Feta cheese and generally cheese is the most well-known product in our country and with olive oil they consist the basic nutrition of Greek people.
The history of feta cheese is so long-termed just like humanitys' race and it connects with the domestication of pet animals for years. The origin of cheese is not known exactly. It is believed that cheese was produced about years ago. It is highly possible that its production was random while transferring milk in stomachs of young animals.
There are plenty of records showing the production and consumption of cheese in ancient Greece such as from Aristotle, Pythagoras and ancient comedy writers. It was also known since the era of Homer. The cheese that Cyclops Polyphemus produced and Homer describes in his Odyssey in the 8th century is considered the ancestor of feta cheese.
The myth says that Cyclops Polyphemus was the first who produced cheese. One day, to his big surprise, while transporting the milk he got from his sheep in bags made from animals’ stomachs, he realised that milk had coagulated and started to be in a solid, delicious and sustainable form.
The history of feta cheese being registered as a protected title of origin started in January 1994, when Greek Authorities firstly transmitted submission request for the title "Feta".
The cheese is vested from the European Commission the protected title of origin. This means that the title "Feta" cannot be used from cheeses with similar ingredients that are produced abroad or with a procedure different from the traditional one. It has been introduced by the European Union for the protection of local products and was set into power in 1996.
Main destinations for Greek Feta cheese as a priority is Germany, the United Kingdom (with 14%) and Italy (with 12%) while important markets are also Sweden, Cyprus, Austria, the USA, Australia, France, Switzerland, Belgium and Canada.
It should also be noted that during the first semester of the running year, exports to Ukraine note a step of 212%, to United Arabian Emirates 190%, to USA 105%, to Ireland 66% and to Australia about 60% in contrast with the same period of 2011.