What is it? Who does it? What is the goal? Why does it need to be done? Relationship to scribing? What happens after authentication? Example of catalog ambiguity Examples of scribing challenges Catalog Authentication Log (Excel) Sending the Log and source materials to SIG 1 SIG Confidential (Rev 4/09)
First task:Preparing the catalog and authenticating its contents First task: Preparing the catalog and authenticating its contents Scribing depends on completion of this task Poor rules preparation slows the project by adding time and overhead All program ambiguities should be resolved as quickly as possible ALLFully authenticate ALL graduation rules 2 SIG Confidential (Rev 4/09)
Detail, Detail, Detail, Detail…. Complete a page-by-page review of graduation requirements – degrees, certificates, general education, majors, minors, concentrations – all the little things need to be identified! Resolve ambiguities Validate discipline and number codes with lists Annotate all codes and test score values Cross reference catalog rules to advising worksheets if they are used at your institution Document all questions for tracking and resolution in the Validation Log spreadsheet 3 SIG Confidential (Rev 4/09)
Good Scribing Requires Fully Vetted Source Materials The institution’s project team must coordinate the authentication process with the records office and degree audit specialists Maintain the status of all program requirements in an Excel spreadsheet for tracking and resolution 4 SIG Confidential (Rev 4/09)
The Project Goal Is To Be On Time … And On Budget Fewer questions = faster scribing Resolving ambiguities later in the project adds time and overhead SIG is contracted for a specified number of scribing hours and the institution wants to stay under that maximum Additional scribing hours are billed at extra cost 5 SIG Confidential (Rev 4/09)
What We Scribe Influences What Students See Precision in rules definition is our goal Good scribing yields good advice And, good advice depends on detail … there’s that word ‘detail’ again Define course equivalencies Define cross-listed courses Define renumbered courses Fully delineate transfer course rules Identify how and where courses can be shared across and among rules Define repeated course rules Define major and minor GPA calculation rules 6 SIG Confidential (Rev 4/09)
Forward all vetted source materials to SIG for scribing SIG uses your authenticated source documents to scribe baseline graduation requirements for the current catalog ReviewSign Off These scribed rules are returned to the institution for Review and Sign Off Identify corrections in your spreadsheet Either SIG or the institution will make scribing changes Track fixes in your spreadsheet Re-review fixes Sign Off for all blocks in spreadsheet 7 SIG Confidential (Rev 4/09)
Questions: What is AL Economics (assume A Level Examinations but verification required)? Where in Banner are AL grades recorded? Where in Banner are the AL grade ranges validated? Assure that the Banner extract is localized to copy these data into DegreeWorks. Is this exemption automatic? If not, how is it reviewed and approved? 8 From the Catalog, page 54 Minor in Economics Students who have passed AL Economics with Grade D or above shall apply for course exemption for ECO 101, Introduction to Economics. SIG Confidential (Rev 4/09)
Questions: What are all course disciplines associated with this requirement? Will all such courses apply to the rule or must those courses be at the 100 or 200 level? What are the alternate proficiency options? If these are scores of some sort, where are they found in Banner? Assure that the Banner extract is localized to copy these data into DegreeWorks. Is proficiency based on high school course work? If so, where is such proficiency recorded in Banner? Assure that the Banner extract is localized to copy these data into DegreeWorks. 9 From the Catalog, page 172 General Education Requirements 2 Classes in a single foreign language or demonstrated proficiency SIG Confidential (Rev 4/09)
Questions: Is there a course discipline and number associated with CPR? Assure that the Banner extract is bridging 0 credit classes into DegreeWorks. Is the American Red Cross Certificate recorded on student records in Banner? If so, where? Assure that the Banner extract is localized to copy these data into DegreeWorks. 10 From the Catalog, page 88 Athletic Training Major CPR** 0.0 credits CPR-Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation **No credit: Student will be awarded a Certificate by the American Red Cross –to be taken independently. SIG Confidential (Rev 4/09)
List All Requirements Individually, Showing Source References For Each Scribe builds graduation requirements in “blocks”, with separate “blocks” for the following components of your curricular offerings:DegreeCertificateMajorMinorConcentration Other – General Education, Core, Etc. Use the above labels in column 2 of the Authentication Log to identify what kind of requirements is being referenced in each row of the spreadsheet. See sample Blocks on the following 2 slides…. 11 SIG Confidential (Rev 4/09)
Begin MinGPA Credits ; 1 BLOCK (OTHER = GENED) LABEL "See General Education requirements below"; 1 BLOCKTYPE (MAJOR) LABEL "See Major requirements below"; END. Note that this Degree Block calls two other Blocks: General Education and at least one Major Blocks in DegreeWorks are unique and they can call other Blocks. Your validation of the catalog must include all set of rules (Blocks) relating to graduation requirements. 12 SIG Confidential (Rev 4/09)
Begin MinGPA 2.5 MinRes 9 Credits ; 3 Credits in CUS 102 Label "Commodity Culture & Everyday Life"; 3 Credits in CUS 103 Label "Introduction to Cultural Analysis"; 3 Credits in CUS 106 Label "The Making of Modern Culture"; 3 Credits in CUS 320 Label "Directed Research Project"; 3 Credits in CUS Label "CUS Electives - Any Level"; Note that this Major Block includes several qualifiers: A Minimum GPA of a 2.5 in major courses and a Minimum Residence requirement of 9 credits. These are the kinds of things that need to be validated for all majors, minors, concentrations, etc. 13 SIG Confidential (Rev 4/09)
14 SIG Confidential (Rev 4/09)
Review the Catalog Authentication Log template and modify as necessary For the catalog edition to be scribed Obtain an electronic copy of your catalog or other source material. Make a copy of each component and electronically enter any changes, clarifications, or modifications in red. This should be done electronically so the modified catalog can be printed, reviewed, authenticated, and ultimately sent to SIG for scribing. Build the first 2 columns in the Log referencing your source material (i.e. catalog, advising worksheets, etc.): Col. 1: Sequential Log Number Col. 2: Catalog component and value (examples: Degree=BA, MAJ=Nursing, GENED for BA, CORE for AA etc.). Provide document and page references in this column (see slide #14). 15 SIG Confidential (Rev 4/09)
Complete the Log for all program components identified in the catalog (i.e. all degrees, certificates, majors, minors, etc.) Degree Audit SpecialistsMeet with the Degree Audit Specialists on your implementation team to review and account for all program components. Degree Audit Specialists RegistrarComponents are complete when there are no ambiguities and the Degree Audit Specialists and Registrar on your implementation team concur. Sign off on the Log and send the Log and all cross- referenced source documents to SIG. The material you send, and the accompanying Log, define what SIG will scribe for the institution. Later additions and/or revisions will be billed separately. 16 SIG Confidential (Rev 4/09)