IAY 0600 Digitaalsüsteemide disain Course Overview Alexander Sudnitson Tallinn University of Technology.


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Presentation transcript:

IAY 0600 Digitaalsüsteemide disain Course Overview Alexander Sudnitson Tallinn University of Technology

2 Administrative Aleksander Sudnitsõn Arvutitehnika instituut, dotsent IT IAY0600 Digitaalsüsteemide disain (erikursus) IAY0600 Digitaalsüsteemide disain (PRAKTIKUM) IAY0120 ARVUTITEHNIKA PROJEKT

3 Administrative Loengute õppetöö keel: inglise Loengud: neljapäeviti Praktikum:IT-307 Dimitri Mihhajlov esemine regulaarne praktikum toimub (pärast registreerimist)

4 Hindamine Teoreetiliste teadmiste osakaal eksamil on 40% hindest ja projekteerimisülesannete tulemuste demonstratsioon koos lahenduste seletuskirjaga annab 60% eksamihindest. “LEARNING BY DOING”

5 Õppeaine sisu lühikirjeldus Digitaalsüsteemide projekteermis-metoodika VHDL ja prgrammeeritava loogika (FPGA) abil. Realiseerimine väliprogrammeeritaval loogikal (FPGA). Digitaalseadmete kiire prototüüpimine. Asünkroonsete süsteemide põhialused (süsteemne vaade).

6 Õppekirjandus Iga tudeng saab komplekti slaide enne loengut. K. L. Short, VHDL for Engineers, Pearson Education, Inc., Sparso J. and Furber S. Principles of Asynchronous Circuit Design: a Systems Perspective. Boston: Kluwer, P.P. Chu, FPGA Prototyping Using VHDL Examples: Xilinx Spartan-3 Version, Jonh, Willey & Sons, J. O. Hamblen, T.S. Hall, and M. D. Furman, Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems, Springer, 2007.

IAY 0600 Digitaaltehnika erikursus VHDL/PLD Design Methodology Alexander Sudnitson Tallinn University of Technology

8 Digital System A discrete system is a system in which signals have a finite number of discrete values. (This contrasts with analog systems, in which signals have values from an infinite set). Any finite number of discrete values can be represented by a vector of signals with just two values. Such a signal, which takes only two values, is called a digital signal (or binary, or logic), and any device that processes digital signals is called a digital device. Discrete System InputsOutputs

9 Design process The design process consists of obtaining an implementation that satisfies the specification of a system. Specification (behaviour) Analysis (verification)Synthesis Implementation (structure) The analysis of a system has an objective the determination of its specification from an implementation. The synthesis consists of obtaining an implementation that satisfies the specification of a system

10 Different design views Systems can be described from different points of view : Behavior: what does it do? Structure: what is it composed of? Functional properties: how do I interface to it? Physical properties: how fast is it?

11 Design Representation A structural representation is one that the black box as a set of components and their connections. It specifies the product’s implementation without explicit reference to its functionality. In some cases, the functionality could be derived from that of its interconnected components. A behavioral or functional representation is one that looks at the design as a black box. A behavioral representation describes the functionality but not the implementation of a given design, defining the black box’s response to any combination of input values but without describing a way to design or build the black box using the given components. Three different domains of description : A physical representation is one that specifies the physical characteristics of the black box, providing the dimensions and locations of each component and connection contained in the structural description. The physical representation is used to describe the design after it has been manufactured, specifying its weight, size, heat dissipation, power consumption and the position of each input or output pin.

12 Modified Y Chart: levels of abstruction Programmable cores, IPs, ASICs Registers, Adders, Multipliers, etc. Logic netlist, Schematic Boolean equations Dataflow Processes Algorithm Processor, Memory, Peripheral interface View Behavior Description Structural Description Logic Register Transfer (RTL) System Architectural

13 Timing units at different levels Registers, Adders, Multipliers, etc. Logic netlist, Schematic Programmable cores, IPs, ASICs Boolean equations Dataflow Processes Algorithm Processor, Memory, Peripheral interface View Behavior Description Structural Description Delay Clock Cycle Computation Step Comuncation Transaction Time Units

14 Modified Y Chart : this course area Algorithm Processor, Memory, Peripheral interface View Behavior Description Structural Description Registers, Adders, Multipliers, etc. Logic netlist, Schematic Dataflow / RTL Boolean equations Synthesis Analysis

15 Modified Y Chart: transformations Algorithm Processor, Memory, Peripheral interface View Behavior Description Structural Description Registers, Adders, Multipliers, etc. Logic netlist, Schematic Dataflow Boolean equotions Algorithmic Register-Transfer Logic Transformations

16 Chart supporting synthesis activity View Behavior Description Structural Description Algorithmic level of abstraction Register-transfer level of abstraction Logic level of abstraction Behavioral synthesis RTL synthesis Logic synthesis

17 Example: HalfAdder Sum Carry HalfAdder A BStructure Sum = ¬ A&B  A& ¬ B = A  B Carry = A & B ABSumCarry Behavior B Carry  & A Sum

18 Example: HalfAdder Behavioral Description entity HALFADDER is port(A, B: in bit; SUM, CARRY: out BIT); end HALFADDER; Sum = ¬ A&B  A& ¬ B = A  B Carry = A & B HalfAdder A B Sum Carry This is data flow behavioral description architecture RTL of HALFADDER is begin SUM <= A xor B; CARRY <= A and B; end RTL;

19 Design flow for VHDL/PLD design methodology

20 The half-adder UUT and its testbench