FEDIAF Guide to Good Practice for the Manufacture of Safe Pet Food TRAINING PACKAGE Module V Plant design and maintenance Based on Version 9, 2009 of the Guide to Good Practice
5. PLANT DESIGN AND MAINTENANCE 5.1 Location 5.2 Perimeter 5.3 Layout / product flow 5.4 Buildings / materials 5.5 Equipment / instruments 5.6 Maintenance 5.7 Staff facilities 5.8 Risk of physical and chemical product contamination 5.9 Housekeeping and hygiene 5.10 Waste / waste disposal 5.11 Pest control Objective: avoid the risk of product contamination
5.1 Location Proper drainage Waste collection in defined area Buildings surrounded by clear/clean space Trees away from buildings Clean area around buildings Tree close, wrong Fence with vegetation Insects and rodents can nest and hide in the plants 5.2 Perimeter and grounds Localisation preventing contamination
5.3 Layout / product flow FORESEE proper cleaning / disinfection Sufficient WORKING SPACE ONE-WAY FLOW: materials – intermediate – end products SEGREGATE processed from unprocessed materials Specific facilities for disposing unused ABPs
5.4 Buildings / materials Smooth - easy to clean … WALL and FLOOR SURFACES Wall/floor JUNCTIONS AND CORNERS DRAINAGES CEILINGS – no accumulation of substances Cleaned drain Dirty drain
5.4 Buildings / materials GLASS protected and controlled Pest-proof OPENINGS Adequate LIGHT for the operations AIR FILTERING EQUIPMENT No ‘higher’ to ‘lower’ risk areas AIR FLOWS Labelled and segregated WATER SYSTEMS Plastic strip doors are not efficient barriers (cont’d)
5.5 Equipments / instruments Food safety requirements in PURCHASE SPECIFICATIONS, e.g. EASY TO CLEAN and DISINFECT SPECIFIED for their purpose Impervious and non-reactive SURFACES Badly sealed cable box Insect webbing Rarely opened equipment, ideal harbourage for pests
5.6 Maintenance CHANGING facilities prior to entry production HAND WASHING SMOKING banned or in designated areas FOOD storage WASTE disposal WORKWEAR only in work premises Roof exhausts should be cleaned 5.7 Staff Facilities GMP criteria CONTRACTORS under supervision
5.8 Risk of physical/chemical contamination Use EU law for max. levels of CONTAMINANTS STORAGE of hazardous chemicals GLASS policy Minimise WOOD 5.9 Housekeeping hygiene Cleaning/disinfection PROGRAMMES Effectiveness VERIFIED FOOD GRADE cleaning agents Staff TRAINED for the purpose
5.10 Waste / waste disposal Meet REGULATORY requirements Minimise ACCUMULATION Avoid CONTAMINATION Defined WASTE AREAS Dedicated CONTAINERS - regularly EMPTIED Inspect drains and sewers Waste areas can attract pests
5.11 Pest control VERIFIED for effectiveness RECORDS reviewed and kept DRAINS with screens and traps INCOMING raw materials checked STORAGE minimising pest Insect tracks in dust Rat tracks in dust Inspect incoming goods Harbourage areas