Organizing Life’s Diversity Classification Part 1
Biodiversity- the variety of species in an area or the entire earth. Biodiversity- the variety of species in an area or the entire earth.
Classification- the grouping of objects based on similar qualities. Classification- the grouping of objects based on similar qualities.
Taxonomy- Taxonomy- the branch of biology in which organisms are classified and named based on studies of their different characteristics.
Aristotle Developed the first widely accepted method of classification. Classified organisms into two groups – Plants: subdivided into herbs, shrubs, and trees differences – Animals: subdivided into characteristics based on habitat and physical differences
Carolus Linnaeus Developed a method of classification still used today. similarities Classified organisms based on their physical and structural similarities.
What is the benefit of classifying organisms based on similarities versus differences?
Classification based on similarities requires a more detailed knowledge of the organism and those it is being compared to. According to Aristotle’s method, birds and bats were classified together because both could fly. However, a bat has more in common with mammals: (hair, produces milk, etc)
Modern Classification PantherCougar Puma Catamount Mountain LionMountain Cat
Modern Classification Common Name- Common Name- regional name (nickname) given to a species. – A scientist reports on a specific species of bird found in America and several counties in Europe. He uses the common name most Americans are familiar with. The readers in Europe have no idea which bird he is referring to. Why?
Modern Classification Binomial Nomenclature- Binomial Nomenclature- a two word naming system that identifies a specific species. – First word is the genus – Second word is the specific epithet Genus- Genus- group of species that have similar features and are closely related. Specific Epithet- Specific Epithet- describes a characteristic unique to the species.
Scientific Names The species name for Humans (common name) is Homo sapiens (scientific name). Scientific Names- Scientific Names- names given to species using binomial nomenclature. – Latin language (dead language; does not change) – Italicized in print and underlined when handwritten – First letter of genus name is uppercase – First letter of specific epithet is lowercase
Organizing Life’s Diversity How Living Things are Classified Part 2
Taxon- Taxon- a group of organisms (taxa- plural). Taxonomists rank organisms in taxa that range from very broad to very specific characteristics.
What is it? You are a taxonomist and you have just discovered something new. Now you must name it.
What is it? First you must determine if it’s living or non-living. – Is it made of cells? – Is it able to obtain and use energy? – Is it able to maintain homeostasis? – Is it able to reproduce? – Is it able to grow and develop? – Is it able to adapt to its environment?
What is it? It’s living. Now you must determine the domain. Domain- Domain- three taxonomical categories all living things fall under (Archaea, Bacteria, or Eukarya).
What is it? The organism has a true cell so; its domain is Eukarya. Now you must determine the Kingdom. Kingdom- Kingdom- a group of similar phyla. There are six kingdoms: – Animals, Plants, Fungi, Protists, Archaebacteria, and Eubacteria
What is it? Based on the organism’s structure and behavior, it is classified in the Kingdom animalia. You continue to group the organism into more detailed characteristics until you reach a characteristic unique to the species.
What is it? Phylum/Division- Phylum/Division- group of similar classes. Division is used when classifying plants. Class- Class- group of similar orders. Order- Order- group of similar families. Family- Family- group of similar genus. Genus- Genus- group of similar species Species- Species- organisms that look alike and can successfully interbreed.
What is it? Using binomial nomenclature you are able to give the scientific name of your species. Panthera pardus Common name: leopard
KPCOFGS Kingdom Phylum/Division Class Order Family Genus Species King Philip Came Over For Good Spaghetti