Cover graphic should fill and not exceed the defined grey box. API SC 18 – Quality Product Life Cycle TG7
Cameron Quality API SC 18 Product Life Cycle TG7 To form a task group (TG7) to create a life-cycle management system document for use in conjunction with products and/or standards used in the oil and gas industry. The document should provide the means of identifying the continued compliance of a product to its original and/or current manufacturing and design requirements and the ability to demonstrate product compliance to original and/or current product standards and industry/product-specific technical and regulatory requirements throughout the product lifecycle.
Cameron Quality Today: The Product Life Cycle and the API Monogram API Monogrammed Sold Installed In use Serviced Inspected Repaired Remanufactured Serviced Maintenance & Operational Status ? Standards Compliance? Design Changes & Criteria? Regulatory Requirements? Current State Functionally Tested API Monogram = Complies with API Standards and API Approved Quality Program.
Cameron Quality Product Life Cycle Management and the API Monogram Monogrammed Sold Installed In use Serviced Inspected Repaired Remanufactured Serviced Maintenance & Operational Status - Verified Standards Compliance - Verified Design Changes – Implemented Regulatory Compliance - Verified Future State Life Cycle Management System & Product Standards Functionally Tested
Cameron Quality Lifecycle Management of API Monogrammed Products Original Product Manufacturer Lifecycle Management Service Provider Owner Operator Product Life Cycle Management Plan Design Status Review Service Plan Req’ts Marking / Records Maintenance Plan Usage Records Field Inspection Req’ts Field Test Req’ts Competency Req’ts HSE Plan Repair & Reman Req’ts Etc. Etc. Etc. Monogrammed Product Original Product Definition Product Design Status Traceability Initial Marking / Records Maintenance recommendations Service recommendations Field Inspection Recommendations Field Test Recommendations Competency Recommendations HSE Recommendations Repair & Reman Guidelines Etc. Etc. Etc. May Act As Likely Inputs Must Approve Industry Standards Industry RP’s Regulation Etc. Likely Inputs API Licensee 3rd Party May Act As
Product Status levels Currently plan for 4 different levels of controls through LCM program PS-1PS-2PS-3PS-4 Monogramed Equipment X Certified to OPD and current Editions of applicable industry standards X Certified to OPD and Industry standards XX Certified to documented technical requirements X Maintained in IAW LCM requirements full life of product XX
Agreed scope of LCM document Defines Management System requirements not specific equipment requirements Designed to be compatible to Q1 and Q2 but is a separate document Includes both monogrammed and non-monogrammed products Designed to cover individual component not entire systems
Current status of Document Agreed on the scope of document Have basic structure of the document developed Revisiting previous wording to ensure it supports current scope and direction of document
Cover graphic should fill and not exceed the defined grey box. API SC 18 – Quality Product Life Cycle TG7