A Domain-Specific RM&IG Solution Designed to Support the Implementation of ISAD(G) Arian Rajh, PhD, Assist. Prof., FFZG Krešimir Meze, Omega software d.o.o.
Table of Content Part I: Professional concepts 1.Assumptions, concepts and terms 2.Process transformation Part II: Key development concepts 3.Key development concepts 4.Conclusion 5.References
Part I Professional concepts Arian Rajh, PhD, Assist. Prof., FFZG
1. Assumptions, concepts and terms Characteristics of public organisations (based on Brumec, Dobrović, Tomičić, 2006) 1.Public organisations have large quantities of case-related documentation 2.Workflows have high significance for successful case management in public organisations 3.Public organisations are under auspices of archival authorities
1. Assumptions, concepts and terms Management of document and records is set out by: 1.RM practice 2.Related practices 3.Legislation 4.RM related standards, ISO 15489, ISAD(G) etc. Terms, concepts and functions are carrying a specific RM and archival meaning.
2. Process transformation Documents and records are used in processes of public organisations as: input of processes, result, supporting material RM processes are complex and already-defined.
2. Process transformation Basic processes/groups Records management Records retrieval, distribution and use (Archival) storage management Archival description Process-oriented system is required due to the complexity of the field.
2. Process transformation Records management Registration, classification and retention, permanent preservation/disposal, metadata management Process improvement 1.Capturing accurate metadata required for retrieval from case management and business registries 2.Automation of the retention procedure if retention schedule is connected with case management tool that provides metadata on the retention period start date 3.Support for disposal process 4.Automatic creation of the XML list of series and subseries in body of records of an organisation
2. Process transformation Records retrieval, distribution and use Capturing event and use metadata facilitate usability Such metadata can be captured using contemporary technology - users registries, barcodes etc., but non- repudiation should be ensured
2. Process transformation Process improvement related to registration and retrieval: Tools should ensure extensibility, connectivity and modularity Successful records management depends on high quality metadata Metadata unavailable to records managers could be captured and managed in main business registries Metadata from business registries and case management facilitates retrieval and ensures reliability
2. Process transformation (Archival) storage management Technical units are placed in storage and records manager pairs technical unit with location information Simple process… with issues Encapsulation of technical units, storage space for new accruals Filling could be enhanced by hierarchical organisation of storage and using barcode or RFID technology for pairing units and storage related metadata Improvement through the usage of RM and archival metadata and triggers for archiving electronic records
2. Process transformation Archival description It is needed to define records schedule in order to perform the process of archival description on the list of existing RM/archival units Archival description ensures that creator gains archival management functionality, ensures real archival organisation of emerging material Each registered technical unit pertains to some archival unit, archival units are hierarchically interconnected and described according to ISAD(G)
Part II Key development concepts Krešimir Meze, Omega software d.o.o.
3. Key development concepts Software solutions created with common methods and programming tools are still difficult to develop and maintain. 1.High level of business knowledge is required from system architect and developers 2.It is too easy to make mistakes in the design phase and errors in implementation 3.Adaptation to to new technology trends takes too much time and money
3. Key development concepts Taken approach was based on the innovative use of domain specific language (DSL). Kind of language based on terms, keywords and rules originating from some specific domain. Some examples: H 2 O Invoice, Billing Record, Technical unit, Class, Disposal HTML, SQL
3. Key development concepts To develop such system two prerequisites need to be met. 1.DSL and programming concepts should be build Encapsulate functionality and business behavior from RM domain and carry behavior compliance with business rules. Programmers will use this concepts to describe application model in DSL scripts. 2.DSL execution platform should be implemented Software component that executes DSL scripts written by programmers and generate server application, database and communication services consumed by user interface or other systems and applications.
3. Key development concepts Implementation was done by using Rhetos open source development platform. Improves quality of the application design process, implemented solutions and simplifies long-term support. Extremely extensible, so new concepts can be added and whole internal infrastructure can be changed from the default to any other required.
3. Key development concepts The next step is to achieve compliance with MoReq2010® specification. MoReq2010® aims to provide a comprehensive but simple and easily understood set of requirements for electronic record management system. This goal will be achieved by creating MoReq based DSL, and early version was already shown at the DLM Forum and received full support.
4. Conclusion 1.Using DSLs enables the creation of systems that already contain domain-related professional logic 2.The usage of ISAD(G) enables the creation of description of archival material according to immanent archival instructions and enhances archival practice of a public organization 3.Moreq2010 based DSL could be the basis for the creation of records management and archival systems that would fit a large variety of organizations
5. References ARHiNET Croatia, (April 2013) Brumec, Dobrović, Tomičić: The Model of the DMS in the Public Sector. Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences, Vol.30, No.1, 2006 ISAD(G): General International Standard Archival Description, 2nd ed. ISO :2001 Information and documentation - Records management - Part 1: General ISO :2001 Information and documentation - Records management - Part 2: Guidelines Rhetos, MoReq2010 Modular Requirements for Records Systems, (April 2013) Reference model for an open archival information system (OAIS), Recommended practice CCSDS M-2, Magenta book, June 2012, (March 2013) World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), (June 2013)
Thank you! Arian Rajh, PhD, Assist. Prof., FFZG, Krešimir Meze, Omega software d.o.o.,