The Future of the PEP CIDA, GTZ & SIDA
Background PEP 1 London 2001 Knowledge management and exchange of experience on mainstreaming Conceptual and analytical work Co-ordinated support to partner countries Indicators and monitoring Initial period of 3 years
Background PEP 7 Stockholm 2005 Highlights (Jan Bojös presentation) Evolution of membership to include NGOs (others) Focus area #3 (work at country level) least successful Call for action/leadership to make the PEP a 1st class partnership
Background PEP 7 Stockholm 2005 Highlights (Peter Hazelwoods presentation) Need for a structured process Discussion/assessment to guide the PEPs work in the future
Proposal Objectives (goal & objectives / focus areas) Membership Work at country level Parking lot for other issues
Goal, Objectives / Focus Areas Are they still valid? Is there a need for modification, or to add new ones? To remove some? Are there priorities?
Membership/Partnership/Network? Is there such thing as PEP Membership? With member list, card!? Is there a need for such a thing?
Membership – Bilateral + Multilateral Organizations Should we try to involve more bilateral and multilateral agencies in the PEP? How?
Membership – Others NGOs, academics, private sector? Are all others welcome? Are there rules?
Membership – Developing Countries Participation in activities supported by the PEP deemed essential Participation in meetings Funding issue: ideas?
Coordinated Support to Partner Countries Least success among the focal areas: Why? What is it that we want to achieve? Harmonize? Cooperate? Work jointly?
List of Issues Add issues? Reorganize the list? Prioritize
Objectives knowledge management and exchange of expertise and information on mainstreaming of the environment within the participating organizations conceptual and analytical work on the links between poverty and the environment, including work on indicators, monitoring and evaluation wider communication, advocacy, policy dialogue and alliances, in order to influence discussion and political decision-making facilitation of coordinated work with partner countries and regions
Membership Formal More bi- and multi-lateral Others – rules Developing countries