1 Helping young people to make “better choices” Oliver Ashton
who are we? established 20 years one of UK’s largest suppliers of motivational training and consultancy over 200,000 people helped 800+ trainers licensed in UK over 3000 staff trained cited by OFSTED and ALI as examples of “best practice” advisers to Social Exclusion Unit (ODPM) and Conservative report on young people 2
best of the best specialists in cognitive behaviour programmes – (CBT), positive psychology, NLP and unemployment, disadvantage and engagement making complicated academia simple train the trainer programmes equipping and re-energising teams focus on the customer and their needs 3
clients include JC+ – Gateway/New Deal providers Connexions Social Services/YOTs/leaving care Councils Prisons/YOIs Football/sport/music related projects NHS Colleges Learners with disabilities and learning difficulties Prime contractors 4
5 Programmes include GOALS for young people G4YP– young people GOALS adults 18+ GOALS plus – agency staff
common theme : “Inspiring and empowering people to think feel and behave to create positive futures” 6
where are we now? individuals too often failing or being failed value of work underestimated school a painful experience – “fear of learning” self-esteem eroded by parents, school, peers, media etc (3:4) 7
many young people are isolated, alienated and scared cycle of fear/knives/victims old certainties diminishing - a secure job, family support, sense of community blame culture - 8
immediate gratification. learned helplessness – low aspirations lack of good consistent role models – “trusted adults” negative people with negative attitudes cynical media bad news/soaps/hip hop stereotypes 9
the evidence 87% of NEETS re-engaged after attending GOALS courses (Louise – Essex Connexions) 10
Aims and Objectives To work pan London with hard to reach young people to support into ETE and sustain for 6 months To engage, motivate and inspire To create a mind shift and Culture change – in both young people and employers 11
Partnerships OUR PRIME CONTRACTORS WERE: Serco Nacro Catch 22 City Gateway South London Business Business and Education London South 12
What has been achieved? Start to employement: Serco 67.6%, Nacro 54.5%, Catch 62.5 – overall 59.4% NEETs start to entry: Citygateway 64%, SLB 70.2%, BELS 100% Overall sustain figures73% Extensions with Serco and Nacro – only partner taken forward 13
help you exceed your PSA’s for NEETS less moaning – clients and staff use as part of recruitment process – better choices, better staff accredited with OCN and ASDAN seed level for sustained change 15
feedback 16 Shereen – Connexions Woolwich
continued... identifies people who need more intensive assistance provision for ongoing peer support, counselling and mentoring reduces no-shows and dropouts helps people face up to reality creates a safe, nurturing, non judgmental environment 17
blame culture 18
feedback 19
what makes a good teacher/advisor? “A healthy adult with young people” (high self esteem) “Young people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” 20
feedback “It provides the motivation for young people to look for education, employment or training – I just love it” Beth – Personal Advisor, Connexions “GOALS is a very exciting addition to the menu of services we offer young people. We see big shifts taking place afterwards, it’s as though the light has suddenly come on” Alex More, Connexions Manager 21
typical plea from employers - “ Just give me someone who wants to work, who shows up every day on time, who gets along with their colleagues and boss and gets the job done” 22
evidence “As a result of introducing GOALS to our Gateway to Work project job applications have gone up by 200% and outcomes have gone up by 38%” Careers Scotland “Using GOALS on days 2 and 3 of our Gateway helped us get 50% of participants into work this year” Competitive Edge 24
consistent results GOALS 4YP system “Street style” guidebook CD for “spaced repetition” Certificate 30 day toolkit– GOALS in ACTION Facilitators DVD-MTV studio Train the trainer process Ongoing support Quality checks 25