OUR AMAZING SUN (Alexandria, March 26, 2006) Eric Priest
1.INTRODUCTION For centuries we have worshipped the Sun
Ancient Egyptians Many forms of Sun worship: Ra or Re - the Sun god (old kingdom)
Aten - the visible disk or face of the Sun
Eye of Ra or Horus (-- eclipse) reflects solar energy, reason & mathematics
Tutankhamun’s throne King & bride - rays of Aten sun-disk protecting & giving them life
1. Of great scientific interest in own right 2. Influence on Earth 3. Important for Astronomy -- fundamental cosmic processes But -- Many basic properties still a mystery Why Study the Sun ? So Sun is 1 of liveliest branches of astronomy
e.g., Gregory Chair of Maths: James Gregory ( ) Co-founder of Calculus Invented Reflecting Telescope Traditionally close link Mathematics - Astronomy To construct pyramids, Egyptians had outstanding grasp of both
James Gregory Elected FRS (Academician) 1668 (age 30) Appointed 1st regius prof maths at St Andrews (1668) Given hall as lab -- see line for telescope along meridian
“OUR AMAZING SUN” (Theme: Sun full of surprises) CONTENT: 1. Introduction 2. Structure of the Sun 3. Sunspots 4. Corona 5. Modern Surprises - SOHO satellite * Solar Flares and CME's Conclusions
Sun is plasma --> coupled (intimate, subtle) to B Another Theme: Many surprises caused by magnetic field (B) B exerts force on plasma -- stores energy
Ionosphere --> Sun (8 light mins) stars (4 light years) [At 186,000 miles per sec] MOST of UNIVERSE is PLASMA:
Ionosphere --> Sun (8 light mins) Learn basic behaviour of plasma from Sun MOST of UNIVERSE is PLASMA:
Vital Statistics Ball of gas held together by gravity 100 x Earth = 700 Mm (1Mm = 1000 km) 2. STRUCTURE of SUN Radius =
Interior: Core Convection zone (> 0.7 R 0 ) Atmosphere: Photosphere, Chromosphere, Corona Overall Structure
Best ever images by factor 100 to 70 km resolution Zoom from full disk Movie Covered with turbulent convection cells: “Granulation” (1 Mm) Photosphere Movie
Thomas Harriot discovered (1610) w. telescope [Galileo] -- Greeks, Chinese 3. SUNSPOTS
Dark because cool But why cool ? Surprise (1908): site of strong magnetic field Because magnetic field (B) stops granulation
Stunning Image Penumbral structure created by B [Scharmer & van der Voort]
Map of Photospheric Magnetic Field White -- towards Black -- away Around sunspots -- bipolar "Active Regions"
Intense magnetic fields over whole Sun Movie B carried to edges of convection cells Movie
Chromosphere -- very dynamic Simulation [Hansteen&Carlsson] Corona Chromo r Photo r light/ dense. t. region Movie
("crown") -- See at ECLIPSE of Sun Faint open structures -- Bright closed structures SURPRISE (1868) -- Light from new element "Helium " SURPRISE (1940) -- Temperature is million degrees !!!! 4. CORONA
Another ECLIPSE In corona B dominates plasma & heats plasma Structure created by B
Eclipse path
Iran 1999 (Koutchmy -- see tomorrow ) Radial structures: outflow -- solar wind Research students imaginative:
Normally need eclipse to see -- Glare of surface Observe direct with X-ray telescope As T increases (furnace), object becomes bluer CORONA:
Picture with X-ray telescope: Image from latest new satellite: Leon Golub (tomorrow) - pioneer
Close-up of Magnetic Loops (Active region)
B strong - creates intricate structure From the Side in Corona (TRACE) - dominates plasma
5. SOHO (Solar & Heliospheric Observatory) Observing Sun continuously for 1st time (ESA/NASA) Launched Orbiting Sun in phase with Earth MANY NEW SURPRISES --> 1st comprehensive view of Sun
The SUN this week Photo sphere
Magnetic Field
Corona at 1.6 MK
Corona at 2.0 MK
QN. -- ? How Do Flares & CME’s Occur SOHO Coronagraph -- Artificial eclipse [Can reach Earth - communications / satellites] Discovered huge ejections of plasma
Photo- sphere [from SOHO] On October 28, rd largest flare
Outer Corona [from SOHO] CME 2000 km/s (5 times faster than normal) Snow -- rel c particles
Thurs Aurora in St Andrews
1 Week Later (Nov 4 )- Fireworks Continued the biggest solar flare ever recorded !
Close-up from TRACE Movie of flare at limb Movie of zoom in and out
6. CONCLUSIONS Solar Physics - golden age - space observations Sense of vitality will continue Ancient egyptians intrigued by Sun -- continues
Future Space Missions STEREO July 2006 * Two satellites Stereo images of corona Solar Orbiter (ESA) 2015 * 3 times closer than Mercury Solar Dynamics Observatory 2008 * Successor to SOHO Solar B (Japan-US-UK) Sept 2006 * Connections surface/corona