Programming Games Review for midterm. Work session. Homework: Prepare for midterm
Research test Write JavaScript code to change a certain img picture to classday.gif if it is Monday or Thursday. Fill in the ????. Write your source. d = new Date(); if ( ???? ) {place.src="classday.gif";}
Midterm review Read the guide. Review ALL the lecture notes. Ask questions Come to office hours ???
Basic programming concepts function variable datatype event array operators statements: assignment, if, for, switch, function call notation (syntax): uses of parentheses, brackets, square brackets, pointy brackets
HTML basics style, script and body elements element consists of opening tag, contents of element, ending/closing tag. opening tag has a type and may have other attributes including name, id, etc. certain tags have specific attributes –a has href –img has src
Advice Study midterm guide. The questions will be identical or strongly similar to these questions! The midterm will NOT ask for large sections of code from the class projects.
Advice: Not for the midterm organization of code –function definitions and variables (var statements) in element –structured content in element In some applications, HTML elements are created dynamically. event handling (responding to player actions, time) –buttons: using or or element –setInterval –addEventListener
Homework Study for midterm –come to office hours or make appointment for Wednesday Make proposal (to the forum on moodle) with a topic for your midterm project. Work on your JavaScript project