Transition Region And Coronal Explorer
Observes three-dimensional magnetic structures in the Photosphere Defines the geometry and dynamics of the Transition Region and Corona Takes images almost simultaneously (less 0.1 second arc) Observes in ultra hot temperatures that are extremely hard to investigate Is the first U.S. solar research satellite since the Solar Maximum Mission
As outlined by NASA Explore the relation between diffusion of the surface magnetic fields and the changes in heating and structure throughout the Transition Region and Corona. Follow the evolution of the magnetic field structures from the solar interior to the corona. Investigate the mechanisms of the heating of the outer solar atmosphere. Investigate the triggers and onset of solar flares and mass ejections.
Was designed and built at the Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics lab In April 1998, was launched on a Pegasus vehicle from Vandenberg Air Force Base Is in a joint operation with SOHO to study the rising phase of the solar cycle to sunspot maximum TRACE produces images rapidly while SoHO does slowly
Cut-Away ViewFront End
Focal Plane
Plasma Confinement Plasma Heating Solar Flares Can cause magnetic disruptions such as interfering with satellite connection, cell phone connection, electric power grids, and animals that travel by Earth’s magnetic field
The Sun is made up of plasma Plasma is a state of matter that forms when tremendous amounts of energy cause the bonds that hold atoms together to break apart This photograph shows loops which are huge arches of plasma that extend thousands of miles into space Loops last weeks and even months Scientists believe that powerful disturbances on the Sun’s magnetic field hold may cause these formations TRACE is investigating this
Most of the time the area around something gets hotter as you move closer to the heat source but this is opposite from the Sun The temperature increases as you move farther away from the surface of the Sun The Sun’s surface is 5,000 degrees Kelvin while 100,000 kilometers into the atmosphere the temperature increases to nearly 2,000,000 degrees Kelvin TRACE is collecting data to help explain this
Is a sudden eruption of energy on the Sun’s surface They only last a couple of minutes and don’t change the brightness of the Sun but are very important Large flares on the Sun through out sudden bursts of high energy radiation which can disrupt and even damage communication systems on Earth
TRACE is investigating things that we don’t know about the sun’s magnetic field TRACE is extremely close to the sun and takes detailed pictures The solar phenomena TRACE studies is odd and unique and disrupts Earth’s connections to space TRACE has obtained a lot of new and crucial information that will better enable us to predict solar phenomena.
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