Final System Selection (5 min) Concept Feasibility (15 min) Updated Project Plan System Architecture Risk Assessment
FINAL SYSTEM SELECTION P /2/ Areas of DesignFinal System Fuselage DesignAerodynamically Optimized Rectangular Volume Wing DesignLinear Taper, Fixed Angle of Attack, Dihedral, Flaps Horizontal Tail DesignH-Shaped Tail Fuselage MaterialFoam Wing/Tail MaterialCarbon Fiber Strip Leading Edge, Foam with Coating On-Board Electronics (Control Feedback)In-Flight Data Recorder with Software Plane Take-Off MethodPropeller hand launch Plane-to-Tether ConnectionOne Point/Ball and Socket Joint Prop LocationNose Cone with folding Prop Non-Destructively Achieve Tether TensionHand Spool Flight PathOffset Vertical Circle Non-Destructive LandingLand on Airframe "Smooth"
CONCEPT FEASIBILITY-WINCH SYSTEM Means of takeoff since propeller alone is insufficient Pros: System has off board source of power Cons: Mechanical-Electrical system is expensive Alternative Method-Man Powered Pros: More affordable Cons: Must exert energy Is it feasible? Yes! The method is called a Towline Launch. 10/2/2014P
CONCEPT FEASIBILITY – FOLDING PROPELLER P /2/ Benefit: Less drag in unpowered flight More durable in nose first crash Interfaces with normal RC components Feasibility Test Plan: 1.Test Flight with purchased glider Due by: 1.Week 9
CONCEPT FEASIBILITY – INFINITY FLIGHT PATH P /2/ *Image from Ampyx Power Evaluate: Is this an easier flight path to maintain Feasibility Test Plan: 1.Test Flight with purchased glider 2.Test Flight with tethered purchased glider Due by: 1.Week 9 2.Week 12
CONCEPT FEASIBILITY – DIHEDRAL ANALYSIS P /2/ Definition of Dihedral: The angle between a wing and pitch axis Dihedral Effect Definition: Amount of roll moment produced per degree of sideslip Also influenced by wing sweep, vertical CG Benefits: Higher dihedral angles generate higher roll moments Stabilizes Plane against crosswinds
AGENDA Background Underlying Mission Problem Statement & Deliverables Customer Needs & Engineering Requirements Week 3 action item review P /2/ System Analysis Functional Decomposition Areas of Design Solution Brainstorming Selection Criteria Concept Generation Pugh Chart Final System Selection Concept Feasibility Test Plan Updated Project Plan (2 min) System Architecture (2 min) Risk Assessment (2 min)
SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE P /2/ Glider Fuselage Base Station Wings Ailerons Horizontal TailVertical Tail RudderElevators On-Board Feedback System Tether Remote Control On Board Control Electronics Propeller Motor
SOURCES P /2/ Feasibility Study: Foam Material information/ROHACELL%20HERO%20Product%20Information.pdf information/ROHACELL%20HERO%20Product%20Information.pdf uide%20April% pdf uide%20April% pdf