ADB Experience with the Programmatic Approach David S. McCauley, ADB 13th Poverty and Environment Partnership Meeting 9 June 2008
Outline of Presentation Overview of Programmatic Approach applied by ADB Examples of ADBs Use of the Approach CACILM GMS – CEP/BCI Coral Triangle Initiative Lessons: Poverty reduction, environmental management, partnerships
GEF Use of the Programmatic Approach (through November 2007) Climate Change National Communications Program for Climate Change (UNDP) Global Ban the Bulb Program (GEFSec/UNDP) Land Degradation PRC-GEF Partnership on Land Degradation in Dryland Ecosystems (ADB) Burkina Faso Parthership Porgram for Sustainable Land Management (UNDP) Cuban National Program to Combat Desertification and Drought (UNDP) Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land Management (ADB) Strategic Investment Program for Sustainable Land Management in SS Africa (WB) LDC/SIDS Target Portfolio for Capacity Development and Mainstreaming of SLM (UNDP) International Waters Strategic Partnership for a Sustainable Fisheries Investment Fund in the LMEs of SS Africa (WB) WB-GEF Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in LMEs of East Asia (WB) WB-GEF Investment Fund for the Mediterranean Sea LME (WB) Strategic Partnership Investment Fund for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea (WB) Persistent Organic Pollutants Development of National Implementation Plans for the Stockholm Convention (UNEP) African Stockpiles Program (WB) Multi-Focal Areas Namibia Country Pilot Partnership for Integrated Land Management (UNDP) China Biodiversity Partnership and Framework for Action (UNDP) India Sustainable Land and Ecosystem Management Partnership Program (WB) Sustainable Forest Management (FAO/All)
ADB Application of the Programmatic Approach for Environment and Development Climate Change Asia Least Cost GHG Abatement Study (ALGAS) Pacific CLIMAP Adaptation Carbon Market Initiative Climate Change Adaptation Program Land Degradation PRC-GEF Partnership on Land Degradation in Dryland Ecosystems Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land Management Northeast Asia Dust and Sandstorms Prediction and Response River Basin Management Greater Mekong Subregion Core Environment Program and Biodiversity Corridors Initiative Syr Darya Integrated Water Management Program Coastal and Marine Resources Management COREMAP Indonesia Coral Triangle Initiative
Drylands of Central Asia
CACILM Countries
Shrinking of the Aral Sea Source: German Remote Sensing Data Centre
Main Elements of the CACILM Program Governance Strategic Partnership Agreement International Members Steering Committees – Regional and National National Secretariats and Links to UNFCCC Focals Planning and Programming Multi-Country Framework National Frameworks Information Generation and Management CLIMIS ICARDA Links to GEF Global Land Degradation Network UNCCD COP Actions Water Management Agricultural Practices Policies and Institutions
Overview of the GMS ProgramMembers: Cambodia, Peoples Republic of China Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam Investment Program: - 26 investment projects over 12 years - Investments of $6.5 billion - ADB contribution of $1.8 billion - ADB project cofinancing of $2.6 billion technical assistance projects - Grants of $148 million ($69 million ADB) Initiatives: - Cross-border Transport Agreement - Phnom Penh Plan for Development Management Management - Core Environment Program - GMS Energy Strategy
Core Environment Program – Objectives Embed environmental dimensions in GMS Economic Cooperation ProgramEmbed environmental dimensions in GMS Economic Cooperation Program Positively influence GMS development process, strategies and investmentsPositively influence GMS development process, strategies and investments Integrate and synergize poverty reduction and biodiversity conservationIntegrate and synergize poverty reduction and biodiversity conservation Partner with state and non-state stakeholders on resource mobilization (knowledge, human and financial) coupled with program development and implementationPartner with state and non-state stakeholders on resource mobilization (knowledge, human and financial) coupled with program development and implementation
Spatial Elements of the GMS CEP
Activities: Initiate at least five biodiversity corridor pilot sites tied to GMS economic corridors Link biodiversity conservation to poverty reduction Activities: Initiate at least five biodiversity corridor pilot sites tied to GMS economic corridors Link biodiversity conservation to poverty reduction Component 2 Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative Aim: Establish sustainable management and use regimes in the GMS biodiversity conservation corridors
A GEF Programmatic Approach Case Study
ADB/GEF Southeast Asian Subproject ADB/GEFPacific Subproject ADB/GEF Subprojects Already Identified
The Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) and the GEF Pacific Alliance for Sustainability (PAS): Geographic Program Areas GEF-PAS CTI ADB/GEF CTI-Pacific
GEF CTI Rational and Elements: Coastal & Marine Resources Mgt. Rationale Socio-economics: Fisheries, tourism, livelihoods, culture Degradation: Obvious and accellerating loss of resources Approach: Needs long-term/systematic effort, high resources Regional: Some issues need cooperation to address Global: Many benefits – opportunity to tap external financing Key Elements Countries (6): Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Malaysia, Solomons, Timor Leste + Pacific sphere of influence Content: Economic base (fisheries, tourism, food security), seascapes management, including protected areas Partners: ADB & GEF (2), US & Australia (2), CI, TNC, WWF (3) ADB, GEF & CTI: Development & environmental partner, financing facilitator & lead GEF agency
Coral Triangle Initiative: GEF Program Activities Defined for Council Coordination/support (ADB): CTI in IW:Learn Fisheries (UNDP/FAO): SCS, ATSEA, WPEAOF Integrated efforts (ADB): Southeast Asia; Pacific (PAS) Activities Described in Short Concept Papers Ridge to reef management in Philippines (ADB) Community protected areas management (WB/ADB) ACT – CTI Climate change adaptation (ADB/UNDP) Bycatch management (FAO)
CTI Development and the GEF Programming Cycle Dec 2007: SOM-1 – CTI agenda & commitments Jan-Feb 2008: Program and project concepts developed March 2008: Concepts approved by GEF Secretariat April 2008: Program & PIFs presented to GEF Council May 2008-April 2009: Subprojects preparation September 2008: SOM-2 – CTI Action Plan March 2009: Subprojects for GEF CEO endorsement May 2009: Subprojects endorsed by GEF CEO (CTI Summit) June 2009-April 2013: Program/subproject implementation July 2010-Dec 2010: GEF-5 CTI design November 2011: Target date for start of GEF-5 CTI
CTI Program Planning Schedule Coordination and Senior Officials Meetings Bali 12/07 – SOM1 Jakarta 5/08 – CCC1 Honiara 7/08 – CCC2 Manila 9/08 – SOM2 PNG 3/09? – SOM3 Ministerial/Summit Ministers 11/08 Manado WOC 5/09
Programmatic Approach at GEF Main Rules Council reviews/approves Program Framework Document (PFD) covering objectives and scope Funding time frame must be given, and cannot exceed replenishment period, though vision may extend beyond A resource envelope for the program is approved, but financial commitment still through individual PIFs Any or all PIFs under the program may be simultaneously presented and approved with the PFD PIFs not submitted with PFD must be approved by Council within 1 year thereafter MSPs can be brought to CEO only after PFD is approved Types of Programs National – Single and Multi-Focal Area Regional/Global – Single and Multi-focal Area
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