ADBs Poverty & Environment Program and an Update on David S. McCauley Senior Environmental Economist Asian Development Bank 11th Poverty and Environment Partnership Meeting Copenhagen, Denmark
Presentation Outline ADB Poverty & Environment Program PovertyEnvironment.Net Update Looking Ahead
ADBs PEP Structured Learning Exercise (Phase 1) – poverty-environment links and practices Pilot interventions, analysis, dissemination 16 grants – green, brown, vulnerabilities PovertyEnvironment.Net for capture/outreach Mainstreaming (Phase 2) –Targeted pilot activities and analyses –Incorporating P-E links at country & project levels –ADB resident mission capacities
PovertyEnvironment.Net(/PEP) February 2004 PEP in Netherlands - members decided website should be established to support Partnership efforts around the world ADB agreed to widen the reach of a website planned under its Poverty & Environment (P&E) Program to serve this purpose Initial commitment in 2004 was for 2-3 years (as a reminder…)
Website Objectives Promote poverty-environment initiatives by providing dedicated space for sharing and disseminating knowledge and lessons to tackle the environmental dimensions of poverty Foster informal exchange and collaboration with all potentially interested P-E stakeholders from Asia and other parts of the world Provide a dedicated PEP sub-website as a medium for information exchange among PEP members
As of now: More than 700 documents indexed Category with most entries: Analytical Studies (511) Missing still: Americas The Sites
Feature Articles and Partner in Focus – Focusing on one topic or organization and linked to related documents, events. New feature uploaded every 2 weeks. Updates
Links to Date PEP Members with Links on their Websites: ADB, CIDA, DANIDA, EC- Envir, DFID, IrishAid, IUCN, IISD, OECD, SIDA, UNEP, WWF, World Bank Missing PEP Members: AfDB, FAO, GTZ, IADB, IIED, IDS, JBIC, Netherlands, Norway, SDC, SIWI, SEI, WHO, WRI Selected Others: Nature and PovertyPoverty & Conservation Learning Group Poverty Map Botanic Gardens Conservation International Goteborg University European Tropical Forest Research Network Sustainability Rural Poverty Portal Development Gateway Wiser Earth BOND
Looking Ahead PEP website as a learning tool – enhanced? UNDP/UNDP PEI link -> UNPEI?? IADB November 2008 hosting of global PEP ADB PEP lessons learned – 2008 document ADB mid-2008 hosting of global PEP Expanded use of website as resource Posting of presentations from 11 th PEP! Posting of environmental health paper