Stanford/Aprenda Training 2013-2014 Houston ISD Student Assessment Dept. Julia Amponsah-Gilder, Senior Manager Sharon Bauknight, Manager, TMC Alicia Lacy-Castille, APA Beryl Broom, APA Mary Ann Herrera, APA Canetra Wilson, APA Nicole Forbes, Pearson, SA David Longoria, Pearson, SA
General Information - (Grades 1-5) In spring 2014, students in grades 1-5 will take Stanford 10. Students receiving reading instructions in Spanish will take Aprenda 3. Test Forms and Levels See district binder; page 31
General Information - Exemptions (Grades 1-5) All students in grades 1-5 must be tested on grade level with Stanford 10 or Aprenda 3. STAAR-Alt students will not take Stanford 10 or Aprenda 3. Allow exemptions from Stanford 10/Aprenda 3 for first year recent immigrant students. Contact the Multilingual Department at 713-556-6961 for additional information.
General Information - Accommodations Allowable and non-allowable accommodations for these programs are similar to those for the state-mandated tests. If you have questions please refer to the Accommodations tab in your district binder for more information; pages 71 & 72.
Responsibilities- Test Administrators Before Testing Reassigning Teachers Grades K-2 Are not required to be reassigned. Grades 3 and higher Are required to be reassigned. Note: Homeroom teachers may administer tests to their homeroom students if the subject administered is not taught by that teacher or if 5 or fewer students are involved.
Responsibilities- Test Administrators - Before Testing Prepare students for taking the test. Give practice test to students Take plenty of time with the Practice Test and explain it thoroughly. Make sure the physical conditions in the testing room are satisfactory. Should be adequate lighting for all students. Students should be seated so that there is enough space between them. There should be one test administrator for every thirty students.
Before Test Administration - Practice Tests Practice tests are provided with practice test DFAs. Practice tests should be given within the week prior to actual test administration (Grades K-3). Practice test will familiarize students with the types of questions and the procedures for gridding answers. Serial numbers on practice test do not need to be recorded on Materials Control Form (MCF). All practice tests and practice test DFAs can be kept or discarded at the campus.
Before Test Administration - Scheduling Subtests The principal and/or CTC will determine the testing order to follow during the testing window and make-up sessions. The number of items and time limits for each subtest appear in the Directions for Administering (DFAs) and the following are especially important: Make sure every administrator is aware of and follows the test schedule. Administer all subject-area subtests before proceeding (i.e., complete math testing before starting language arts.)
Before Test Administration - Scheduling Subtests Avoid over-testing on a single day and provide breaks between tests as recommended. Schedule make-ups as needed. For both Stanford 10 and Aprenda 3, administer the Complete Battery, which is every subtest in the test booklet.
Before Test Administration - Distributing Test Materials A generic Materials Control From (MCF) provided in Appendix B; pg. 93 serves as a record of the movement of test materials. MCF must be updated each time secure materials change hands. Test Administrator must count the test booklets and secure DFAs and initial the form in the “Out” column. The CTC will check the test materials back in at the end of the testing session and initial the “In” column when the correct number of secure documents has been verified.
Before Test Administration Materials Needed by Test Administrators: A scorable test booklet for each student in grades K-3 and one for demonstration purposes. A test booklet and an answer document for each student in grades 4-5 and one for demonstration purposes. The Directions For Administering (DFA).
Before Test Administration Rulers (applicable grades) and blank scratch paper No. 2 soft-lead pencils with erasers (for every student) A digital clock, a stopwatch or a watch with a second hand A “TESTING-DO NOT DISTURB” sign to post on the door.
During Test Administration Administering Instructions and Avoiding Violations Test Administrator must read aloud, exactly as printed, all directions and questions. Test Administrators may add their own explanations but may not give help on specific test questions. Before the test begins, test administrator should remind students to erase all stray marks on test booklets but should not give any such instructions once testing has started.
During Test Administration Administering Instructions and Avoiding Violations Test administrators should check that students are recording their answers with dark marks and following instructions. No one at the school may clean up errors or stray marks on test booklets. Disregard instructions in the DFAs that may instruct test administrators to clean up documents. Test administrators may flag test booklets that appear to have problems and bring them to the attention of the checkers at check-in .
During Test Administration Administering Instructions and Avoiding Violations If a student is found to be working or gridding bubbles on the wrong subtest the test administrators should: Stop the student testing, note remaining time. Instruct the student to move their answers to the correct subtest area. Once the student is finished moving their answers, instruct the student to continue testing. Provide the remaining time for lost time working on moving their answers to the correct subtest.
Document the reason for the cleanup During Test Administration Administering Instructions and Avoiding Violations When transcribing answers from a damaged book Test Administrators should: Document the reason for the cleanup Ask the CTC or principal to witness the erasing.
During Testing Responsibilities- Test Administrators Everything to be read to the students will appear in color so that it stands out from the black text. Read materials exactly as they are written, using a natural tone. Be very careful of voice inflection. If a mistake is made in reading a direction or question, stop and say," No, that is wrong. Listen again.” Then read the direction or question through again. Test Administrators must monitor students during the tests by moving around the room and checking that students are on the correct page and marking answers within the circle with a dark mark.
During Testing - Time Limits Test administrators should adhere to the recommended time limits in the DFAs. More time may be allowed by either Allowing all students more time at that sitting or Sending students needing more time to a different room to complete the test. If students need additional time, test administrators may allow up to, but no more than, 30 minutes more than the suggested time limits in 10-minute increments.
During Testing - Time Limits Because subtests have recommended time limits, test administrators may periodically remind students of time remaining. If student has specific, documented modification that requires more time than allowed, please adhere to the modification.
During Testing - Proposed Schedule for Administering Note from Houston ISD (found in your DFA): Stanford 10 was standardized as an untimed test. The Houston Independent School District has elected, however, to limit the length of the testing period by requiring schools to adhere to the “Suggested Testing Time” for each subtest shown in the Proposed Schedule for Administering. If a student needs additional time, examiners may allow up to but no more than 30 minutes over the “Suggested Testing Time” for each subtest. Students with documented needs that exceed the 30-minute extension may receive the additional time noted in that documentation (example: ARD minutes). Any additional time given must be offered at a single sitting.
During Testing - Writing in Test Booklets Students in grades K-3 use scratch paper. Students in grades 4 and 5 may NOT write in their non-scorable booklets.
During Testing - Emergency Situations If an emergency arises (such as a student becoming ill and not being able to complete the subtest), test administrators should: Collect the student’s test booklet and answer document (grades 4 and 5). Note the amount of time the student has spent on that subtest. Allow student to finish with the remaining time on a make-up day or given remaining time plus additional time.
During Testing - Make-up Dates All eligible students who: Were absent Enrolled during the test window Missed any part of the regular administration Must be administered a make-up. Make-ups are mandatory, and schools may conduct make-ups on any day of the testing window.
During Testing - Make-up Dates All tests submitted will be scored, even if incomplete. Remember that Total Math and Total Reading scores cannot be generated if any of their subtests are not administered.
After Test Administration Preparing Test Materials for Check-in Prepare scorable materials in the following manner: Verify that all scorable test booklets/answer documents have a properly affixed label or are hand-gridded. Verify that there is an Sample Scoring Identification (SSID) Sheet for each grouping. Arrange scorable test booklets/answer documents with the student name facing up.