Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication Create and Foster your Network
Why? #1 Way to find an internship or full time position Informational Interview & Digital Communication Why? #1 Way to find an internship or full time position When you want a job in January of 2016, you want a whole network of people to help you. You can learn about what they do before you even start your career You can create a life time of a successful network.
Who you gonna call? Scenario 1: You know what you want to do Informational Interviewing and Digital Communication Who you gonna call? Scenario 1: You know what you want to do Scenario 2: You have no idea what you want to do Scenario 3: You have an idea of the area you want but not sure which position is right for you
What do you think? How do you find them? Informational Interviewing and Digital Communication How do you find them? Take your list of 50 companies – start from there…search by title Call? Email? Connect on LinkedIn? What do you think?
How do you start? The approach Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication How do you start? The approach Why would a stranger want to do you a favor without even knowing you? Goal of first call? – schedule an interview to get to know them. You are creating your network…NOT asking for a job or internship….. Why are you calling? Why are you calling this person in particular? How do you ask? Never start by asking for a huge favor, like passing your resume for a FT job or internship. I was wondering if you could help me. I’m a Math Fin Gr Student and I’m interested in your company. I’m also interested in learning more about what it really means to be a ____________ as I think it may be what I’d like to do when I graduate. I appreciate that you’re very busy. I was wondering if you might have 15 minutes to be able to help me and when it would be most convenient for you if so? -Be Ready with your questions if they say “now is a good time…go ahead” KNOW YOUR SCHEDULE BEFORE YOU CALL……don’t schedule a conflict by accident….it would be very rude. DO NOT MAKE FIRST APPROACH VIA EMAIL OR LINKED IN ****** MAKE IT PERSONAL
Now what do you ask? Be genuinely interested Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication Now what do you ask? Be genuinely interested If you’re not interested in me, why would I be in you? And why would I help you? Goal – Establish an ongoing business relationship or even a friendship if it works out that way. Create future reasons to communicate You are relationship building – not looking for a job or internship at this point. Have you ever had a ‘conversation’ with someone and they are either doing ALL the talking? Or when you talk, the person is clearly not really interested? Or maybe the person is just thinking about the end goal? Like the car salesperson that just wants to make a sale? It’s a turn off and doesn’t create relationships. Be genuine. Relax about your end goal. Think about it like getting to know someone. If it’s all about you then you’re guaranteed to create a complete lack of interest and lack of desire to help you. Ask about them. Don’t you want to learn about a person in the industry, what they like to do? How they got there? In your questions..ask future looking questions that you can ask about later. Next slide shows some questions you might consider having in your interview list. Remember – you don’t bring a wedding ring to the first date so don’t ask for huge favors after the first interaction ****
What if you get voicemail? Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication What if you get voicemail? State succinctly why you’re calling. Speak SLOWLY and CLEARLY and ENUNCIATE Leave your phone number, slowly, twice during the message. Leave your email once – slowly and clearly Thank them and state that you’re looking forward to hearing from them and that you appreciate their busy schedule or something nice to say I like to say, I appreciate your help and look forward to connecting soon. Thank you.
Script sample (do not read when calling – practice first) Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication Script sample (do not read when calling – practice first) Good morning,_______ My name is Cris Nigro(slowly and clearly) and I’m a graduate student in Boston University’s Mathematical Finance Graduate Program. My number is 617(pause)358(pause)05(pause)42. I’m contacting you because I’m interested in what it really means to be a Portfolio Manager and I was hoping to ask you some questions about what you do. I’d really appreciate your help and am looking for just a few minutes of your time at your earliest convenience. Please feel free to contact me any time at 617(pause)358(pause)05(pause)42 or if email is easier, I can be reached at That’s cm(as in Mary) n(as in Nancy) Thank you so much. I look forward to connecting with you and, again, I appreciate your help. Thank you.
Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication Script sample (do not read when calling – practice first) Second Voicemail (different day of the week, different time of day) Good morning,_______ This is Cris Nigro(slowly and clearly) from BU’s Mathematical Finance Graduate Program. I left you a message a few days ago and was hoping to connect. I can be reached at 617(pause)358(pause)05(pause)42. I was hoping to learn more about what you do at JP Morgan to see if it’s something I might like to do in the future as well. I’d really appreciate your help and am looking for just a few minutes of your time at your earliest convenience. Again, my number is 617(pause)358(pause)05(pause)42 and my email is That’s cm(as in Mary) n(as in Nancy) Thank you so much. I look forward to connecting with you and, again, I appreciate your help. Thank you.
Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication Script sample (do not read when calling – practice first) Third Voicemail (different day of the week, different time of day) Good afternoon,_______ This is Cris Nigro(slowly and clearly) from BU’s Mathematical Finance Graduate Program. I’ve left a couple of voicemails and I don’t want to bother you. I will send a message to connect via linked in. If you have a few minutes, I’d love to hear from you. I can be reached at 617(pause)358(pause)05(pause)42. Thank you for your time. Again, my number is 617(pause)358(pause)05(pause)42 and my email is That’s cm(as in Mary) n(as in Nancy) I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you so much.
Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication Where is the love? I’ve left three voicemails, different times of the day, 3 business days apart…and no reply. Now what?
Be ready How do you ask for a referral? Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication Be ready If they say, great, I have a few minutes now – be ready with questions (samples next slide). Closing the call How do you ask for a referral? Ask how they prefer to be contacted
How can I let them know tastefully I’m looking for an internship? Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication How can I let them know tastefully I’m looking for an internship? You can, during the conversation, state that you’re trying to decide which positions to apply to for your summer internship so you want to learn more about various positions in the industry. You can also ask, if I want to be a ______(eg: Portfolio Manager) in a few years, what would position me best during a summer internship next year? If I wanted to do what you’re doing in the future, what internship position would you look for? Any particular companies that would be your top choice?
Questions for Informational Interviewing Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication Questions for Informational Interviewing How did you know you wanted to be a ______? What other positions did you consider? What was your career path before you doing this? What were your priorities in life when you decided this is what you wanted to do? IE: money, family, personal time, etc? How long have you been going this? Do you like it as much as when you first started? Where do you see yourself in five years? What do you see as your biggest obstacle in the next 6 mos – 1 year? What could be your biggest success if you accomplished it in the next year? continued……
Questions for Informational Interviewing Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication Questions for Informational Interviewing What advice do you have for someone with the academic background and a little experience entering this field? What would you put on your reading list? What kind of project(s) would help me to best prepare for my career? What are the personal attributes you think someone needs to be successful in a position like yours? What about at your company? Have you seen many changes in the field over the past few years? What do you see being the most desired skills and talents in the industry to continue to contribute to it in the future? Is there anything you could have done differently that if possible, you’d go back and change it? What has been your biggest success thus far? continued……
Questions for Informational Interviewing Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication Questions for Informational Interviewing Did you have any failures(or difficult challenges) along the way? Which ended up helping you the most? Who do you know that I could talk to that might also be beneficial to learn more about this type of career? Would it be ok to stay in touch? Do you prefer phone or email? (if they say phone, ask: Is there a best day and/or time of day to contact you?) I really appreciate your time, willingness to help, and expertise. I look forward to staying in touch! Be sure to show appreciation to the person Taking time out of their life to help you!!!!! BE SURE TO CHOOSE AT LEAST 3 FUTURE QUESTIONS SO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT WHEN YOU CONTACT THEM AGAIN. There are a LOT more questions you could ask – if you think about it and you’re very interested? You can ask about hobbies, sports, their favorite teams, do they have a family, etc. Just don’t get too personal too fast.
Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication Stay organized I prefer software to track my network connections, like ACT! but you can track your conversations and keep notes in your contacts in Outlook or Excel. I tend to forget unless I have a tool that reminds me it’s time to connect with someone. Immediately schedule follow up on your calendar and be disciplined or if you use ACT!, then set up a follow up activity in ACT! Make notes of your conversation and how you can keep the conversation going.
Digital Communication Goals Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication Digital Communication Goals Appropriate Correct level of “politeness” Elicit a response
Greetings – First Communication Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication Greetings – First Communication Dear Sir/Madam --- Correct? Dear Nigro: Appropriate if you write to me? Greetings – Follow up Communication How did the person respond? Did they sign, “Sincerely, Ms. Nigro” ???? Then don’t follow up, “Dear Ms. Nigro” If I responded and signed off as “Cris”, then your next email should be, “Dear Cris” Full name v. shorter name? ie: Michael v. Mike ?
Closing and Signatures Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication Closing and Signatures Sincerely Very sincerely Most sincerely Kind regards Respectfully Respectfully yours Warm regards Warmly, Name at Bottom (email signatures) Initial Contact: First and Last name with full signature of how to get in touch with you. Follow Up Contact: If you are addressing them by their first name, then sign off with your first name only as well. Match their formality. Maintain a full signature with your full first and last name below that and full contact information. It makes life easier for them so they don’t have to look you up each time.
Pitfalls Overly aggressive Turns off the reader Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication Pitfalls Overly aggressive Turns off the reader Never order someone to do something…ask politely Never assume the person can respond right away – ask to schedule something or what their timeframe for response might be unless discussed prior Avoid the word “you” as it can sound like an attack Don’t demand, start sentences with “I would like” Do your best to sound neutral rather than confrontational. Show you care and are interested in them
Pitfalls Overly polite (who would think that would be a problem!?) Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication Pitfalls Overly polite (who would think that would be a problem!?) Dead give away that you’re not comfortable or understand work culture in the US – makes someone not want to hire you. Keep your tone and manners in appropriate proportion to tone sent to you. If you’re apologizing for something. Say you’re sorry, and move on. No need to go into detail about how you may have inconvenienced someone or created something awful when all you did was respond late to an email. (this is only for those who are overpolite!...not the aggressives! )
Do’s and Dont’s Use positive words, not negative words Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication Do’s and Dont’s Use positive words, not negative words Examples of Negative words to avoid: Cannot Damage Do not Examples of Positive words to use: Benefit It is best to Use “active voice” instead of “passive” Active: Employees need to wear safety glasses Passive: Safety goggles need to be worn by all employees Active: The department increased sales Passive: Sales were increased by the department Be Humble….amazing how far that can go Not Problem Refuse Impossible Little value Loss Unfortunately Unable to Fail Error Stop Mistake Matter Progress Success Valuable Issue
Please respond to my email! Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication Please respond to my email! Why you chose them Mention a sentence or two that shows why you are contacting them, specifically. Show you did your homework If you’re asking for help, mention what you’ve done already. People tend to help those that do their best to help themselves with more vigor.
Please respond to my email! …cont’d. Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication Please respond to my email! …cont’d. Uncommon commonalities Going to the same school, program, same hobbies, similar history of some kind. Keep your request specific, short, and sweet Do not write a book. Keep it brief for all emails. People do not have huge amounts of time to spend reading these days. Make it easy for them to help you and respond to you. Express gratitude Studies have been done on the difference in actually receiving help by expressing sincere gratitude. In this example the student solicited help in two ways. The second solicitation included, “Thank you so much! I am really grateful” – response rate went from 32% to 66% A little thanks goes a LONG way.
Questions? Help? or 617-358-0542 Informational Interviewing & Digital Communication Questions? Help? What do you do if you get into a jam or need help? Schedule an appointment with me! or 617-358-0542