Ceramics and Glass
A Bull in a China Shop Properties of Ceramics and Glass?
Ceramics Hard Crystalline Heating clay
Clay Water Small material particles Si Al O
Making Ceramics Heat above 1000⁰C Water evaporates leaves pockets Particles stick together Think of bricks
Glazed Thin layer of silicon dioxide Heat it again Forms glassy waterproof covering
Properties of Ceramics Resist moisture Do not conduct electricity Withstand temps that cause metals to melt Break easily
Uses for Ceramics Insulators Store food Protect from moisture and animals Roofing tiles Sewer pipes
Other uses Catalectic Converters Bioceramics
Glass Sand + Limestone = Glass Clear Solid No crystal structure
Making Glass Melting Blowing
Properties of Glass Brittle and shatters Clear Make into different shapes and colors Can not be penetrated by liquids
Uses Different mixtures make different uses Add boron oxide Resistant to heat Add limestone Bends light better
Communication Optical Fiber Threadlike piece of glass used to transmit light Phone TV Internet