Department of Computer Science Comparative Study of Imperative Programming Languages Vergelijkende studie van imperatieve programmeertalen
Study Programs Master Informatics Software engineering: deepening package Secure software: deepening package Master Applied Informatics Software engineering: mandatory course Master Computer Science Mandatory course [2 nd year]
Practical Information Schedule 1 st semester Load 6 study points Teaching staff Lectures [12 sessions of 2.5 hours] o Eric Steegmans Exercises [4 sessions of 2.5 hours] 3
Objectives In-depth study of more advanced concepts of object-oriented languages Single inheritance [3h] Multiple inheritance [6h] Pattern matching and regular expressions [6h] Generic classes [6h] First-class functions and closures [6h] Concurrency [6h] Introspection, reflection and meta-programming [6h]
Languages Settled languages C++, Eiffel, Smalltalk, Java and C# o Java serves as a reference language Innovative languages Scala, Ruby and D
Course Material Copies of slides New material is posted weekly on Toledo
Examination Open-book examination Partly oral and partly written o Question 1 [Take home] Implementation of a small hierarchy in some languages -A definition in Java is given as a start o Question 2 [written] A set of multiple-choice-like assignments Limited in time o 1 st exam period