Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002
Malkov O., Dluzhnevskaya O., Kovaleva D., Kilpio E., Kilpio A., Sat L. Centre for Astronomical Data (INASAN, Moscow) Garching, Jun 10, 2002 Russian Virtual Observatory Information Hub
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Virtual observatory: observations of the virtual sky with a virtual telescope. Virtual sky: archival data sets of space-borne and ground-based observatories, the catalogs of multi- wavelength surveys. Virtual telescope: metadata standarts, query services, data mining applications, computational resources. Scientific Council on Astronomy (Russian Academy of Sciences) strongly endorsed the RVO initiative with Centre for Astronomical Data (INASAN) and Special Astrophysical Observatory as co-ordinators.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Conferences Digital Libraries (October 2002), Dubna Informational systems in fundamental science (July 2002), Special Astrophysical Observatory, Nizhnij Archyz Euro-Asian Astronomical Society VI congress (May 2002), Moscow All-Russian astronomical conference (August 2001), St-Petersburg
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 RVO goals To provide Russian astronomical community with a convenient access to the world data grid To unite Russian and fSU data, to provide them to the rest of the world and to integrate them into the International Virtual Observatory To take part in developing of software, techniques, standards, formats necessary for the establishment of the IVO To use Russian instrumentation (SAO RAS) to provide observational data in remote mode when needed To strengthen education and public applications of world astronomical data
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 RVO goals: I To provide Russian astronomical community with a convenient access to the world data grid
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Mirrors at CAD ADS VizieR INES
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 CAD services: I Archives, catalogues, software on CD Browsing and visualization of catalogues Review and expert evaluation of data sets Data translation: DLT, DDS, ADR, CD, MO
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 RVO goals: II To unite Russian and fSU data, to provide them to the rest of the world and to integrate them into the International Virtual Observatory
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 CAD services: II Providing convenient direct access to on-line resources Distributing off-line resources on CD Providing CDS with electronic tables published in main Russian astronomical journals Producing of machine-readable catalogues
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 CAD catalogues Observational data in galactic star-forming regions Stellar mass catalogue Stellar polarization bibliography Catalogue of astrophysical parameters of binary systems Masses and ages of stars in open clusters Low-mass binaries database ………………..
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Institute of Applied Physics & Radiophysical Research Institute, Nizhny Novgorod Astronomical Observatory, Kazan' State University, Kazan' Astronomical Observatory, Ural State University, Ekaterinburg Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk Special Astrophysical Observatory (SAO), Nizhnij Arkhyz Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Irkutsk Moscow region Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation (IZMIRAN), Troitsk Puschino Radioastronomical Observatory (PRAO), Puschino St.Petersburg Institute of Applied Astronomy Main Astronomical Observatory, Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory, St.Petersburg State University, Stary Peterhof Russian astronomical organisations Moscow Institute of Astronomy (INASAN) Sternberg State Astronomical Institute Space Research Institute (IKI) Astro Space Centre of Lebebev Physical Institute
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Stellar systems Informational system "Evolution of radio galaxies" (SAO RAS): allows a user to operate with simulated curves of spectral energy distributions for a set of galaxies from RATAN-600 RC-catalogue. An archive of radio galaxies observations and bibliographycal system are planned to be added in the near future.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Stellar systems Database of rich clusters of galaxies (Astronomical Institute of the Saint- Petersburg University +): Radio and optical sources in the clusters of galaxies. Polar-ring galaxies page (Astronomical Institute of the Saint-Petersburg University +): bibliography and images for polar-ring galaxies.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Stellar systems Catalogue of open clusters proper motions (SAI MSU): Proper motions for 324 clusters. Bibliographic catalogue of the galaxies rotation curves (SAI MSU): 4165 observations for 2070 galaxies. Catalogue of interacting galaxies (SAI MSU): 2014 items.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Stars General Catalogue of Variable Stars (SAI MSU + INASAN): about stars (is also regularly issued on CDs) Supernovae catalogue (SAI MSU): Supernovae light curves catalogue (SAI MSU): 180 light curves
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Stars Database of UV Cet variable stars (CrAO NASU): bibliographical database, contains 460 stars and 3500 references. The catalogue of energy distribution in the spectra of late stars (CrAO NASU): 111 stars.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Stars General catalogue of galactic carbon stars (Astronomical Institute of Latvian SU): 3 rd edition of the Stephenson's catalogue, remade in the AI LSU, contains 7000 stars. Astrographic catalogue (SAI MSU): coordinates for 8.6 millions of stellar images
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Stars Tycho Reference catalogue (SAI MSU +): Tycho positions, proper motions, and photometry for 1 million of stars. FONAC (Main Astronomical Observatory, NASU): positions, proper motions and photometry for 2 million of stars of the Astrographic catalogue.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Stars Combined catatalogue of astronomical data ASCC-2.5 (MAO NASU): compilative catalogue of astronomical data from space missions and ground-based telescopes observations for 2.5 million of stars. Catalogues of spectral binaries (Ural State University): set of catalogues of physical and orbital characteristics of SB stars.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Solar System Database of interstellar magnetic field (IZMIRAN + IKI RAS): data of magnetic measurments of the satellites “Prognoz-6,7,9” and “Interball” in , 83-84, Planetary observations (Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, Almaty): observation of major planets and other Solar System bodies and objects made in Almaty. Images, some science, bibliography etc.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Solar System System STAMP (Institute of Applied Astronomy RAS): system for representation of minor planets ephemeris and software for related calculations (21,000 minor planets). Database of interstellar magnetic field (addition) (IZMIRAN + IKI RAS): magnetic measurments of the spacecraft “Fobos-2” in
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Solar System Meteors orbits (Astrophysical Institute of the Tajic AS): elements of orbits for 20,000 meteors by radiolocation data + elements of orbits for 500 meteors by Dushanbe photographic observations Guissar catalogue of geo-stationary satellites (AphI TAS) Spectra of asteroids database (SAI MSU)
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Sun Siberian Solar Radio Telescope (Irkutsk Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Siberian Branch of RAS = ISTP): database of solar observations. Siberian Solar Radio Telescope (ISTP RAS): daily images of the Sun at the 5.2 cm wavelength. Siberian Solar Radio Telescope (ISTP RAS): short-term forecasts of solar activity.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Sun Solar Telescope for Operative Prediction (ISTP RAS): archive of solar magnetograms Pulkovo database of sunspots magnetic fields (Main Astronomical Observatory RAS): sunspots magnetic fields, statistics, images (24,000 measurments).
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Sun Combined database of sunspots magnetic fields (MAO RAS +): sunspots magnetic fields etc. (queries on-line; the complete version of database is available at CDs) Solar data (MAO RAS): Synoptic maps of active features, activity information for
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Sun RATAN-600 solar observations (SAO RAS): daily one-dimension high-resolution scans of the Sun in radio since May Solar activity forecast (IZMIRAN): daily forecast in real time. Sunspots magnetic fields (CrAO NASU):
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Sun Sun images in lines (CrAO NASU): 1996, and since 1999 (HeI+H α ) Large Solar Vacuum Telescope (Baikal Observatory, ISTP RAS): archive of Sun images at H α. CORONAS project database (IZMIRAN+): helioseismology, neutrino astronomy.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Radioastronomy Database of catalogues CATS (SAO RAS): wide sample of astrophysical catalogues and relevant software, with emphasize on radio catalogues. RATAN (COLD) catalogue (SAO RAS): Radio sources spectra
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Radioastronomy 230 Milky Way supernovae residues (SAO RAS): 230 radio spectra of supernovae residues UTR-2 catalogue (Kharkiv Radioastronomy Institute of NASU): Low-frequency survey for sky radio sources.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Radioastronomy Pulsar database (Puschino Radioastronomical Observatory of Astro- Space Center of Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS +): pulsars timing results. The complete archive is available at CDs.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Cosmic Rays Monitor of cosmic ray activity (IZMIRAN): data of regular (hourly) measurments, real- time and archived since The complete archive is available at CDs. Database of the cosmic ray department (IZMIRAN): archive of the World Net of neutron monitors for 1953 – 1998.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Cosmic Rays Cosmic ray database (ISTP RAS): monthly, daily and hourly data since 1958, 1-minute data: and since 1994.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Main Russian and fSU astronomical data resources
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Educational and public resources Reference resources (SAI MSU, AI SPbSU, IAA RAS). Educational resources (SAI MSU, Ural SU, Irkutsk ISTF, AI SPbSU). Popular scientific resources (SAI MSU, IAA RAS, Kazan SU, Irkutsk ISTF, Odessa AO, Almaty AphI). Observatories publications (CrAO NASU, SAO RAS, PRAO ASC LPI RAS, INASAN, Odessa Astronomical Observatory).
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Glass libraries and spectroscopic data archives
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 The list of Russian and fSU astronomical resources is compiled for the first time and will be kept up to date. This list of resources (as well as other CAD services) is available on high-performance CAD-servers at connected to Internet through 2 x 2Mb fiberoptics channels and back-up radio channel.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 RVO goals: III To take part in developing of software, techniques, standards, formats necessary for the establishment of the IVO
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 CAD services: III Visualization Cross-identification Interoperability (?)
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Internet Resources in Astronomy collection of links to useful astronomical data (with search facilities) Original multi-level classification scheme Reviews and expert analysis Comprehensive list of national resources Bilingual resource descriptions
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002
Catalogues Solar SystemSolar System Sun Planets and satellites Comets Minor planets Meteors Interplanetary dust StarsStars Nearby stars Multiple stars Variable stars General Astrometry –Positions –Proper motions –Parallaxes Visible photometry and polarimtery –Positions –Proper motions –Parallaxes……………………..
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Conclusions The information hub of the RVO will be made available via Internet for the scientific community and for the public. In addition, the scientific, methodological and technical aspects and results of the project will be presented to the community. It is likely that RVO will be merged naturally into the IVO. Particularly, it means that the RVO and its datasets will require collaboration with other institutions facing similar challenges.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002
Glass libraries Odessa Astronomical Observatory: 104,000 plates, 1957 – 1998 (7-camera astrograph). The catalogue with complete information about every plate is accessible via ftp. SAI MSU: about 100,000 plates (including glass library of the variable stars department). Plates digitalization is under preparation.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Glass libraries MAO RAS: 55,000 plates (various telescopes). Catalogue is under preparation and is completed already for 37,000 of plates. CrAO NASU: plates taken since 1960s (various telescopes). Catalogue is under preparation.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Glass libraries MAO NASU: Catalogue is under preparation, plate digitalization is planned AO Kazan SU: plates taken since 1900s. Catalogue is under preparation. AO AphI Tajic AS: 64,000 plates (Sky service observations of variable stars).
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Glass libraries AI Latvian SU: Plate digitalization is supposed AO AphI Kazakh AS: Mainly planetary and lunar observations.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Spectroscopic data archives SAO RAS: archive ASPID of spectrophotometrical and interferometer data observed with 6m telescope since CrAO NASU: 43,000 spectra, 1984–1991, processed CCD-spectra observed with 2.6m telescope, under preparation for on-line presentation.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Spectroscopic data archives CrAO NASU: spectra, since 1991, register of CCD-spectra observations with 2.6m telescope + unprocessed spectra. CrAO NASU: register of observations made with various instruments at various time.
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 Catalogues of binaries: EB, VB, SB
Malkov et al. (CAD) Jun 10, 2002 IRinA: large astronomical catalogues