Mainstreaming environment in poverty reduction Jan Bojö Rama Chandra Reddy Sunanda Kishore Kenneth Green PEP Meeting Berlin, 3-4 November 2004
Outline 1.Mainstreaming environment in PRSPs PRSP Progress Reports Country Assistance Strategies (CASs) Poverty Reduction Support Credits (PRSCs) 2.MDG 7 Integration in PRSPs
PRSPs: Method 53 countries prepared PRSPs Environment scored on 17 criteria Scale 0 to 3 (0 = no mention; 3 = good practice) Unweighted average used
PRSPs: Findings Wide variation across countries in average score: 0.3 to 2.4 Average score for all countries: 1.4 Full PRSPs improve significantly over interim
High Scoring PRSPs Zambia Ghana Cambodia Mozambique Sri Lanka Yemen Honduras Nicaragua Bolivia Azerbaijan
PRSP-PRs: Method Sample: 21 Rating on same scale as PRSPs Rating only on responses (5 variables) and process (1)
PRSP-PRs: Findings Scoring range: 0.6 – 2.4 Average score: 1.4 Good Practice: Albania
Review of World Bank Instruments Country Assistance Strategies (CASs) Poverty Reduction Support Credits (PRSCs)
CASs: Method 40 CASs reviewed Environment scored on 5 criteria Scale 1 to 4 (0 = no mention; 4 = good practice) Unweighted average used
CASs: Findings Wide variation across countries in average score: Average score for all countries: 2.8; a slight improvement over previous year Good Practice: Brazil, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Cameroon
PRSCs: Method 21 PRSCs reviewed Loan range: $ m; Average: $ 90 m Rating on same scale as PRSPs Only on responses (5 variables) + process (1 variable)
PRSCs: Findings Wide range in scores: Average score for all countries: 1.3 Top score: Benin Too early to determine trend
PRSPs and MDG 7 Targets and indicators aligned with MDG 7? What data available to determine progress? Will countries reach the MDG 7 targets on time?
MDG7: Findings Only 17 PRSPs present baseline and targets in line with MDG 7 Data weak, but even existing data not well used in PRSPs Doubtful targets on water and sanitation can be reached
Summary Mainstreaming in PRSPs progressing, but from a low starting point Low correlation mainstreaming PRSPs & Progress Reports CASs diverse, some improvement PRSCs diverse, not targeted instruments for environment MDG7 integration poor in PRSPs