Phone Operations – How to use an IWATSU Phone
FIRST Familiarize yourself with the phone & it ’ s buttons that we primarily use
How to answer the phone: When you hear a ring and a green light flashing, select the Line 1 or 2 button “ Thank you for calling the Phoenix Dream Center, my name is _______, how may I help you today? ” Step One: Select the transfer button, then if to an extension, just dial the 4 digit extension and hang up. If transferring to an outside line press transfer then the number 9, you will hear a dial tone, dial the phone number and hanging up will transfer the call. (Keep in mind, that a red light under ICM button means an incoming call from an on-campus office) TRANSFERING A CALL “ Absolutely, let me get you down to their extension.. One moment please..
Putting someone on Hold We sometimes need to leave our desk during a call to find a pen, paper, or person along with other possible reasons which you need to learn how to use button While on the phone, the Line ’ s button will be green and steady like Shown in the picture below: To put them on hold, you would press the HOLD button until you see the red light then hang up The green light of the Line ’ s button will now be flashing When you are ready to back to the call, just pick up the receiver and press the flashing green button
To answer a call while on another line Occasionally, while on the phone talking to someone - the other line may ring for an incoming call. Step one: Tell the current person you are on the line to “ Please hold one moment.. ” Then press the Hold Button once Step two: Answer the second line by pressing the green flashing light with “ Phoenix Dream Center How may I help you ”. Keep it short, if you need to transfer to COTS or another department do it quickly. Step three: Afterwards, click on the correct Line button(previous call) to get back to the conversation with “ Thank you for your patience on holding.. “ and end the call as quickly as you can by answering their questions or transferring to the appropriate department. Always remember …..
To detect & check voic messages When returning to your office, you may notice a red flashing light on the upper-right of your phone, this means that you have voic messages awaiting response. Pick up the receiver and press the button to activate the voic system, enter your passcode. You can just follow the automated prompts or look at my voic shortcuts. Press * to listen to messages or Press (1) for the message folder Make msg for another user – Press 2 (No need to call their extension, you can leave another staff member a vml) Press 3 for User Options [(1) – Mailbox Name (2) – Greeting Mgmt (3)-Change pswd (4)-Distrubution list setup (5)-Call Block/Forwarding (6)-Mailbox Tutorial (7)-Time/Date Changes (8)-Playback order] System Managerment – OPERATIONS ONLY Notification Schedule - Press 5 ( Do sort/cascade/edit or deactivate msg notifications )
This concludes our tutorial, have a good day! Questions or Comments? Ext. 8780